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So I suppose I'm alone in feeling that Vigilante's lyrics were too creepy to listen to more than once? And that it would be completely unreasonable of me to so much as hope for a voiceless version of that mix?

"Funky Monkey Love" is just another one of those remixes on Kong in Concert that encourages you to think outside the box! Have you never thought of how Donkey Kong would express his feelings for Candy Kong? Well then wonder no longer! Vigilante has given you the fans the insight into Donkey Kong's love life that even Rare's development team was reluctant to provide!

Scrap the lyrics?!? Hell naw!!! Now you get Funky's brain-numbingly good rhymes in BOLD CAPS!!!!!









Registered only to chime in and say how a great job you did. Talent, various moods and styles yet "something" that ties the whole... Congrats ! :)

FWIW, I specially love

Unknown - Rest and (Re)spite on a Soft Summer Night (Cranky's Theme)

Vigilante - Beneath the Surface (Aquatic Ambiance)

Vigilante - Funky Monkey Love (Candy's Love Song)

Sadorf, Sir NutS - Echoes (Life in the Mines)

BTW - this has nothing to do with any love or not for DKC - never heard of this game before, but I consider giving it a try now. :)


P.S.: your project wade me discover all the stuff (community, tools, creations...) around game music remixes... I'm impressed !

BTW - this has nothing to do with any love or not for DKC - never heard of this game before, but I consider giving it a try now. :)


P.S.: your project wade me discover all the stuff (community, tools, creations...) around game music remixes... I'm impressed !

Oh! That is/was a big loss for you. So it's on time you get the game to know. DK is my lifestyle, I own all Rareware's DK games and also many others including Donkey Kong. I love game music too, especially DK-mixes, Duke Nukem-series, Shadow Warrior and original Jazz Jackrabbit modules from the series.


That would be because it's played ragtime style.

There's playing ragtime and then there's stumbling over the keys or dragging (again, I only nit this one particular instance past one second, it's only one missed note, really, the rest is done superbly).

I dragged at the beginning and then sped up because I felt that it fit the spirit of a pirate drinking song. ^_^


So I suppose I'm alone in feeling that Vigilante's lyrics were too creepy to listen to more than once? And that it would be completely unreasonable of me to so much as hope for a voiceless version of that mix?

"Funky Monkey Love" is just another one of those remixes on Kong in Concert that encourages you to think outside the box! Have you never thought of how Donkey Kong would express his feelings for Candy Kong? Well then wonder no longer! Vigilante has given you the fans the insight into Donkey Kong's love life that even Rare's development team was reluctant to provide!

That's freakin' incest, dude. You people are freakin' sick. This song deserves to be in Jerry Springer.

Or Japan.

"Funky Monkey Love" is just another one of those remixes on Kong in Concert that encourages you to think outside the box! Have you never thought of how Donkey Kong would express his feelings for Candy Kong? Well then wonder no longer! Vigilante has given you the fans the insight into Donkey Kong's love life that even Rare's development team was reluctant to provide!

That's freakin' incest, dude. You people are freakin' sick. This song deserves to be in Jerry Springer.

Or Japan.

There are other people I know with my last name that I'm not related to. Could be the same case here.

It's not incest, it's convience.

I dragged at the beginning and then sped up because I felt that it fit the spirit of a pirate drinking song. ^_^

BUT IT BURNS X_X My ears expect one dropped note and it just isn't there (but that's because I've listened to Gangplank Galleon a bazillion times and have "expectations").

Heh, it's cool. It's still probably my favorite track on the whole disc. The one missing note isn't as bad as what Uematsu's half-assed orchestra did in the version of the Prologue in Melodies of Life (go to 6:50 and see what I mean... now THAT'S an error that makes me scream out wondering if there is a God).


KiC has made the front-page news on Donkey Kong Universe, the website formerly known as DK Vine.

I'm also glad to see that, on average, people seem to like the project more than they dislike it, and even then, it seems that most of the complaints are more towards specific songs than the project as a whole itself. It's great to see that most of you guys are enjouying it. :)

EDIT: Now on Void Games.


I'd just like to take the time to point out that Treetop Rock is the absolute worst source material I have ever worked with in my entire remixing career. I don't know what posessed me to think I could make a song out of it.

At least the two levels in the game that used it were fun...

I'd just like to take the time to point out that Treetop Rock is the absolute worst source material I have ever worked with in my entire remixing career. I don't know what posessed me to think I could make a song out of it.

At least the two levels in the game that used it were fun...

Regardless, the remix of it is among my top 5 favorites from the CD!


Sweet zombie jesus on a pogo-stick! This just blew me away, it's so frikin awesome, I love every one of these remixes! Listening to this makes me wish I had the skills to do this kind of stuff. I can't wait for the next project to be completed.

Keep up the great work everyone.

So I suppose I'm alone in feeling that Vigilante's lyrics were too creepy to listen to more than once?

Absolutley Not! That song almost ruined my life! It gave me bad mental images of the lyrics. But Vigilante made an excellent song out of one that I originally hated(underwater), so it's all good! :D

So I suppose I'm alone in feeling that Vigilante's lyrics were too creepy to listen to more than once?

Absolutley Not! That song almost ruined my life! It gave me bad mental images of the lyrics. But Vigilante made an excellent song out of one that I originally hated(underwater), so it's all good! :D



So I suppose I'm alone in feeling that Vigilante's lyrics were too creepy to listen to more than once?

Absolutley Not! That song almost ruined my life! It gave me bad mental images of the lyrics. But Vigilante made an excellent song out of one that I originally hated(underwater), so it's all good! :D



I was stuck on Poison Pond and Croctopus chase forever the first time I played through the game. The song really wasnt making it any better. :(



Well I thought I'd post to give props to Vigilante for Funky Monkey Love. The music itself was already great, but the lyrics just made it so much better.

And overall this project is just plain awsome. There wasn't a single track I didn't like on it(Though Funky Monkey Love and West Coast DK Island have gotten the most replays ^_~).


Personally, I prefered Relics of the Chozo for its more consistent quality. On this album, there are some tracks that sound too thin, sparse, & repetitive, and others that are nectarine-sweet. Plus I just love thick atmospheric ambience like that found in Prot's project. (Crateria Raining, woot!)

All-in-all, though, I'm still glad I downloaded this. The good offsets the mediocre. And I still can't believe Vig made an erotic groove out of Candy's Love Song. =x

Is Dhsu's "Pirate Prelude" supposed to transition into SnappleMan's "Thrash the Plank" so abrubtly? It almost sounds like the piano is cut off at the track change. (Yes, I'm listening to it gaplessly.)

Thank you guys for going through the trouble of providing full 16bit 44.1KHz PCM quality sound through the WAV torrent. I wish I could download every OCRemix/VGMix in this quality. ^_^

Anyway, this site might not be for you. I'd recommend going here instead. Music there might be more to your liking

Prot, I must ask... does your love extend to this site as well? ;)


Hi everyone,

As I already said, I really enjoyed the music. So much I decided to keep it, so I converted the WAV to MPC (Quality 4), my favorite format, pasted the MP3s tags on them, replaygained them... a labour of love. :) The whole stuff weights about 85 megs.

Let me know if you're interested in my sharing of them.



To me, Funky MonkeyLove was just an example of a nerd who can't sing worth shit. When the lyrics started, I realized, holy shit, we have here a nasally-voiced internet dullard who was hoping he'd sound sexy when his strands of emotionless come-on-and-suck-my-dick lyrics were converted to MP3 format and forced through computer speakers. Oh well, at least AeroFunkNamic was good.

Something I have to say about ThrashThePlank, though, is that SnappleMan would have done well to put more work into the percussion. His electric guitar work is superb, but what really made the original catchy was the unforgettable drum patterns and structuring... And I'd have liked to see more of that in the remix.


I would just like the thank all the artists who put together the DKC concert. All the songs are really good and well produced. I like how there is variety and how you never get bored with any part of the album. I would just like to inquire though, are there any plans to this this sort of thing with DKC2? I don't know if anyone agrees with me, but I really think DKC2 has the best music out of the three games. Don't get me wrong, I am not be-littling this collab at all. I love all the tracks off of this one. I think it has opened out all sorts of doors and maybe even Nintendo will take notice of your efforts. I truly do think what has been done is a landmark and I hope many people discover this collection of music and realize video game music is truly good and not just something for the background.

I'd just like to take the time to point out that Treetop Rock is the absolute worst source material I have ever worked with in my entire remixing career. I don't know what posessed me to think I could make a song out of it.

At least the two levels in the game that used it were fun...

Regardless, the remix of it is among my top 5 favorites from the CD!

now see i didn't know there were five songs that had real guitar.

I'd just like to take the time to point out that Treetop Rock is the absolute worst source material I have ever worked with in my entire remixing career. I don't know what posessed me to think I could make a song out of it.

At least the two levels in the game that used it were fun...

Regardless, the remix of it is among my top 5 favorites from the CD!

now see i didn't know there were five songs that had real guitar.

The "real guitar" in my song is hardly real guitar though. I chopped up my recording into separate chords and used them as normal samples in a sampler.

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