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Mega Man X series: Maverick Rising - History

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It's alright. Triple posts are a necessary evil. It's good to have conversation in a thread but most of the time there's not really a need for it. Until they bring in some kind of project thread updating twitter-style thing that you can do micro-updates with, this is the best way to go. :-) Yeah, this is a filler post pretty much but I thought it'd help in case you needed to post again. Will be working on my MMX song soon. Struggling right now to invert my sleeping schedule...


So another song for the project is a take on Esperanto from Mega Man Zero 4 by melody! This song is just about ready!

The status of songs listed is somewhat misleading, as many people have assured me that a lot of these songs are almost ready & I just haven't been given WIPs for them. Things are looking very promising for the project, and we will likely be almost finished with everything in October (there may be a few people late for some reasons - DarKsidE55 broke his finger for example, which affects his guitar playing, and I still would like to have his tracks on board for the album).

The artwork and the website are also underway as well.

All in all, we are looking at everything complete by December possibly.

The album will be 4 discs, with a 5th disc as a bonus disc with some goodies. Those on the project curious about a tentative track order can head on over to the project forums. I am still in the process of tweaking the order for what would be best - it is going to take some time though, as I don't have a near complete set of tracks to make final decisions.

wait wait wait - when did songs outside of the X series start being allowed on the project?

Originally I was going to have it be a bonus track, but it fits really nicely in a particular spot on the album, so for the sake of flow I'm putting it in the regular listing.

Edit: After an IRC discussion, we're keeping this as a bonus track.

Edit #2: And DarkeSword and DragonAvenger are joining on for the X3 Ending song!


Just a lurker on this site but:

Growing up in a rural area where the only dial-up provider still had "BBS" in their name, I found a revelation in the local church. That revelation was a copy of Mega Man X that my mom bought as a raffle prize there but was rejected for some churchy reasons. At the time all I saw in the game was an awesome robot shooting even more awesome robots. Something else seemed extraordinary in the game, but I was too young to realize it was the music. Like a violent laser choir, Mega Man X preached a gospel of rock to my heathen ears and shaped my musical tastes for years to come.

Need this need this need this.

Can't wait for this album! That Blizzard Buffalo synth and guitar in the preview is like a new revelation.


I'm sorry, I really should have asked first.. It being your project and all, you might have a certain way you want the names to be. I was painfully trying to sleep and it just popped into my head and I laughed out loud. I was like, that's perfect. Especially since the keyboard elements in the song are primarily mellotrons. :-)


I'll just say that I'm not the only one who immediately thought it was obnoxious.

You have songs like Noble Creature of Snow, The Leidenfrost Effect, The 4th Coming, Sweeping the Storming Skies...and String Chamellotron. If you REALLY want to keep it, I'll begrudgingly take it with the name, but just know that it still is glaringly ridiculous.

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