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OCR00364 - Mega Man 2 "Stainless Steel"


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Mega Man 2 'Stainless Steel'

Wow, I'm ecstatic that I get to be the first one to review this tune that I love so much. AE does some excellent work here with a harsh/buzzy melody sample and the drum work is amazingly good as usual. The little break at 1:44 with just the synth sound and the drum and buzz work is really impressive, as is all of AE's work that I have yet to hear. Overall this song is one of my favorites Mega Man mixes to ever grace OverClocked. You absolutely must grab this song. While you're at it, if you haven't already, grab AE's Wind Shear, and Flash Fire mixes.

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  • 2 months later...

How is it that this mix only got one review? It r00lz j00!!! YOU MUST DOWNLOAD IT RIGHT NOW!!! The best song by AE on the site, and that's saying a whole lot!!! Love the awesome beeping and buzz sounds with killer modulation. Sweet drumbeat, too. This is a must-download, and I can't emphasize how much of a MUST-DOWNLOAD this is. Got it?!?! Good.

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How is it that this mix only got one review? It r00lz j00!!!

Yes this is one of the best remixes ever made. Maybe the best. I too am wondering how is it possible that there are only few reviews. AE has incredible talents as a songwriter. This particular remix is so perfect in every way that "professional" musicproducers would go green. I can´t go into details because there is only one word that can discribe this song : PERFECT.

AE uses the best sides of the original song and uses it inventively adding some of his own elements to the remix. You just cant miss this.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I can't come up with an excuse as to why it took so long for me to write a review for this brilliant tune...but anyway, this remix takes a beautiful tune and makes it god-like. Metal Man's theme is one that is easily overlooked by us frenetic Mega Man fans, yet it conceals a potency that AE has unveiled and made even more powerful! Even though he departs from the towards the end, the variation fits in and carries the tune towards completion....this is one remix that never fails to start off any of my video game music playlists!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

If a Mega Man movie were to be made, this ReMix would go in an effortless fight scene in which Mega Man is attacked with huge numbers and repulses them easily. Either that, or it would make a great theme song for that awful TV show...

Anyway, cool background, even if it is slightly repetitive (Though most Mega Man tunes are repetitive in the first place). It almost drowns out the main theme, though. It's probably my lack of attention span that makes it seem too loud. Very high quality, and very well done!

Can't believe it was made on FruityLoops.

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  • 1 month later...
8O Jebus Cripes! If I knew it was this good, I would've downloaded it in a heartbeat and beat the shit out of my cable modem for downloading it as 28.7 KB Per second!! I can't explain how great this is.. but I agree, you need meds (Or more of them) if you don't download this!
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I dont think I've ever posted here (maybe once), but when I saw this review up in the current topics... I had to post my review...

No doubt my favorite megaman OC remix(DD's Blue Lighting is tied )... and it doesn't mean its the most elaborate or perfect track... the arrangements are just so great, its just fills me with such joy... Few songs can make me feel like that... a year late praise... you deserve it man...

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  • 3 weeks later...

AF...if you read this, you are another person who has given Mega Man Fans something to cheer about. This track stays true to the NES sound while having more of a dance/rock mix. This answers the question of "If the Metal Man theme were to be re-did today...what would it sound like" Good Job and keep crankin' out these masterpieces. I am thankful that you didn't murder one of my favorite Meag Man tracks of all time.

10 / 10

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  • 2 months later...

An interesting contrast to Metalman Goes Clubbing. This remix is distinctly electronic in nature, which CAN be a bad thing, but in this case is certainly not. AE clearly can work his synths, especially during the fantastic variation included in this remix. It's sort of an acquired taste; the first few times I listened to this, I found the synths to be irritating and 'unclean' compared to Metalman Goes Clubbing's instruments, but subsequent listens gained my interest and favor.

One big complaint that I have is the 'breakdown' where the only instrument playing is that weird basslike instrument playing a note and pitch bending to another. This lasted a bit too long, and the following section of the remix paled in comparison to the excellent arrangement of the previous section (again, the variation ruled).

Overall, if I had to give this remix a score from one to ten, I would give it a 7.5, primarily because of the aforementioned later section being somewhat boring.

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  • 5 months later...
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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...

I was just going through my collection of ocremix MP3s to do a best of CD to play on my stereo. I remember AE was pretty good, and I listened to this track and wow! I didn't even notice the 8 bit in it until I reread djpretzel's review mentioning it, then I listened again and I was like wow, it is there! He puts it in so fantastically its hard to notice, but it keeps it real by having it in there *LOL* This track just comes at you screaming hardcore and only lets up to hit you harder the next time. Definitely an awesome track by all means.

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  • 9 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Salutations Everyone,

A song that showed great promise, but had a disappointing ending. Everything up til 1:40 was awesome. The original score, revamped with new instruments, and sounding great.

However...after 1:40...things just got too abstract for me. The overall sound wasn't anything like the original. It felt like I was listening to a different song in some parts.

That aside, it is still an excellent remix attempt. My own personal preference is a remix which is more on-target with it's original score, but that's just me.

If your in the market for the original tune, with a different takeoff halfway through, then this remix is for you.

An "Old School" Gamer,


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  • 4 weeks later...

Oh crap 8O This is a totally cool remix with beats and nice drums, jamming with an excellent synth bass or something. I don´t really care what they are, the only matter is the music, and that subject was superb. To bad that AE didn´t have the same style in the beginning through the whole song. Anyway, this was truly solid, and for those who love techno, DON´T HESITATE. DOWNLOAD IT! :D:D:D:D:D

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