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Chrono Trigger: Chrono Symphonic - History

Claado Shou

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My webhosting account has for some reason been deleted, and I have not idea why. This is all a big mystery to me, and I'm investigating it as we speak. I have all the files backed up, so don't worry about that. As soon as I get my account back, the site will come back aswell.

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This month is already good enough. The probability of it coming out tomorrow is 13/30, which is about 50%!! That's good, isn't it? :D

The probability would have been 1/13 = 7.7% if you consider 13 days left starting tomorrow...

but there are 14 days left in November starting tomorrow so the chance is actually 1/14 = 7.1%

that's almost like saying there's 45 days until the New years, therefore the probability of it being New Year's tomorrow is 1/45 = 2.2%... good thing everyone knows New Year's is definitely tomorrow...

ps: that's my initials

pps: this is taking long, I know Compyfox has a life outside of OCRemix but damn... it was SUPPOSED to be out last September... oh well, excuse my whining I'm dumb

ppps: hi

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Well, I've talked to the guy who runs my now former webhosting server, and my account had been deleted over a minor detail in the rules, and I can't get it back. I will have to find a completely new server to upload everything. I'd like to buy a server, but I can't afford that just yet.

When I find a new one, I will upload everything again. That's all for now.

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I must agree, DarkeSword. There will be a project release, and you guys asking for it, bothering us all about it, and doing other things of that nature will not help to make it come about any faster.

And also, a small announcement...it looks more and more like a Thanksgiving release will be unattainable, HOWEVER, mucho mucho goodies are still in store for that weekend, even if it does not include a release. Have no fear.


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Christ, no one even asked when the release date was on this page. Way to fucking kill the joy and anticipation, guys.

Maybe not on this page, but even stuff like watkinzez's post isn't really contributing anything aside from thanking people, which has already been done. Don't get me wrong; I appreciate all the work done thusfar as well, but as it stands, stuff like that is just useless fluff.

Talking about hosting, website issues, and publicity stuff is fine because that pertains to the project. Posting fluff for the sake of increasing the pagecount isn't fine; it's spam.

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