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OCR01977 - Fittest "Morse's Morsecode"


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This is REALLY smooth, yet very upbeat, reminds me a lot of Castlevania: Sonata of the Damned, no huge surprise of course with the same man behind it! I basically saw Joshua Morse and was like, ok, this is going to own, and bam, it does just that.

This is my favorite style of remix, and I haven't even heard the source, speaking of which, anywhere I can hear that? I do love comparing mixes to the source, not that there's anything that could make me dislike this mix.

I really hope most people don't let the fact that this is from a game they've never heard of stop them from checking this out, this is smooth goodness to the max, and what a great story to go with it!

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  ZealPath said:
This is REALLY smooth, yet very upbeat, reminds me a lot of Castlevania: Sonata of the Damned, no huge surprise of course with the same man behind it! I basically saw Joshua Morse and was like, ok, this is going to own, and bam, it does just that.

This is my favorite style of remix, and I haven't even heard the source, speaking of which, anywhere I can hear that? I do love comparing mixes to the source, not that there's anything that could make me dislike this mix.

I really hope most people don't let the fact that this is from a game they've never heard of stop them from checking this out, this is smooth goodness to the max, and what a great story to go with it!

You can listen to the source here:

And if you want to hear the rest of the soundtrack, it's available on my site (click sig) :-)

Glad you all are enjoying this tune as much as I did. Awesome stuff JM!!

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Pretty fun, though not my fav Morse piece. All the soloing over the frantic groove is very smooth, but it lacks memorability to me.

What really stuck in my head though is the disco strings hookline. hella infectious. I would've loved to hear more variations of that in the mix.

Ah well, still a solid tune, constantly high levels on my funk-o-meter.

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  • 2 years later...

Probably my favorite Morse ReMix so far. Just love the piano intro that dives right into a nice jazzy little beat. When it comes to funky groovy ReMixes, who better than Morse? The breakdown and outro were done terrifically and the whole ReMix just ties itself up nicely.

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  • 2 years later...
  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR01977 - Fittest "Morse's Morsecode"

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