Sir Prize Posted August 4, 2011 Posted August 4, 2011 I am also intrigued by thoughts of Pip-Boys. Now we just need to find out how to obtain it. And hope they weren't fibbing and come out with that second Misc slot soon. There's too much fun stuff to wear and not enough spots to wear them with.
Bleck Posted August 4, 2011 Posted August 4, 2011 oh goody another engineer item that doesn't actually do anything
Brushfire Posted August 4, 2011 Posted August 4, 2011 •Pip-Boy 1950 •"Using modern super-deluxe resolution graphics!" •Engineer misc •Fallout promo •Replaces build menu with Pip-Boy interface
Aeronaut Posted August 4, 2011 Posted August 4, 2011 •Pip-Boy 1950 •"Using modern super-deluxe resolution graphics!" •Engineer misc •Fallout promo •Replaces build menu with Pip-Boy interface "Engineer": HOLY- "Misc": Interest lost.
Dhsu Posted August 4, 2011 Posted August 4, 2011 •replaces build menu with pip-boy interface Hnnnggghhhh
Powerlord Posted August 5, 2011 Posted August 5, 2011 Steam is acting up tonight. I'm not sure how this will affect TF2 servers. The last time Steam acted up, it randomly kicked 1/2 the people on our server with "No Steam Connection" or some other ridiculous excuse and wouldn't let people rejoin our server until the server changed levels.
Cinderwild Posted August 5, 2011 Posted August 5, 2011 Free weekend on Brink. Is it even worth checking out?
Brushfire Posted August 5, 2011 Posted August 5, 2011 Free weekend on Brink. Is it even worth checking out? NOPE.avi Trrbl game.
Clefairy Posted August 5, 2011 Posted August 5, 2011 Free weekend on Brink. Is it even worth checking out? Because any class can use any gun, it feels a bit more homogenous than TF2. But I feel it pushes the team aspect a lot harder; shooting mans is all well and good, and you'll certainly need to do it quite a bit to complete the objective, but to really excel you will need to rely on your teammates and their buffs. If you like A/D maps more than the other modes, but wish they had a bit more depth/complexity, I'd give it a whirl.
Brycepops Posted August 5, 2011 Posted August 5, 2011 The new items are: A new Rocket Launcher named "The Original." Likely a reskin of the regular rocket launcher, as it has no description. I had originally guessed it was the Quake RL, and that's exactly what it is.
DarkeSword Posted August 5, 2011 Posted August 5, 2011 The Original is kind of weird. The view model sits dead center (as it should), but the rockets randomly fire from different sides of the screen. I'm used to rockets coming from the right side. Cool sounds though.
Brushfire Posted August 5, 2011 Posted August 5, 2011 Jimmy says that TO is better for direct-shooting a target as you don't have to compensate to the right or left depending on your viewmodel, but is harder to corner creep a sentry gun with.
DarkeSword Posted August 5, 2011 Posted August 5, 2011 Yeah. I'm not saying it's bad, I'm just saying it feels weird for something that is seemingly just a model-swap for the regular rocket launcher.
phill Posted August 6, 2011 Posted August 6, 2011 Might be a stretch, but does anyone know where I can pick up the tf2 weapon models. Been trying to decompile them myself for a couple of days now but the recommended decompiler, StudioCompiler, fails to produce anything usable. It either crashes outright, or produces an smd with nothing more then a diamond in it.
Powerlord Posted August 6, 2011 Posted August 6, 2011 Between my roommate and FedEx, my new computer didn't get delivered today as planned. My roommate because he said he'd be here until noon, yet had left for the weekend already when FedEx stopped by to drop off my computer at 11:15am, and FedEx for not being like UPS and saying "you can pick up the package at Blah after X o'clock." (I arrived home at just past noon). So, despite asking FedEx to keep the package at their local depot and I'd pick it up, it never got transferred there today. And knowing FedEx, it won't be now until Monday.
Powerlord Posted August 7, 2011 Posted August 7, 2011 Replays have been reenabled. Let me know if you see any server crashes. A lot of people want to know what's going to happen with reserve slots. I was thinking of opening them up to our regular players. In fact, I may just go in and add people I know that play a lot on our server (but my memory isn't perfect, so...). Other than that, people will need to request reserve slots from me rather than FireSlash.
Powerlord Posted August 7, 2011 Posted August 7, 2011 I've added a number of new reserved slots to the people who play on our servers the most. Specifically, those in the top 50 by connection time who didn't already have one, except phill. The 28 new reserved slot holders are (in alphabetical order): !! Aeronaut AfroNick Arrowshot Biohazard Bizbiz Cinderwild Dr. Jones Frosty Bites Gamemaster Gary Coleman's Ghost Hazardous Sentient Ice Being HoopyFrood ivelchild JGshogun (although this one almost wasn't added because he hasn't been on in a few weeks) Kenogu Labz NDUDE Obstacle phill (I lied earlier) presh RocketSniper Shrub Sir Prize Spider Top Gun Wertilq Yosimite Zilac To use a reserved slot, when the server is full, pull up the developer console (bound to ` next to 1 in the upper-left corner on US keyboards) and type connect or connect depending on which server you're connecting to. If your reserved slot isn't working, let me know. I did a bunch of reorganization of reserved slots so I can locate people easier. I don't *think* I removed any, but I can't tell just by looking. I also could have made typos when entering new data. I already found a mistake with presh's and corrected it.
Mrs. Bark Posted August 7, 2011 Posted August 7, 2011 I find the connection situation is a catch-22. I would play more often, except quite often I cannot get on the server because it's full. The people who consistently can connect to the server, to be in the top 50 in connection time, now can get on...more consistently. Just saying.
Powerlord Posted August 7, 2011 Posted August 7, 2011 I find the connection situation is a catch-22. I would play more often, except quite often I cannot get on the server because it's full. The people who consistently can connect to the server, to be in the top 50 in connection time, now can get on...more consistently.Just saying. I considered that, but it's also not the only way to get a reserved slot.. it's more of a convenience to me to just add our most active players, since it's easier to add people in bulk than one at a time. They are also people who invite other people to the server. People can also request one directly from me... assuming they know me. P.S. I'm also interpreting this post as a request for a reserved slot. P.P.S. Which I've now added.
Native Jovian Posted August 7, 2011 Posted August 7, 2011 That poor engy... Also, I'll totally take a reserved slot if they're being handed out. I always seem to find the server either completely empty or completely full, so either there's no point in joining or I can't.
Mrs. Bark Posted August 7, 2011 Posted August 7, 2011 I considered that, but it's also not the only way to get a reserved slot.. it's more of a convenience to me to just add our most active players, since it's easier to add people in bulk than one at a time. They are also people who invite other people to the server. People can also request one directly from me... assuming they know me.P.S. I'm also interpreting this post as a request for a reserved slot. P.P.S. Which I've now added. It wasn't really a request - more a commentary on the logic of the situation, but thank you. I do appreciate it. I like to play when Bark is on - it's been frustrating to have to sit and watch him play without being able to connect myself. I also realize that connection time is affected by time zone, as well; OCR tends to fill up fast between 8 and 9 EST, drops off between 10:30 and 11:30, and then gets a second wave at 12 AM Est/ 8-9 PM PST. It is easier to connect later at night.
Kenogu Labz Posted August 7, 2011 Posted August 7, 2011 Heh, thanks for the slot! I'll be sure to put it to good use. I'll try and send in a donation to pick up the slack. JGShogun's been out a computer for the last few weeks, but his new one's coming in soon, and he'll be back in action within a couple weeks. I'll be sure to let him know about it.
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