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For me, I think generally in the past it was always the music that kept me involved in a game...if a game didn't have good music, it didn't seem to be worth playing...the first game that caught my eye soundtrack wise would be Super Mario Bros. 3, which was also the first game I ever played...later on, it would be the Megaman X series, and the Donkey Kong Country games that would keep me intrigued...followed by Crash Bandicoot for the playstation...to this day I still find my self wowed by how good music was even in the old days.


Pokemon Yellow's music, particularly Route 1, actually had me paying attention to it. Before that, I didn't think video game music was 'real' music. Not the most majestic example to break that stereotype but hey, at least I did it early.

Around the same time I started enjoying Music-3 from Tetris.

Thank you! Finally! It's like nobody outside my family knew that existed. All five of us played Tetris, and none of us ever listened to anything else – it was either that or complete silence. It took me ages to find it online, like everyone had forgotten about it or something.

Wait - actually, the overworld music from Zelda 2 really got my attention. Shucks, I just love that game all-around.

I preferred the cave music. It gripped me and wouldn't let go, which was good because I had a hellacious amount of trouble with those cave bats.

As for entire soundtracks, probably the earliest one I noticed I liked was Super Mario Brothers 3. The first one I recall that I loved was that of the first Spyro the Dragon game. I think it was with that game that I finally started realizing how important the music was to the enjoyment of a game.



For me, it was the various Sonic the hedgehog games I had on PC. Sonic 3 and Knuckles collection, Sonic CD, and Sonic 3D Blast. CD and 3D Blast had real audio too, so I'd listen to them in my cd player and to fall asleep to. But those soundtracks were slightly different than the genesis ones, so all the real songs sound strange to me, and the PC ones sound better, imo.

Secret of Mana for the SNES. For years after my mom sold my system and games, I'd still recall playing it and listening to the awesome soundtrack. The Ice Country theme stands out the most in my mind, it was so perfectly fitting for the area.

Acctually, that theme was my awakening to the importance of music in videogames. I'm playing at a friend's home, her Mom says something, he mutes the TV to listen and I'm like "What the...".


Reading alot of these it just makes me think back to my love of game music ingeneral. Though Mystic Quest started my love for music games I hadn't played for years beforehand still stick in my mind.. Whether it be Tetris as mentioned, or even Yoshi back on the NES.. the songs never really left my mind and they come back now and then giving an "Oh right I miss that" feeling.


Playing FFV on zsnes, the Clash on the Big Bridge was sheer epic. Even more so when you hear that theme the second time, when the ship/sub fleet gets attacked. They timed it out so that you get knocked awake belowdecks when the music starts, and right when you reach the deck of the ship and see Gilgamesh standing there laughing, the main guitar riff kicks in and the asskicking starts!


The first one I was drawn to is a bit of a tough one. There were many games whose soundtracks I really liked from the beginning, going back to NES (Zelda, Mega Man 2, Metal Storm), SNES (Super Mario World, Donkey Kong Country), Genesis (all Sonic games), etc.

The first time I really started focusing on game soundtracks was probably when I first started focusing on RPGs. Vay was my first major RPG, and once I heard the soundtrack to Lunar: The Silver Star I was hooked. So... probably Lunar deserves the honor there. KF


Hard to really pinpoint but the first soundtrack I had to get was FF6 (FF3 US) It cost me nearly 80$ back then to get from Japan(I was a kid at the time so 80 bucks wasn't easy to collect). Then came Chrono Triger and the hardest to find at the time, oddly... Secret of mana.

though I recall humming alot of the game songs from Sonic 1, 2 and 3.

Now as for first Remixed video game soundtrack.. it be you guys, from when I found OCR in 2002. thanks to all of you that put your hearts into these game remixes so that we can enjoy and love them, all over again.

My heart goes out to all game music artists and remixers ~<3


I gamed early and often, but (and this sounds like an odd choice compared to everyone else's answers so far) I think it was ToeJam and Earl that really made video game music just click with me. That game is the entire reason I both started playing saxophone in 6th grade and joined my school's jazz band in 10th.


NES had a passing musical influence, Gameboy as well since I never owned one. SNES was and is still my favourite since it was my first.

Super Mario World, the first game I got was good and had great tracks, but the soundtrack was moderately dismissible for me at the time given it's showy nature.

Now that I stop and think about it, there was a definitive track for me which turned the medium into something profound and reflective. From my second game, mario paint, it was the optional bgm track

The composers took a risk here; they included a track that was clearly intended to both inspire creativity and pensiveness, and with a genre most kids wouldn't relate to in the slightest. For those of us who actually did listen to the track, you had to stop and actually think about a few things.

It wasn't until this moment that certain soundtracks received tape cassette recordings or certain menu-themes/map-screens were intentionally left without input so I could listen indefinitely.

The Legend of Zelda (NES). The game had me at the

This was the most unnecessary link ever posted on ocr. :tomatoface:

This was the most unnecessary link ever posted on ocr. :tomatoface:

Most people already know the smell of fresh-cut grass, but sometimes it's still nice to whiff it once in a while.

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