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First VGM you ever heard and got you into hearing VGM's

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Oh god. This'll bring back memories.

The first VGM I ever really paid attention to was from Kirby's Adventure (NES).

Green Greens:

And I'd heard the song before I even played the game, so I didn't know where it came from. But when I got a hold of Duck Tales, I made a yaiz face. :grin:

Moon Stage:


how about "listening to"

I hear VGM whether I like it or not

also tgon are you like 12 or something sheesh

for me it'd probably have to be the

(yeah it´s a LP but I can´t find the music by itself)

That's a tough one since just about all of my childhood was spent playing games. I remember loving Mario 3's and Kirby's Adventure's music, but I started to play music around 8 or 9 which is around the time I first tried Lufia II and FF6. I remember just turning on Lufia II and listening to the select a file music for a loooong time. No one has ever or will ever use an SNES harp to better effect than the guy who composed that game's music. Although, I didn't REALLY get interested in VGM until I downloaded some Uematsu sheet music for piano. I still have those 12 year old pieces of paper sitting on my music stand right now, and I play Terra's theme pretty frequently even today.


Oh wow. I just listened to a random Lufia II youtube song... turns out that's the melody I've found myself whistling but unable to place for about a decade:



Actually, now that I think about it, Nintendo Power sent me some "thanks for reading our shit" thing about a decade ago where I got to pick between like 5 things for free. I picked the Banjo Kazooie OST... which is not the best.. but I guess that goes down as the first OST I ever got.


There were so many memorable songs for me on the NES, but the first song I distinctly remember busting out the tape recorder for was the Super Mario 64 credits song.

A few years later when my family got our second computer, I had my dad buy a microphone and a long cord for it so I could stretch it all the way to the TV to record the soundtrack for Super Mario RPG. That was also the first CD I ever made for myself. Going back and listening to it brings back all sorts of memories, even if the sound quality is crap.

EDIT: Ectogemia, you just reminded me, the first music CD I ever owned (VGM and in general) was the Banjo-Kazooie OST I got for preordering B-K at Best Buy in late-May, 1998. The second CD I owned was the Super Mario 64 OST, which was free with a Nintendo Power subscription renewal. And the third was my Zelda: Ocarina of Time 4-track sampler CD for picking up the game at K-Mart on day one. So many great memories of being 12...

I want to say that Terra from FF6 was the big one that got me recording vgm with a tape recorder though.

good lord yes. Flashback, FF6, secret of mana, marioworld, dune 2, super bomberman...

There were so many memorable songs for me on the NES, but the first song I distinctly remember busting out the tape recorder for was the Super Mario 64 credits song.

A few years later when my family got our second computer, I had my dad buy a microphone and a long cord for it so I could stretch it all the way to the TV to record the soundtrack for Super Mario RPG. That was also the first CD I ever made for myself. Going back and listening to it brings back all sorts of memories, even if the sound quality is crap.

EDIT: Ectogemia, you just reminded me, the first music CD I ever owned (VGM and in general) was the Banjo-Kazooie OST I got for preordering B-K at Best Buy in late-May, 1998. The second CD I owned was the Super Mario 64 OST, which was free with a Nintendo Power subscription renewal. And the third was my Zelda: Ocarina of Time 4-track sampler CD for picking up the game at K-Mart on day one. So many great memories of being 12...

Although the NES is easily my favorite system, I really grew up with the SNES and N64. About 99.999% of the reason I love video games so much is that I'm a complete nostalgia junkie. Seriously, if I had one wish, it would be to be a kid again. Since I don't have any wishes, I'll just have to be an adult who acts like a kid :) not enough of those around, that's for damn sure.

Hah, you reminded me of this... remember when Ocarina of Time came out, and Nintendo Power had this offer where you could buy your very own REAL!! ocarina for $60? My friend bought one, and he still has it in his room today like 11 goddamn years later.

1990s > 2000s > 2010s (1980s > 1990s!!? dare I say?)

I'd hate to be a kid these days, growing up on Halo and CoD and that crap. There's just no charm to anything anymore. Except maybe Minecraft. OK, definitely Minecraft.

And totally random aside: Anyone remember that super-fast, arpeggiated, delayed harp song from Secret of Evermore in the ancient Roman place? It's not on the OST!! I played through on a ROM and savestated it while that song was playing just so I could hear it, hah.


I would say that probably the first song I can remember jamming to specifically was the Underground theme from Super Mario Bros. However, the first soundtrack I found memorable and helped me to track the game down again whenever I forgot the title would be Plok

Also, anything from the Donkey Kong Country Series...

This was also a memorable soundtrack from my childhood

from the game Smartball

I distinctly remember humming themes from Mega Man, Double Dragon, Ninja Gaiden, Bionic Commando, Faxanadu, and other NES classics while riding my bike around the neighborhood and to/from friends' houses (usually after playing said games). And that was only last week! No, seriously that was when I was a kid like 20-some odd years ago. ;-)

Got really into soundtrack listening when Sega CD and Saturn discs had the listenable soundtracks. Many hours spent listening to Lunar: Silver Star Story, Sonic CD, and Sonic 3D Blast. Oh and the Castlevania: SotN "black disc" tracks, haha!

First purchased soundtrack? Final Fantasy VI Disc 3, so I could listen to "Searching for Friends" whenever I wanted. Later found it was a bootleg SM version, boo! :-x But I have an original Squaresoft edition now, yay! :)


i dont have a specific song, but...

lego island <3

Actually, now that I think about it, Nintendo Power sent me some "thanks for reading our shit" thing about a decade ago where I got to pick between like 5 things for free. I picked the Banjo Kazooie OST... which is not the best.. but I guess that goes down as the first OST I ever got.

Really? That's probably one of one my favorite soundtracks (Though not as a standalone ost, it's perfect in game).

Hahaha, this! Thought I was the only one who recorded via minitape recorder as a kid.

Well... that makes three of us :-)

For me, it's gotta be the Donkey Kong Country games, some of the very first games I ever played. That music blew me away as a very young child and was woven into the fabric of my mind forever. It's just brilliant. I had a bunch of MIDIs of it saved onto my family's computer when I was quite little. That's the reason for my DKC2 sig; playing it at such a young age, it had a huge effect on me musically and artistically and is possibly the very reason why I'm here.

...And also Earthworm Jim. I didn't realize that the Moonlight Sonata was anything other than that song that played on the Villi People level until my dad told me it was classical music. :P It went on to be my favorite song of all time, anyway. But the original stuff in those games was also great, with New Junk City being a special favorite of mine. And of course, the art style of those games was one of my biggest all-time influences.


I'm surprised that no one has mentioned pokemon yet. Pokemon Red was one of my first video games, and the music was(is) just amazing to me. Some pieces of music from Generation 1 STILL have not been remixed right, imo...

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