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Castlevania 2 'Bloody Hell'

Holy crapamoli. Kaijin + Ailsean = Amazing. Two excellent mixers at work here, making one of the best guitar mixes on the site. Classic rock style makes this a truly great mix for me as I absolutely love a good electric guitar thrashing. I don't know who did exactly what in this mix, but regardless of that, the two mixers here did some splendid work and and it definitely doesn't disappoint. Recommended.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Rocks the fucking house does this song. Two great mixers jamming a great song. What else could you want? Download now.

  • 2 weeks later...

I love the song redo. I hope they respond and tell us how they did it. I think they used a REAL guitar. There is no way they could have made those guitar riffs using a keyboard synthisizer. Heck no. I think its one of the best thus far. Next to say "Sonic 3 IceCapped"-By McVaffe. This song though never sounded better.


I wrote the original mix, including the drumline and whatnot. Sent it on over to Ailsean, who recorded the guitars (inspired by Billy Idol) and mixed it even further, then we worked together on producing the track. The harmonized guitar solo (inspired by Pata of X-japan) was more my idea and the awesome phaser was his. I recall him saying that his hands were bleeding from trying to record that solo. Yes, the guitar work was done live. I'm honestly glad that everyone seems to like it. It's some of our finest work.


Thank you for responding. It has to be one of the best songs on this site. Its an unbelievable remix. Are you planning on making more like it?? I mean that sounded like ti took alot of work and time. Do you have a CD?? If not...you should you should try and get job in the music industry.

Thank you for responding. It has to be one of the best songs on this site. Its an unbelievable remix. Are you planning on making more like it?? I mean that sounded like ti took alot of work and time. Do you have a CD?? If not...you should you should try and get job in the music industry.

To be honest, I don't have a cd out. I am, however, working with EgM Studios www.gamemusic.ca and OneUp studios on a project or two. I'm also looking into a job in the industry, hopefully with producing.

  • 5 months later...

Rock on! Yet another excellent rock remix of a Castlevania song. Is it just me, or does most Castlevania sound best when done in a gothic rock style (Rize-Rude Awakening Remix, Dracula Battle)? "Heavy-metal" is the operative word here, folks. Ailsean does an excellent job on guitar, and the fairly high pitched organ style synth is excellent and compliments the guiatar, and vice versa. (Kaijin pretty much did everything outside of the guitars). The guitar solo at 1:22 is crazy, and the synth sound starting at around 2:05 is incredible. All in all an excelent remix by two talented people. Download it as soon as you possibly can. You'll be happy you've done so.


Mmm...massive metallic tasting bloody tears...where can you go wrong? I have a friend who is a die hard fan of Castlevania, and he nearly wet himself when I played this song (Bloody Tears happens to be one of his favorite CV tunes ever)

This mix kicks some serious ass. Satisfactory Job! Nice Work!

  • 4 weeks later...

This is a union of two masters, and it shows. Combining ambient and sweeping elements with just the damn guitar blazing away, Ailsean and Kaijin kick this old melody all over the place. I've heard Ailsean's stuff in the past, mostly of the site formerly known as VGMix, but I hadn't heard of Kaijin until I checked out his Terra mix from FF6, and realized in one instant, "hey, this guy kicks ass". My one suggestion would be the blast the opening guitar solo a bit more, but then again what do I know -- they're the virtuosos. Nice work by both artists.

  • 1 month later...

Nice. Very nice.

A well blended mix of ambient background synths with a driving lead guitar that is wonderfully played... all while the gothic background of the series stays lurking behind it all so that it can poke it's head out from time to time (like during the end of the song with the chorus).

Well done guys. Konami would be proud :nicework:

  • 7 months later...
  • 1 month later...

I had this one around in the drive for a while, though I'm quite behind on reviews this one desevres to get some words! I really like this one. Bloody Tears is just oe of those tracks that you like instantly. I don't get much rock in my life. but can recognize when something is just plain good. Gets my vote for a must-have!

  • 4 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

What I need for this post is a englishman saying something along the lines of "Bloody hell, this mix is outstanding!" Because it just wouldn't feel complete without that horrible pun.

Anyway. This mix, which I've had for quite a while now (I'm lazy), is easily in my top 10, if not my top 3. Awesome guitar work by Ailsean here, and it'd feel empty without Kaijin's work on the mix itself. I enjoy this one more than RiverCityRammstein - which is saying a lot, in my case.

You two gotta get together again for another mix.

  • 1 month later...

I can't believe how much good music I have found at ocremix.org and in my opinion this is one of those remixes which can be considered as Good Music. I loved this music when I was playing Castlevania 2 in NES so naturally it was a positive shock to find this remix. Great job!

One of my favorites, of course. 8)


Wow, this does rock, I can't believe Kaijin finds this to be his worst remix evar. (Check out the user reviews for Terra Black Crystal to see exactly what he said.) Anyway, sorry to hear the creator doesn't like it, but I'm diggin' it. Thanks Alisean and Kaijin!


My first impression of this track was, When did Joe Satriani start doing remixes? I haven't heard slashing like that since the G3 tour! The guitar work in this remix is unbelievable, and if that's all there was then this would still be one of the best remixes of all time.

To complement the excellent ax grinding is a perfectly arranged synth layer, which ties the wild guitar riffs in with the tight, solid drum beat into one complete package.

I wasn't familiar with the original track before this, but going back and comparing the two you can really see how much extra work went into this. Some live instrument tracks tend to follow the original pretty closely. These guys kidnapped this melody, kicked it's ass, gave it a mohawk and tatoos, and now proudly displays it up as a challenge to any who would doubt it's coolness.

So how does it rank? Top five? Top two? Wingless's bubbleman remix "Teardrinker" and Vigilante's sweet ode to Super Metroid in "Zebesian Midnight" were alternating 1 and 2 depending on my mood. This is now definately 1A.

  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

To make a terrible pun on the title of the mix: Hella' good. That said, It sounded really good. I'm not sure really how much I liked the melody line, but... These guys could remix "Pop goes the weasel" in this style and still have it sound awesome. Nice job, guys.

  • 1 month later...

Ailsean, you are Lord of the Guitar! And Kaijin is also among my top remixers now. Besides Terra in Black, this would have to be my favorite remix EVER! I added this to my Castlevania Remix CD. (yes, all of the tracks are cv remixes)

Well done, Ailean and Kaijin!

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