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Ahhhh I knew there was a reason you are the bass player for The OverClocked Plaid Muffins! This showcases a lot more of your skills than you presented previously, and I'm frankly very impressed. The lyrics would be angsty if your screams weren't great...which they are. The whole things is very driving, from the first hit to the last. My biggest complaint would be that it's too short, but it's nice and repeatable (it doesn't outstay it's welcome). The guitars aren't my favorite kind of distortion and there's a bit missing from the low-mid range frequency-wise (at least on my headphones and creative soundcard), however besides that production is spot-on. Crisp, cutting, and invigorating. Kickass way to get posted, dude.


Geez, it's been metal mix central here the last few weeks - awesome! Almost didn't recognize the source without that delayed arpeggio, I'm a bit surprised it didn't end up in there at all.

The instrument balance is a bit funky at times, with the hihat filling up a lot more space than I'd expect (good drum sound, though), but the synth and sweet vocals really bring it together. Hope you get some vocal parts if the Plaid Muffins are doing more songs.


High energy Heavy Metal :P

Gotta love it.

Some cool ideas here, altho nothing groundbreaking, pretty much kicks off from the word go, with an assault of distorted guitars, with some synths filling out the soundscape.

Pretty hectic and high energy all the way through, altho there are some cool breakdown ideas that give room to breath :D

Personally, i'm not sure the guitar is as tight as it could be (heh, I can talk :lol:) but i've heard worse. I think the rhythm guitars sound a little thin, and at one point about mid way through the track, the soundscape gets cluttered when you have rhythm guitars, and rhythmic synths both going at the same time.

Oh, screaming vocals... personally thats a turn off for me, I prefer stuff more melodic, personal preference tho, can't fault it. Altho, how come the vocals are only at the end of the track? I dunno they seem to fit in well enough, even tho 90% of the track is instrumental.

Basically, good, high energy, raw METUL.

Head-bang as appropriate.


I absolutely hate the vocals. The rest of the song is good but the moment he starts growling unrecognizable ear-shattering vocals in to the mic the entire song seems muddied and just.. ughh.


I'm not familiar with the source, but I dig this. love the energy, but I get a little tired of the synthy metal thing after awhile.... production-wise, this is very good and finally, I adore the screams! we should definitely have scream duet one of these days haha.


Thanks for all the feedback, guys! I appreciate it :D

I'm not familiar with the source, but I dig this. love the energy, but I get a little tired of the synthy metal thing after awhile.... production-wise, this is very good and finally, I adore the screams! we should definitely have scream duet one of these days haha.

This WILL happen. I have no idea when, but I would absolutely love to do something like that.


DJP: "Either make a vocal mix, or make an instrumental mix, but don't pepper vocal bits around sparsely."

This. Don't get me wrong, I love the vocals and the metal work around it, and it's awesome (because I seem to be one of the few that know the source) to see it worked this way. This Remix really is great all way around. I just think this sounds like half a ReMix with one music section and one vocal section. It's sounds like a solo and/or music only section could have been added after the first round of lyrics and finally end a vocal finale. But like I said, I like what IS here, and that's what counts. Great job, AMT!

PS: I'm not good at hearing out metal vocals, so what are the last two lines of the lyrics? I can make out the first two, but it's the 2nd half that I can't seem to understand.


It's good. But after the scream I think you should have slammed on the grinding guitars and heavy fast drums. This went into electronica and not metal so much. If you're gonna use a scream, go full on metal afterwards.(my opinion) Again, it's good. I like it.

At 2:15 it gets it right. Sounds like some of the nu metal bands a friend of mine really likes. Then again, I can't even mix so I should shut up. And it is intended to be a MegaMan track...guess I'm jaded.:dstrbd:

The lyrics for both the spoken part and screamed part are

I don't know what you want from me / Or why you try me constantly

Just let me go, how do I show / You're nothing but a loss to me

Thanks. :smile:


I think this is a little overcompressed most of the time, and the rhythm guitars are indeed thin. Personally, I love the screaming vocals, I just wish there'd been more of them. The arrangement feels kind of empty a lot of the time, and they fill it up quite nicely.

EDIT: Very much looking forward to a screaming contest between you and LuIza (in an OCReMix I mean). Make it happen, dude!


I'm not a fan of this kind of music at all. I am a fan of the source material, but felt that it was hardly incorporated.

That said, I actually enjoyed this track. It sounds solid and heavy and not garage band at all. Great job building up to the climax of the song. The screaming seemed right in place, and there wasn't too much of it was I could handle. I didn't care for the ending so much though, just sort of... over...

Great effort and creative twist of the source, good job overall!


Yeah, this is pretty awesome. Nice to hear a different style of shredding on OCRemix that's for sure.

I agree with the comment about the compression though. It almost seems like it's a tonal compression (possibly Multi-band) that ignores the low end and buries the palm-mutes somewhat.

Usually you don't need compression on distorted guitars since they have a natural compression from the effect.

But I mean, it's nitpicking at the end of the day, still a very solid remix.

  • 2 weeks later...

I love the source material, but I'm afraid this doesn't do it for me. I love the energy and the portions leading up to the yelling, but as soon as the yelling began I had difficulty finishing the song.

Still, though, this is definitely a good piece of work.


I was quite wary when I read djp write about "manscreams & manscreamed lyrics" in the write-up, but it turned out much better than I thought. Usually, I don't like growling/screaming, but it works quite well here. I guess that's because it's there for only a small part of the song, i.e. it doesn't overstay its welcome.

Positive surprise.

  • 2 weeks later...


The screams kinda remind me of some of the Metalcore I used to listen to... okay, I still listen to them, but not as often. I tend to be more of a melodic-centered metal person these days, however I still enjoy a good metalcore band every once in a while.

I have to agree with a previous comment that the guitars tended to lack body. Other than that, no complaints whatsoever.

Looking forward to your next mix!

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