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OCR01175 - Mega Man 2 "Chillout"

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I heard this remix while listening to the OCR Ormgas radio station and was asstounded. Soon after I downloaded it and now it is on my iPod. Reallyawesome work here. It got me into trying to play the beginning on piano.

  • 3 months later...

I've mostly been exposed to some aggresive, fast-paced mixes of this particular theme. It's a nice...next to heavenly change to the whole "wily" concept. the harmony, the vocals, the guitar arrangements...just simply awesome. :D

  • 5 weeks later...

Dude, this is totally chill man. A remix of a song that is totally different to this remix. Instead of annoying megaman noises, there are a beautiful piano which is playing along with a nice guitar arrangement together with beats in the back giving the smooth feeling that this mix is all about. This is a great remix from seduction, and I Think it´s best to follow his advice: Chill out. 8)

  • 4 months later...

This song... is completely awesome. Every time I listen to this song I crank my volume up to Max on my Winamp and lose myself in the song. Thank you very much for this contribution, Joni.

  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

For some odd reason, slightly less than a minute into this piece, I can't help but feel like I want to just get up and dance and sway to it, being pushed around by the wind and the pulse of my own blood, away from others' eyes and thoughts, simply enjoying the sad energy in it. It starts about 0:55, picking up more at 1:14, then rising and falling several times as the music's intensity changes pace and focus. The slowdown just after the three minute mark is a bit of a let-down, but not entirely unwanted, as it offers its own feel and movement.

This isn't a dance piece, yet it simply makes me want to turn up the volume, kick up the bass a bit, and move. What I really feel from this piece is a "get up and dance, if only because you can" type of energy.

As for the comments about its repetition, it is, but in the way in which a glass of wine is. Though one may have several glasses of wine, spread over time or at once, it never really becomes dull or tasteless.

My only complaint is that the piece ends somewhat suddenly, in the middle of a line, as if it were cut off.

A wonderful piece, SEDUCTiON, and I hope that you return with other mixes some day.

Be Well, and Blessed Be.


i don't know if it's just me,but this would sound great wit someone singing a sad love ballad to it or somethin. makes me think of the theme from kingdom hearts.

my question is: why is it that asian girls can sing so beautifully to music like this? on a track like this, a white girl wouldn't fit cuz white girls tend to whine when they sing,a black girl wouldn't do it justice either, but u get an asian girl to sing on a track like this and Bam! i'd listen to this all the time. but that's just me. i'm lovin this track,especially the choral thing, it comes in at just the right moments. i wish i could come up wit some lyrics to this,but i don't really rap like that. anyways, good work! A Plus on this one.

peace and stay frosty!


holy sweet ****. This is amazing. It's one of the only remixes that I literally dance to (albeit I look like Elaine from Seinfeld whilst doing so). This is truly an amazing song. I love the vocals and strong piano. Probably one of the things I love most about this song is how it's in a game type that's dominated by hardcore techno beats. Since i'm not much of a techno fan, you hit the nail on the head. djpretzel was right about the change near the end, but whatever, all is forgotten. You're very talented, and it breaks my heart that you only have one vg remix here. I bow to thee.


This is one of the best pieces of music that I've ever heard. Sure, the upkey sounded a little forced, but the entire piece of music is just wonderful.

I've been playing this in my car stereo for the past 6 months, and so very often people say: "wow, what track is this; it's nice!"

More remixes please!

Rating: 9.5/10

  • 1 month later...

I love this remix! I can't get enough of the MM2 Wily theme, although I don't know why people are saying there's too many dance remixes of this theme - I've yet to hear a good dance mix aside from Sir Nuts' Tickle My Wily.

Megaman 2 Chillout is an awesome down-tempo mix - definately one of my favourite video game remixes!


  • 2 years later...

No thanks.

I don't quite know what came in at 0:37, but that derailed the mix for me. -_-;

It'd be a whole lot better if it didn't have that "weeeOOOOoo" sound.

Yeah, not my kind of mix.


gah, i really love the piano bit, especially the left hand accompaniment... How can we get the sheet of this? I really wanna play it !

I tried mailing Joni, but i think his mail is dead :cry:

come on, somebody help me! ther's gotta be a way to get the sheet!! I mean, except writing it myself, I suck way too much at this, and when the choral gets in, its impossible...

a solution: are there any good sheets of the dr wily's castle? i tried michael gluck's one, but i didn't find it incredible :-(

Please help me!


The vocals make the piece for me. After the first round of the singing, I spend the rest of the song waiting for it to return. The singing reminds me vividly of Princess Mononoke, and brings the beautiful imagery of that film to my mind. I've seen people bashing the chord change near the end, but I love it. It ramps up the intensity, and paired with the vocals that kick in, it sounds almost tragic. I love it. :-P

  • 5 months later...

Hello, It's Joni here.

It's been almost 5 years since I made this and I, again, thank you all for your comments.

In the past 5 years I've had some radical changes in my life and so the composing has been non-existant, literally. But now I've been putting my life together again and found some new inspiration for my music, so you can expect some new remixes in few months :)

To ppl asking for Megaman 2 sheet music:

I don't have the sheet music, I made this entirely by ear. I would somehow transform this song to sheet if I could, but unfortunately the .rns(Reason song file) was destroyed along with my old HDD :(


Joni Anttila aka SEDUCTiON(new alias: sedure)

  • 2 months later...

been long ti me i me an't wa t i said though but, as for Asian women singin, i actua lly mean't some thin like bjork, i am orignally fro m Nor way,trond heim. i feel like song make think of true absolute and forbidden love. kool uh? sedure, tanx fo song!

  • 2 months later...

Hey ppl...

As you already noticed, I haven't kept my promise to upload a new song in the past few months(since my last post).

The thing is I've lost my creativity. I can't create music with emotion anymore. I've done couple of songs but they just don't meet my standards, so I have not uploaded them. When I made megaman 2 chillout remix, I was 16 years old and MADLY in love and that relationship crashed as fast as it started. I would give anything for her to even listen to me nowadays. And for the "radical changes in my life", they include jail, homelessness and therapy. I've been putting my life together and I am sorry for ppl waiting for new songs. Sorry.

  • 3 months later...

There's no other song on here i've heard as many times as this one. Sounds like you've been through some really tough times though. I hope you get through it. Don't give up on your creativity. It might return when you least expect it.


Sounds like a whirlwind... at the same time it sounds like it's filled with emotions (though probably not love). Don't give up. Try to add more "colors" to your palette by drawing on your life experiences and see what you can come up with. Don't worry about anybody waiting.. it should really be all about you when it comes to what you make - when you're ready, your public will be there.

  • 2 weeks later...
  KougarLOB said:
I love the music in this track. It's amazing. Reminds me of Akumajo Belmont's "For You."

check the thread in the WIP forum to make sure but this was the inspiration for his remix, and I believe he sampled the vox here for his mix.

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