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Chrono Trigger: Chrono Symphonic - History

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Claado, can I submit my finished song?

Btw, the orchestration on To Far Away Times just makes me more tingly and emotional now. :) Good job on the orchestration.

Yes...but ask in the message that it not be posted previous to the release of the project. Then it can be posted whenever after that.


Okay, I've finally sat down to focus on writing. And now I realize why nobody wanted to do Guardia Castle.

It's in F# Major. Six sharps. AUGH.

*Checks his official piano score*

hmmmmm....its not in F# as far as I can tell. And it only has one sharp. Maybe using a user-homebrewed-midi for a resource makes it difficult. I know that was the case when I once took a peek at Frog's Theme in midi, and it was almost ALL in occidentals.

but if you are going for the midi arrangement, I think you may just have to buck up and deal with it?

good luck, you can do it!

It seems as though they only changed it to G Major so as to make it easier to play. I've tested it against the recording, and it's very definitely in F#. It won't be a big problem.

Claado, can I submit my finished song?

Btw, the orchestration on To Far Away Times just makes me more tingly and emotional now. :) Good job on the orchestration.

Yeah Reu that is some of the best dynamics I've heard on strings you really did a great job with that. Mind if I ask what you are using for your string samples?


I was sort of worried when I was downloading it, but now that I'm listening... Orcestration gives the piece something it was lacking to my ears. Of course, both versions are amazing, and whichever version makes it onto the project, I'll be keeping the other as well. Good job.


Hey Claado, if possible, you would like to see this movie of yours acted out right? The people who worked on the other canceled Chrono projects probably could try CGing the movie. They probably still have some of their models left over.


Go with the orchestrated version. I've already listened to the original 50+ times, and this new one still managed to give me chills. I'll definetly keep both, but I can't see myself really listening to the piano-only version aside from comparison reasons in the future. The added orchestration doesn't really detract the song anywhere and only improves it.


Reu has done it again. I loved Ascension to Cosmo Canyon, I loved Legend of the Snake, and God damnit I love this.


I typed a whole thing comparing the two versions of TFAT, but in the time it took, the computer spazzed out, and my work was gone.

I'm not about to retype it, but it was far more persuasive than this. Take my word for it. I have a lot of them.

I would point you to 1:03 as the low point, with the almost piercingly low crescendos drowning out the softer, more emotion-filled original piece. I would also, however point you to 1:32 as a high point, with the orchestration blending in perfectly and (other than the 1:48 low string part) not detracting from the original.

2:39 is the redeeming factor of the orchestration. It just sounds great. It changes up the slightly changed chorus just enough that it's even more distinctive, and helps add something more... final, to the finale.

My humble, non-music-making, graphics-inclined opinion is still that the original is vastly superior. It just delivers SO much more emotional impact than the new, orchestrated version. The orchestration is nice, but decidedly less nice than the piece that it covers up at times.

The original still gives me the chills even after upwards of 70 listens. The new version doesn't. I've given it a chance, but despite the few great parts, it just doesn't fit as well.

Still, it's still all on the artists to decide. All I ask is that you take my opinion into account.


The orchestration is a very good idea, sounds neat and adds an extra layer of feeling to the whole song.

But - at times the singing and orchestration seems to be fighting each other for attention. On a speaker it is not that bad, but in headphones it pretty noticable.

Don't get me wrong - the orchestration is neat. It is moving, but my ears just don't know which to focus on, the orchestration or the singing, 'cos they are darn good at the same time.

It's pretty much the same problem when the vocals were first added it. Would it better to place the orchestration when there's no singing?

I'm not musically talent, but just want to point out some segments where I find the orchestration and the singing clashing.

1:05 to 1:24 sounds bad on headphones. 2:20 (the really dramatic emotional part) overwhelms the singing in parts. The flute (or is that the flute?) is cool, but on headphones it's very disconcerting. The 'flute' seems to be playing on the right side whereas the singing is on the left, and they are of the same volume, and is very...strange.

I won't say ditch the orchestration. I think there's some minor quirks to iron out, like when the vocals and the piano piece was first merged.


I'm still torn between the original and new piece for To Far Away Times... they're both so beautiful...

But... just an odd question...

What are the lyrics?


The lyrics can be found in the WIP forums, in the actual critique thread, found here: http://www.ocremix.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=61274

Which brings me to my point: please save the long write-ups about this one particular piece - or even the multiple small ones - for that thread, where it belongs. This thread here is not for analysis of the song, and Reu doesn't even look here for critiques, so you're really just wasting your time. Go visit the WIP thread and post away, where it's wanted. Any other critiques will be deleted post-haste from this thread, so...just a friendly reminder.

And also, the decision is ultimately up to ME about which version is used on the project. I'll try listening to the two opposing sides of the argument by visiting the WIP thread, but please don't attack/convince Reu on this issue. It's not his problem, people.



I would personally submit the orchestrated version to OCR, since it is much more of an adaptation than a retelling of the source material. But anyway...

Please get those WIPS in, people. Another PM and some e-mails will be going out soon, but it's all up to the remixers at this point. The rest is eye candy.



Well, not necessarily due...it would just be very nice to have them in so everything can be set up for the launch.

We only have a little more than two months left, everyone. I know other things may be popping up here and there and everywhere, but this should be a priority when it comes to your free time. We NEED THOSE SONGS in order to keep this rolling, so please...get moving.

I've also decided on a deadline...

Either show some progress by the end of July (which would be August 1st) or the song is going to be up for grabs.

Please don't let this succumb to atrophy...we're all just about ready for it to be over.

That's all I've got. Thanks for listening.



Sorry for the "not being here" thing, but other duties have called me lately. School, other music (check the WIP: Other forums), and additional responsibilites have kicked me in the face recently, but now onto business.

Remember, August 1st. Mixers, I'll be sending you PMs in a short while with further information, so please check your mailboxes. That is all for now.



Well, I'm making some progress - actually, a lot of what I'm doing is rethinking what I had before. When I get Philharmonik I'll probably start over from scratch entirely again, but it'll be alot better.

Glock is now piano, etc. Lead is now clarinet... too bad ST2's clarinet sucks. The piano I have isn't working very well for this style... hm. And the strings aren't exactly great... can't wait until I can start this whole thing over :D but I am glad to have such a cool source material to work with.

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