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Very nice piece. Like the title suggests, it has bass, oh so much nicely used bass. At 1:55, when the piano accompaniment starts up, I was especially impressed. Good all-around feel.


I helped reject this song once here http://www.ocremix.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=45466.

This was a resubmission and I see very little in the way of improvement. Hell the only thing significantly different this time around was the people who voted on it (click). As I said before, this song's improv is very weak. Just not very good. Malcos admitted his improve was rather 'don't care' and its pretty obvious. The piano is down right crappy. The lead is... terrible. So many things could have been fixed in this resubmit that simply were not.

It was a very obvious NO before, and it still is. I only hope the jp tightens up on quality control from here on out.

Beyond that, I know no standards were set for judges posting their own songs directly onto the panel. Not only was that done here, but a resubmission got right back on the panel only weeks later. This site is big enough that such double standards simply shouldn't be allowed anymore.

Please tighten up on this stuff.


For the record, Malcos's comment that the improv section was pretty "don't care" was a comment he made regarding the first/rejected version, not this version. The improv section was specifically revisted in order to fit more within the arrangement. Say what you will about the execution of the improv in this resubmitted version; some judges liked it and some didn't. It certainly wasn't perfect, but the fact is that a lot more thought was actually put into it, and the "don't care" comment doesn't apply here.

I didn't have a problem with the synth guitar lead; that comes across as a subjective taste. The piano sequencing was certainly something that objectively needed to be improved, but wasn't enough of an issue to NO on for me personally. On those two issues, particularly the mechanicalness of the piano sequencing, I respect that other judges could go either way depending on how drastically they felt those affected the overall presentation.

With regards to judges submitting material directly to the panel, this is a throwback to the older days of the panel. The other judges prefer to submit to DJP instead. We actually asked DJP about it about a week ago, and he said that there's no problem with a judge going the direct-to-panel route. As long as no one's abusing the system by posting a mix every few weeks, it's ok for a judge to post directly to the panel. We pressed for clarification and that's the standard in place for those situations.


the drum loop at one point sounds like it was ripped from the Matrix. When Morpheus takes Neo into the Agent Training program. I'm not too impressed with this mix, but it is better than what i can do.


On this controversial music I can affirm:

If this is the version that was submitted again, believes that the arrangements had been well-meaning.

It does not have imperfections in the piano.

The rhythm is pleasant. I believe that music is reasonable to the ears.

But the elaborated melody interested me. In 02:06 Malcos reverts the famous Zangief´s melody.

if I was a judge, I would say...



I have to agree with Prot, this one certainly didn't strike me as the quality i come to expect from OCR acceptances. I found it very repetative and boring. The instruments could be tweaked to make them clearer.

I like the lounge-music idea but it needs a song with more substance to it. I can appreciate that it must have been hard for the artist to tangent the theme with almost totally original stuff, but it doesn't work for me.



I find it particularly enlightening that the Judges panel found this mediocre-at-best remix worthy of a coveted OCR spot, yet found Protricity unworthy of being a Judge. A wee bit envious of Prot, are we?

Just goes to show how far OCR has actually come since the days of yore, when Rimco and Virt still participated and good remixers were recognized for their effort and talent.



I can understand why some people wouldn't like this mix. I had the idea in my head and tried to realise it as best as I could. I wanted to try and do something new instead of sticking to the same formula.

NooseFashionedFromBelt, if you are implying that I have no talent, then you are of course entitled to your opinion, but don't bring politics into this.


I believe that the mix has ample room for improvement, but it is fairly enjoyable in its current (and final) state. I agree w/ Liontamer on the repetativeness of the piano chords.. could have mixed things up a little more there, it's mechanical sounding, 'Anti-Jazz' even.( :x )It's got a good groove going on though, just could have been further developed. Even though it was a resubmit it still feels a bit incomplete.


I just read Vigilante's vote and realized that I'm basically echoing what he said. But overall, the good outweighs the bad here.

Also, these threads aren't the place to discuss judge panel drama or the overall quality of OCR compared to two years ago. Everyone's heard enough of that crap, this is a thread for reviewing this mix and this mix alone.


Personally, I think it rocks. The bass at the beginning is sweet, along with the rest of it.

Doesn't fit with the 'standards' of OCR? Hah, go look at some of the crap that has been accepted before.

Props Malcos, for making a badass chill rendition of a great song from a great game

  • 3 weeks later...

At first, I didn't like this song, for some odd reason. I listened to it and kicked myself for ever thinking that such a great, relaxing song was crap.

  • 3 months later...

How can you not like this mix? I thought it was great

It starts off with a nice bassline which is repeated later in the song

A wicked guitar with slight distortion joins in with the melody later on

I love the part at 1:15, it sounds like "day dream" by the "art of noise" if anyone's heard it and then that ostinatto (not sure if thats what it's called) is played only on the piano rather than bass

An awesome song, I just dig the vibe!

  • 1 year later...

Something is really charming about this mix... there's nothing entirely that amazing about the arrangement or even the sound quality... there's just a bizarre hidden attention to detail I can't place.

Things like the way the distortion touches just grazes the bass... or the bounce to the rhythms...

All I can say is... I never have this mix in the background and space out. If it's on, it always gets my attention, and in a way, that's the best compliment anyone can get around here. Notable. Recommended.

  • 2 weeks later...

Unusual to experience phasing in a jazz mix. Ay, Malcos, you remind me of me, ya' know, because I do have an unsubmitted mix that contains swirly phased choirish sounds. It's somewhere in my personal remix stash. 8)

Truthfully, at first, this mix sucked me in, but after about a year of not hearing it, which would be a few months ago, I had to reset myself to hear it again, because I had my head inside of hyperactive clouds of rock and partyish hip-hop sounds.

Well, it's a good mix, if I just lay it down flat. Shoot, reviews are the better usage of OCR, methinks.

  • 2 years later...
  • 4 months later...

Took me a few listens to hear the original in the backing instruments beyond that intro bass solo. The source was obviously there in the lead, but the rest was really nicely disguised. I think the lead is a little too distorted for the rest of the track, but otherwise it's a pleasantly unexpected style that fits really well. Maybe not in an in-game context, but certainly it stands alone as a good song.

  • 1 year later...

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