atmuh Posted March 31, 2010 Posted March 31, 2010 As for balancing individual players, assuming a plugin supports this, we'd need consent from the players involved first. It'd kind of suck in some cases if, say, you were friends with frogg, but unable to play with him most of the time due to autobalance. im pretty sure there isnt any plugin that supports this although i believe you can use the hlstats rankings in influencing who gets balanced if you so desire (dont do it please) and i still say maps like bball turris and jump maps should be available on red as i dont see how there would be a problem with this
Black Waltz Posted March 31, 2010 Posted March 31, 2010 im pretty sure there isnt any plugin that supports this although i believe you can use the hlstats rankings in influencing who gets balanced if you so desire (dont do it please)and i still say maps like bball turris and jump maps should be available on red as i dont see how there would be a problem with this Does anyone even play on RED?
atmuh Posted March 31, 2010 Posted March 31, 2010 not really no i mean there are occasions that a small group will join it but it rarely lasts more than 20 minutes or so
pavlvs Posted March 31, 2010 Posted March 31, 2010 It'd kind of suck in some cases if, say, you were friends with frogg, but unable to play with him most of the time Yes, yes it would indeed suck if you were not able to play with your good friends most of the time for some arbitrary reason.
Necro Posted March 31, 2010 Posted March 31, 2010 I think balancing based on players would quickly become a nightmare. There are certain players that are better than most but they are only better with some classes. If several good people are all on the same team but playing as their non-standard class then teams don't feel unbalanced. That's the problem that this kind of idea would run into. Just listing off some of the people that are good in the server and the classes they favor. Frogg: Heavy, Engineer Miyako: Demoman Pav: Sniper, Demoman Stinger: Scout, Sniper Seldon: Soldier Ubel: Soldier Vahn: Soldier !!: Spy Scythe Messiah (GUN!): Demoman Lumpy: Sniper Stag (Ride the Beard): Soldier Paranoid: Spy, Medic Chives: Pyro Hish: Scout, Sniper Maniac: Pyro Fireslash: Soldier Mrflea: Spy, Demoman Chili: Spy Brushfire: Pyro Bark: Medic Necro: Scout, Medic This is just a small list with a lot of holes in it. Balancing by player would have to account for too many variables to truly be effective. If I think that teams are unbalanced or stacked and that it will affect the game outcome, I generally vote with a scramble. It is just hard work to make sure teams are balanced with the number of players and skill levels that the server gets.
Ubel Feuer Posted March 31, 2010 Posted March 31, 2010 Are we saying that it's not possible or that we are too lazy to write the code. As far as maintaining the list or coming up with one I'm willing to put some effort in here if it means I don't have to deal with horrible autos anymore. And I should be Engy btw. =) Also I should explain something. This list isn't the "oh we're better than you list," this list would exist so the people that aren't on it can actually get some team work going and improve at the game. You can't do this if you're getting rolled every round, and despite the name of this game, it is more often one or two players that determine the outcome than the whole team.
RussellChamp Posted April 1, 2010 Posted April 1, 2010 Just listing off some of the people that are good in the server and the classes they favor. :snip: Awww... I don't get to be on the list? I'm now at least in the top 100. I've been lurking on the forum for quite a while and I have to say that I approve of custom maps and nifty server plugins. School has just been very hectic for the past few weeks so I haven't been able to play for a while. T.T -Krowbar
atmuh Posted April 1, 2010 Posted April 1, 2010 hey necro ive been playing a lot of scout lately and im having trouble with 2 classes medic and soldier medics i cant hit at ALL and i have no idea why and it drives me NUTS and soldiers i can do a decent amount of damage to but i can rarely take em out unless i run up behind them when theyve got no idea im there what do i do????? and calm it down krowbar it was just a quick example as he said
Kiyobi Posted April 1, 2010 Posted April 1, 2010 Solike. Recent events gave me another custom achievement idea. Undeniably Pro: As a Pyro, destroy a Level 3 Sentry Gun with your Flamethrower, without being under the effects of an Ubercharge. Chyeah, I circlestrafed a L3 sentry. also *does the happy birthday dance*
Clefairy Posted April 1, 2010 Posted April 1, 2010 Anyone know a decent recipe for Moonstone casserole? Soup? Braised ribs with Moonstone sauce? Help me out here, I'm gonna be drowning in these things by the end of the day. Thanks guys.
Chili Con Carnage Posted April 1, 2010 Posted April 1, 2010 For something completely different, I present this: Check out its last combat tactics video. I can't wait to play one.
Necro Posted April 1, 2010 Posted April 1, 2010 Awww... I don't get to be on the list?-Krowbar I basically just sampled the list from the top 20 people in Hlstatsx. hey necro ive been playing a lot of scout lately and im having trouble with 2 classesmedic and soldier medics i cant hit at ALL and i have no idea why and it drives me NUTS and soldiers i can do a decent amount of damage to but i can rarely take em out unless i run up behind them when theyve got no idea im there what do i do????? Honestly I still have trouble with soldiers. You know all the basics so that biggest tip I can give it to make sure the medic never is not taking damage. Obviously the key is to flank the medic and quickly kill them but this is not always possible. If their pocket is actively defending them use the pistol to pick off the medic. The key is to make sure they can use their regeneration. This is why you need to keep constant pressure. I like to lead in with a scatter gun shot to the back and finish off by retreating while placing a few more shots. At mid to long range they can be finished with a pistol. I find that medics are easier to hit once they actively start dodging me because they often try to fight. Jump in a corkscrew motion to make sure you avoid needles. As far as soldiers go the scout is mostly at a disadvantage. You are out damaged at all but long range so killing soldiers comes down to a war of attrition. The goal is to make them use all 4 rockets so that you can engage them at mid and short range. Once you get in a solid shot don't feel bad retreating. The pistol is their so that you can finish them. Honestly, soldiers are always hard to beat because they have no inherit weakness. You should ask Stinger for some tips. He is generally better with the scattergun and he plays leagues so he should know how to deal with soldiers. On a final note, very nice job on the site Fireslash. Happy April Fools Day.
Meeting_Gman Posted April 1, 2010 Posted April 1, 2010 Why do we need lists and scripts for things? Why can't people just SEE that they are imbalancing the teams and just make a conscious decision to move to the other side? I know that sometimes the teams are full and you can't switch sides, in that case, you could simply talk with everyone on the server and come to a resolution. I've seen it done before, problem is, most people just sit on a team that completely steam rolls another because they are getting easy points, easy kills, easy win. As far as "Well my buddy is on this team!" You can still be friends with someone and play on the opposite side! As for map rotation constantly changing, just play. I get tired of maps too, but I just play them, they are over soon enough.
WindStrike Posted April 1, 2010 Posted April 1, 2010 I typically switch teams in the case it looks like my team is rolling or close to it. Yeah, I used to get called out for teamswitching too much, but... I don't think enough people intentionally teamswitch anymore to the losing team. I personally think it's funner on the challenging side (losing team)... unless it's a complete roll.
chivesontheweb Posted April 1, 2010 Posted April 1, 2010 As far as soldiers go the scout is mostly at a disadvantage. You are out damaged at all but long range so killing soldiers comes down to a war of attrition. The goal is to make them use all 4 rockets so that you can engage them at mid and short range. Once you get in a solid shot don't feel bad retreating. The pistol is their so that you can finish them. Honestly, soldiers are always hard to beat because they have no inherit weakness. I'm also trying to get better with Scout and I find myself running into problems with Soldiers as well. I think it usually boils down to me being too aggressive when I need to back off, or just bad luck. Also have trouble running out of Scattergun shots, so I probably need to time my shots better and make each one count. Heh, guess I'll just get better at this stuff in time. I tend to stop playing Scout when the situation becomes disadvantageous and I could do better as another class. Maybe I need to do a Scout only weekend or week or something to give me a chance to really shape myself up.
atmuh Posted April 1, 2010 Posted April 1, 2010 I tend to stop playing Scout when the situation becomes disadvantageous and I could do better as another class. yeah dont do that or you wont get better
ParanoidDrone Posted April 1, 2010 Posted April 1, 2010 Heh, guess I'll just get better at this stuff in time. I tend to stop playing Scout when the situation becomes disadvantageous and I could do better as another class. Maybe I need to do a Scout only weekend or week or something to give me a chance to really shape myself up. It's what I did to get better at Spy when I was starting out. Go for it.
Powerlord Posted April 2, 2010 Posted April 2, 2010 In before Powerlord's no override.On-topic, I'd play some Follower. Always nice to see customs come back. Sorry, OCR's forum decided it wasn't going to email me that there were new replies, so my NO is several days late. Anyway, now that I've caught up with 5 pages of posts. Re: changing teams. I'll sometimes change teams when my team is steamrolling the other team. Sometimes, I'll just switch to classes I suck at (Demoman or Heavy). Oh, and if it wasn't obvious, on Goldrush/Dustbowl and 5cp symmetric maps (i.e. not steel), I force a scramble at the end of the final round when there's a 5+ point difference. I'll start a scramble vote on 5cp maps and badwater when there's a 3 point difference (after both badwater rounds). This is regardless of which team I'm on. Overall, I'd love to see less Dustbowl/Goldrush and more Gravelpit (and maybe even... Junction).
Necro Posted April 2, 2010 Posted April 2, 2010 I'm also trying to get better with Scout and I find myself running into problems with Soldiers as well. I think it usually boils down to me being too aggressive when I need to back off, or just bad luck. Also have trouble running out of Scattergun shots, so I probably need to time my shots better and make each one count. Yep, Soldiers win in straight up combat. Never feel bad about retreating. Just make sure you don't turn your back to them. If you fall back steal some health or ammo to add insult to injury. Sometimes the best way to beat the heavier classes is to out think them. Try and make them run out of loaded ammo. Pick off their health little by little. Force them to deal with you every few seconds. Annoyance is a strategy. As far as running out of scatter shots, I like to take three shots and take cover. Constant combat doesn't have this benefit in which case you can switch to your pistol. It reloads faster and has a higher dps. The downside is that is lacks the spike damage of the scatter. Also try adjusting your hardware to work better. A lot of people say that you should turn off mouse acceleration to improve your aim.
Darlos9D Posted April 2, 2010 Posted April 2, 2010 I don't know if this has been posted already or not. Incredible.
Mrs. Bark Posted April 2, 2010 Posted April 2, 2010 I don't know if this has been posted already or not. Incredible. That is great.
chivesontheweb Posted April 2, 2010 Posted April 2, 2010 Yep, Soldiers win in straight up combat. Never feel bad about retreating. Just make sure you don't turn your back to them. If you fall back steal some health or ammo to add insult to injury. Sometimes the best way to beat the heavier classes is to out think them. Try and make them run out of loaded ammo. Pick off their health little by little. Force them to deal with you every few seconds. Annoyance is a strategy. As far as running out of scatter shots, I like to take three shots and take cover. Constant combat doesn't have this benefit in which case you can switch to your pistol. It reloads faster and has a higher dps. The downside is that is lacks the spike damage of the scatter.Also try adjusting your hardware to work better. A lot of people say that you should turn off mouse acceleration to improve your aim. Actually, I just got done turning off all mouse acceleration in the Windows Registry stuff yesterday. I'm still getting used to the new feeling and getting a new in-game sensitivity locked down. I have school stuff to attend to, but after that I'll probably go all Scout for a while. Even when we're play Dustbowl and Gold Rush...
Kiyobi Posted April 2, 2010 Posted April 2, 2010 I don't know if this has been posted already or not. Incredible. Oh my god that is so epic I almost came.
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