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Well this is my first review so bare with me...

Great now i'm thinking to hard and don't know what to write...haha. Anyhow, this song is very well made. It sounds like a bunch or FF7 songs put together and I love how it goes into the airship music at 4:26. I would recommend this to everyone.


Jeremy Robson is back, and I have to say it wasn't what I expected. :(

I want to start off making it very clear that Robson puts a lot of effort into this piece, and his technical focus was there. I heard the first version of this before the brass change and was prepared to write a very harsh review. But Robson managed to revise the brass samples, and clean it up a bit. As far as sample use, I felt the execution was still lacking, and very average. Let me make it clear that I am not judging your piece soley by samples, but if execution lacks, it can make the listening experience less enjoyable.

Aside from samples, let's look at the composition. All the technical elements are there, and I hear many variations of the themes from FF7, but many remain quite true to the original...almost to the point of a cover. The main characteristic of this mix that REALLY annoys me is the lack of dynamics used. It's just blasting like an over-compressed rock song. I get tired of listening to it barely halfway in, as that brass just keeps...wailing....wailing...wailing....god dude. I hope you can empathize what I'm getting at. Also, some of the technical runs seemed a little "fake" as when it comes to orchestration, such as some flute trills I noticed. Maybe it was the sample execution that gave the illusion of it, but my ears didn't like it.

I will commend Robson on his extreme effort in the composition, because that is the most important area. Samples are secondary, but unfortunately, in this mix, the samples and use of dynamics are what really destroyed this mix. I enjoyed your first Symphonic Suite more than this.

One high note, thank you for not using as much reverb. You definitely did well there.

Jeremy knows what he is doing, and I see massive potential, as I think I said in his first song, but I still think he could've been more innovative in dynamics, and spanning more instruments of the orchestra. This was an average listen for me, and nothing I'd ride home about.


Jared Hudson


I really enjoyed Philharmonic Suite I, because I was young and had never heard a good orchestral rendition of FF7 music. But now, I'm sort of...er...as Jack from the Jack in the Box Commercial (with the frenchy) would say, "Eh...".

There are a lot of cool ideas, nice snare rolls, well, samples overall. But I agree with Jared on the point that there wasn't really enough dynamic alteration. However, I guess when you actually view this on a scale of three pieces, this can be considered as the climactic piece, where all out consecutive loudness is justified. But it's not really tickling my fancy. I enjoy the quality and technical production, but I've heard some pretty awesome stuff that surpasses this from you before.

Sorry if people get mad at my post or something, or mad at Jared's post, well, not really sorry if the madness contains "YOU SUCK OMFG U DONT APPRECIATE GODOD ORHCETLRA."

Btw, I do enjoy listening to this.

EDIT: I'm starting to like this arrangement more and more as I listen to it. I think my only gripe would just be the lack of dynamic change.


yeah, it doesn't quite seem up to the feel that goes into other Sil pieces I've heard.

Not to say I don't enjoy this. from about 1:20 - 1:40 was good. It just doesn't sound emotional enough in the areas it's supposed to. It all sounds like it's been compressed to one volume, there are no major peaks or anything. Granted around 2:40 has some nice quiet and then loud areas.

Arrangement is outstanding though. Better than anything I could do.

Congrats Sil.

Edit: Love the highwind part. Couldn't be happier with it. ;)


Overall: Awesome :P

I don't know what that sound is... but there is this kind of annoying duck sound in the backround throughout the majority of the song. Aside from that sound... everything was great ^^. I can tell from reactions of friends that some people really won't appreciate it, or well... will get rubbed wrong. But for the amount of us who do like it I gotta say, it is a truely remarkable piece.


I really enjoyed this. The judges will break down the technicalities of its OCR legitimacy, the students of orchestration will find the faults and beauties in the intracies of this piece, and I will forever enjoy this as a wonderful finale to Jeremy's Philharmonic Suites.

Sil has got MAD Skills. I bow down before his talent. I hope he continues to contribue excellent orchestral pieces to the site.


I agree with Jared that there seems to be no overall dynamic contrast throughout the piece. I did notice though that within the trumpet/horn section there were minor swells throughout. Chord structure and overall orchestration was top notch. Towards the end the low end sax (I'm hoping it was sax and not a brass instrument) didn't seem to fit and simply came off as an annoying buz.

There are several points, the beginning in particular where there were solitary note hits in the background which had no impact to the song and became distracting from the splendor of the high ended instruments.

Violin samples were supurb, I believe i heard piano underlying at some points but there was not much distiction.

Without being nit-picky I actually did enjoy this piece, I appreciate when remixers attempt to enhance sometimes already briliant scores with their own orchestral flare. Hope to see more work from you on OCR in the future (Possibly parts 2, 3, and 4 of the suite.)


This song had about one high point for every low point. First, I couldn't tell what game (hell, SERIES) it was from until about 4:45. That doesn't really matter, as the first part was very orginal. Clear-cut, but it seemed cluttered and confused at times, much like a small lost child in Target. But like those lost children, I love to laugh at the terror in their eyes, I loved listening to this mix. ((Remember, more is not necessarily better!))


First off, I have to say that I overall enjoyed this piece. Of course, I've enjoyed pretty much everything that Jeremy has done. I don't really have a problem with it being close to the original, but like Jared said, I think a little more dynamic contrast would have helped. The entire song was just loud. I have a few other issues with the song, but I still thing it's very well composed and an enjoyable listen.


I am moved to tears. This is an incredible arrangement, I don't even know where to begin. The power and nostalgia this piece gave me in particular is incredible. (Someone finally remixed the airship theme, too!) Excellent work, and I recommend this to everyone, whether they are Final Fantasy fans or not. 8O


I can here the flute and trumpet being not real. A real Orchestra uses lots of string, flute, clarinet in A, Clarinet in Bb and Oboe for melody. I DO however like the soundfonts being used. Wish there was some Contrabase, however this is written for a Philharmonic it has to use the insterments desinged for it... Trumpet, Tuba, Flute, Clarinet, Trombone... ect.... Snare drum sounds a bit.... ugh.. Not a lot of dynamic change... it think it would be cool to do some Fp's (Forete Piano) some pp (Pianoissimo) get quite them pop out some FFF (Forte Frotissiomo)! Persuccion should (must) have cressendos! 4:30 is bold, I like this part... a new theme I dont thnik has been used in a remix yet. The triplets... wow... um dont think those can be played on a clarinet like that. The brass has a resonating sound that isn't particaularly real... that kind of sound is for something big... not to be used all the time. It can sound quite disgusting. However overal arrangement, is specatular. Very well thought out and put. My compliments.


This is up there with Chu Chu's Flight in caliber. Once again OCRemix brings out the best and brightest. VERY VERY WELL DONE PIECE HERE! I usually wait for the torrents so i can DL them all at once. But being the FF master i am (1-X2 Yes tactics and the minor ones) I decided to DL this. I am glad very very glad i did I love it. :D


I must say that I am dissapointed with the finale to the Final Fantasy Phillharmonic Suite. Although the song stays true and the feeling is there, the way he places the music shows no musicianship. The whole piece seems to be a blow section, untill the end at least, and there is hardly any dynamic change throughout any of this piece. As mentioned by some of the earlier posts, the use of Forte Piano's could have greatly helped the impact of this arrangement. One positive about this piece would be how well he balanced the sound among the brass and wood wins.

Although I am a lover of Jeremy Robson's work, this piece, and the 4th installment, dissapoint me. While the first three compositions are some of the best arrangements that I have ever heard, these fail to meet thier predecessor's standards by a decent margin. However, I have heard most of what Jeremy Robson has to offer, and he is still one of my favorite Amature Composers.

For those who would like to hear Phillharmoic Suites 2-4, Here they are.






Great song, but as good as the 1st 4 Parts on the suite. I have to agree, it could use some Dynamics like fp and soft p or pp spots. the flute at some points just didn't sound real to me which surprises me with all the samples you use. overall I loved it (I like exciting peices, lol) but not as good as the first 4 parts.

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