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OCR02072 - Diddy Kong Racing "Shiva Nataraja"


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Great to see DKR getting coverage. I laughed at the "who-who's" thrown in there. :<

But in all seriousness, this is one slamming mix. Everything composition wise is super tight- didn't get bored for a second. Heck of an intro too- it definitely hooked me into the mix. I suppose there are issues with production to be picked at, but in my opinion they don't drag Guifrog's mix down. This is creative, inspired, and downright good stuff. Very much looking forward to more!

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ok. first reaction:

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

I love this OST, I love this song, and I love this remix. fun side-note, the very vast majority of the samples/soundfonts you're using throughout the track have a very special place in my heart-- from when I was first starting out here-- and are present in (almost) all of my remixes somewhere or another :D I personally have darkesword to thank for that

however, fortunately, that's where the similarities end. :P your creativity and inspiration in part-writing are clearly far more unique and focused, and listening to you kick my ass doesn't get boring for a single second. I LOVE the reference to the main theme shortly after the awesome fake ending, I love the panning on the percussion, and I love the balance of levels all throughout the mix.

my only complaint is that the reverb doesn't decay nearly fast enough for my taste, kind of muddies up the whole thing for me, I feel like it would be so punchy with a little more open space... but it certainly hasn't kept me from playing this song on loop. essentially the soundscape/source tune you chose for this mix has given me a severe double-dose of nostalgia that has me completely enchanted ^_^

I very anxiously await your upcoming works


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Damn, been waiting so much for a DKR-song and to my deepest disappointment it's one of the worst songs in the game... No offence to the artist of course, I'm sure you're a nice guy and even a really good artist, but yeah, I'm just that disappointed.

Look at the time I regged to this site and how many posts I've made since, that's how sincere my disappointment is...

DKR, be damned.

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Hey guys, thank you soooo much for the feedback! I'm soooo glad this could make it! =D

Actually I'm not a pro, but I study music by trying to keep an eye on everything that the judges say on approved and rejected mixes, so the ears should also get better. I also like doing some music research, but, indeed, the experience of listening to many different kinds of song since childhood helps a bit.

And I thought I'd let you guys know, there's more DKR to come from me! ;)

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Nice mix, I like the variety in the percussion and the thought you gave to the song's structure. I would like to hear more varied articulation, especially in the lead marimba, which sounds a bit robotic to me, as well as more dynamic contrast overall. For instance, you could start Shiva's dance (a brilliant idea, by the way) a little quieter and thereby have more room to build.

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Ooh la la.

I'm in love with this mix. I get the same chills as when I first heard Jespyr Kid's ACII soundtrack - that blend of ethnic instrumentation with modern instruments, construction, and presentation is absolutely fantastic.

And might I add: I always loved DKR, more than mario Kart just for the OST. And the hover boat racers. Those were great fun.

Dude, keep at it! I hope you stick with your craft, get better with time, because in a little while you will be one of the big heavy hitters on this site. I for one am excited to see what comes next!

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I'm not familiar with the source music, but I must say that this piece is absolutely delightful. A solid, well-done mix! It fills me with the urge to boogie. The style is a lot fun, and the energy is infectious. Thank you very much for this ReMix.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Freaking awesome. This is easily one of my favourite remixes already. The source is my favourite tune from the game and you've just really made it your own. I applaud originality over most other aspects so absolute props here. Just the idea of mixing different "world" music with electronica tickles me in just the right way.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I own the game and played it a lot back then, but I don't actually remember the source. However, it is pretty good and so is this remix.

It doesn't exactly turn the original upside-down, but it has plenty of new, creative ideas that make it sound fresh and interpretative. I absolutely love the percussion work, and the accordion fills, but there are many other small touches that you may not even notice the first time you hear it. Impressive stuff.

This is already one of my favorite pieces of music from this site. Please post more, okay?

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The source was always a foot-tapper for me as a kid... well, until it turned to mad stomping because I found DKR so difficult :P Anyway, I loved this arrangement... so powerful and driving with so much great percussion backing it up. This is my first comment on a Remix, by the way. There's some games I always have to say something about and DKR is one of them.

I would love for you to try Hot Top Volcano next.. eh? It's an ethnic-y track too :)

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  • 3 months later...

If you guys like this, you should hear what Guifrog's been churning out with his improved production setup ;-) It's gonna blow your minds.

That said, this is still a very appropriate take on DKR's source material that plays it safe but still finds ways to keep things interesting (percussion soloing in the middle is definitely a highlight.) Good on you for giving this soundtrack some love :-)

I love Guifrog's approach to remixing, tackling music from different ethnic regions one by one, I'm really looking forward to more from him.

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