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That man could play the keys off of a piano. I've been listening to a lot of his tracks lately... so amazing, so talented. He was multi-talented at so many different things... still a tragic loss to this day.

His song with pixietricks off of Chrono Symphonic is probably my favorite. Chrono Trigger bias aside, it's emotional and beautiful.

  • 2 months later...

Yeah, I was really shocked when I heard the news a few weeks after it happened. I used to visit his site a lot. I think they've taken down a lot of the music now, sadly. It was pretty incredible stuff. Hard to listen to it now, without feeling bad. Especially the one where his sister sings with him.


I can't believe it. I haven't come across a lot of his work but I absolutely loved "Ascension to Cosmo Canyon". And I listened to Medley from Naruto on loop for hours as I tried to finish my English papers before the end of the school semester last spring. It was great calming music that kept me focused while the pressure kept piling up. Those songs were amazing and this is a sad loss because I know he would've done more.

  • 2 months later...

When I first listened to Reuben's music in 2004 (or maybe 2005?) I found that I actually forgot to breathe. His music was quite literally breathtaking for me. Such a wonderful talent that is no longer in this world.

@Liontamer: Reuben's web site is still up, but his music is no longer available. You can purchase the "To Speak" soundtrack on CD, but all of the links in the music section of his site are now inactive. I haven't been able to find anything other than the remixes here and a few scattered over some forums. Does anyone have Reuben's entire collection? I really miss his music and I would like to download it all again if I could.

R.I.P. Reuben. You were a hidden gem, glowing brightly in the depths of an electronic ocean of melody and song.


I love Reuben's music. Assention to cosmo canyon is a true work of art. I dont know if many of you have heard his Lifestream Overture. Look it up if you havent, its really great. I actually used a part of it in an FF7 audiobook with a dedication to Reuben at the end.


I just wish i got to know him. When I read about him here or the mugen community, his talent and generosity always shine through.

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