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Too bad I did. Your insistence and assumptions really don't make your petty argument any stronger.

I haven't gone and fomented your angry fanboy backlash, have I?

Seriously, unless you're going to say something pertinent other than "i'm mad and you're an idiot because i'm mad", you really have no room calling anything I say petty. And while we're on the subject, unless you're going to say something pertinent other than "it's a reboot cuz that's what i say it is", you have no room calling what I say assumptions, either. Bleck brought up a lot things that would be, in light of official word saying so, completely justifiable reasons for this being a continuity reboot (some of them not so much, but hey). Do be a dear and take notes on how to properly discuss a topic with more than one side, would you?

The moment they come out and say "we're starting the whole thing over", it will be a reboot. It has just as much a likelihood of being true as my stance on it being a further prequel laying out the groundwork of the still-after-4-games enigmatic origins of Dante. Until they say that, however, my judgment from what is presented is the aforementioned.

If that's the case, then screw DMC. Let's get back to some roots and make a new entry to a forgotten franchise that did well for them before they abandoned it... Darkstalkers IV :grin:

I totally completely wholeheartedly agree and avidly want this to happen. Seriously, no joke.


Probably because Capcom doesn't own actually own Bayonetta.

Anyway to get this thread back on "da rails", I'm optimistic about what might come out of the game, although I have to admit that I'm really sick of developers releasing nothing but CG trailers at these shows which are in no way indicative of actual gameplay.

That being said, if I could gleam anything out of the trailer it'd be that the action looks kinda slow, and I also agree that I'm not too fond of "Dante's" new look.

Edit - What really should be angry sigh-worthy(or at least confused double take worthy) is Namco and Harada's latest Tekken Tag Tournament 2 announcement. Not gonna rag on it, but I don't really recall hearing any resounding cries to bring this one back from the dead.


So, I really dig the new direction. I kinda thought the old Dante was ridiculous. Yeah, he did "OMG, bro, Awesome!" stuff, but he was a goof. This Dante seems like a punk kid who fights demons would be. All kinds of messed up, yet still pretty badass.

In DMC4 I actually liked Nero way better than I did Dante, just because Dante seems one dimensional.

Also, that music. I love it.

I haven't gone and fomented your angry fanboy backlash, have I?

Seriously, unless you're going to say something pertinent other than "i'm mad and you're an idiot because i'm mad", you really have no room calling anything I say petty. And while we're on the subject, unless you're going to say something pertinent other than "it's a reboot cuz that's what i say it is", you have no room calling what I say assumptions, either. Bleck brought up a lot things that would be, in light of official word saying so, completely justifiable reasons for this being a continuity reboot (some of them not so much, but hey). Do be a dear and take notes on how to properly discuss a topic with more than one side, would you?

The moment they come out and say "we're starting the whole thing over", it will be a reboot. It has just as much a likelihood of being true as my stance on it being a further prequel laying out the groundwork of the still-after-4-games enigmatic origins of Dante. Until they say that, however, my judgment from what is presented is the aforementioned.

I totally completely wholeheartedly agree and avidly want this to happen. Seriously, no joke.

I pretty much agree with everything Bleck's been saying and you've been ignoring. But there's no point in repeating it if you're going to ignore the problems - it's a reboot, Dante is now some punk kid instead of a professional, and THE WRITER SAID SO. That's good enough for me.


I enjoyed Bayonetta far more than DMC by a multiple of-- LIMIT EXCEEDED! INFINITONS! SUN PUNCH!

I'm not saying the character's look is my cup of tea, but don't judge a whole game based on one character shot. What if the gameplay blows away the other DMCs'? Anyway, Capcom has to do SOMETHING drastic after the way Bayonetta stormed the scene and this (according to how people are reacting) is pretty drastic. Combine that with Capcom attempting to market games at western audiences more and this is the result. THAT and there's no way in determining if this Dante kid gets everyone's favorite young guy white hair or not; hell, if the kid get's white hair eventually I firmly believe most people will shut up about the look.

... geez, so much whining though. Reminds me of when WindWaker's trailer came out.


This totally couldn't be from when Dante was some 18-year-old faggot who didn't overbleach his hair, could it?

Also lol at people caring that the series is rebooting when every single one of the games has shit for plot.



This totally couldn't be from when Dante was some 18-year-old faggot who didn't overbleach his hair, could it?

Also lol at people caring that the series is rebooting when every single one of the games has shit for plot.

HE mad, however.


Dante wasn't just a cool character but a symbol for truly mixing up the action genre into something fresh and awesome. DMC2 was fun...better than games like stranglehold and such, so good enough for me. 3 brought it all back and was a kick in the face to others that immitated its style. Then 4 was a bit shit really like some corny anime and its visual appeal for me is more forgettable than 2's. But changing Dante...man, this is a character that has guest starred in other games because he's that iconic, you just don't change something that iconic. If you ask me if a dmc sequel is going to be made then capcom should get off their arses and put in the magic that makes them come back kings. Sadly I'll go into a store in the future picking up a possibly good game that I'd rather seperate from the dmc collection.

plus who's going to eat all the strawberry ice cream sundae's?

Then 4 was a bit shit really like some corny anime and its visual appeal for me is more forgettable than 2's.
plus who's going to eat all the strawberry ice cream sundae's? (a trait exclusive to the dmc anime)
um... please clarify?

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