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Woah, holy shit, I remember this from AGES ago on the boards. Glad to see that this is seeing the light of day, here. Great job, bro.

You've really beefed up the sound on this one, here, and yet have kept true to the arrangement you originally had. That drum work is very, very awesome in this version. There are a few synths that sound a bit raw, imo, but overall they work pretty well.

I still miss that sword sound, though. It was just... so... awesome.


First thing I was gonna say was how it reminded me of old school OCR... and then I read the little commentary and boom everyone in the world thinks so.

Old =/= bad of course, and I think this mix works it nicely. Feels retro and not dated. Plus you can't go wrong with Chrono Trigger! Nicely done, I dug the MM ZX remix and this sounds great too!


I like it! It's just plain fun to listen to, I think. I especially enjoyed the original melodic idea that you used for the first half minute or so, and spread throughout the rest of the piece. It fit right in with Frog's theme, and it's satisfying to hear them played in conjunction at the 2:00 mark. That kind of counterpoint is always such a great destination to get to in a piece. Good work!


Nope. I can't get over how old-school and generic this sounds. I mean, I listen to this and all I can think is "Did FFmusicDj decide to give us a blast-from-the-past mix?"

That said, as much as I don't like it, and can't really listen to it, I do respect that it -should- be on OCR. Not ever mix needs to fire us out a cannon towards a factory full of pillows. I'm actually glad this did get passed, shows the bar is still reasonable for the aspiring artist. But like I said, won't be going on any playlist of mine.


I'm definitely not as musically inclined as most here, especially when it comes to the technical aspects of music. All the feedback I can really give is that I'm really enjoying this mix. And there were quite a few mixes from 2003-2004 OCRemix that I still listen to, so there.

Keep it up, great stuff.

Nope. Although, that explains why people ask me for songs I haven't done. Time for a name change?
DJ Veli remixes Tupac songs...so maybe.

Velly is cool.


This is a great tune and very well played, Never once does the beat get jarring or off key. by all means post more!

An aside for the judges, can ye put somewhere on the site the songs that DO NOT make the cut, even if its just in a heap somewhere, At the very least having other sources independent of the site able to listen to and comment on said works needing some tweaking/reworkng would go a long way to creating more quality music


Nope, not feeling it. This feels like you're trying to force-feed techno down poor Mr. Glenn's throat. Trouble is, Frog's Theme isn't meant to be heard as a techno piece. Point-in-fact, neither are most of the other tracks on the Chrono Trigger OST. Celtic, sure. Rock, maybe. But not this.

Good example of an eager and blooming skillset being applied to the wrong thing on one of its pioneering leaps out the window. I recommend getting up, dusting yourself off, and trying again with a song that techno was meant for.

Edit: Thanks for calling me names because I don't like the song everybody. Because I just love that and totally deserve it...oh wait, I don't! Sorry for speaking my mind...I guess. Won't happen again. I forgot I'm not allowed.

Nope, not feeling it. This feels like you're trying to force-feed techno down poor Mr. Glenn's throat. Trouble is, Frog's Theme isn't meant to be heard as a techno piece. Point-in-fact, neither are most of the other tracks on the Chrono Trigger OST. Celtic, sure. Rock, maybe. But not this.

Good example of an eager and blooming skillset being applied to the wrong thing on one of its pioneering leaps out the window. I recommend getting up, dusting yourself off, and trying again with a song that techno was meant for.

I disagree.

Nope, not feeling it. This feels like you're trying to force-feed techno down poor Mr. Glenn's throat. Trouble is, Frog's Theme isn't meant to be heard as a techno piece. Point-in-fact, neither are most of the other tracks on the Chrono Trigger OST. Celtic, sure. Rock, maybe. But not this.

Good example of an eager and blooming skillset being applied to the wrong thing on one of its pioneering leaps out the window. I recommend getting up, dusting yourself off, and trying again with a song that techno was meant for.

With all due respect, I've always been of the mindset that any source could be arranged for any genre. To say that DJ Velly is applying the wrong skillset to the original piece is a bit, absolute, I feel. Sure, it's quite possible that Yasunori Mitsuda never meant to turn the theme into a techno arrangement, but I don't think that means it never could be. In other words, some pieces lend themselves to certain genres more easily than others, but I think the awesome thing about music is that there are no rights and wrongs in its creation.

I mean, I think a huge aspect of OCR's appeal is the sheer amount of ReMixes that have been written in unexpected styles, and that have worked out surprisingly well.

With all due respect, I've always been of the mindset that any source could be arranged for any genre. To say that DJ Velly is applying the wrong skillset to the original piece is a bit, douchey and ignorant, I feel.

Fixed for you. It's just a stupid opinion from purplecow that I don't respect. There's no such thing as doing an arrangement in the "wrong" genre, and I hate when people cry sacrilege about it when it's just a personal preference and not actually something more meaningful that that.

Fixed for you. It's just a stupid opinion from purplecow that I don't respect. There's no such thing as doing an arrangement in the "wrong" genre, and I hate when people cry sacrilege about it when it's just a personal preference and not actually something more meaningful that that.

I sort of agree with the purple cow, but only insofar as certain genres are much more difficult to adapt sources to without heavily altering them. You -could- successfully adapt Frog's theme to a dancey techno genre, but it would be an uphill battle the entire way. And this wouldn't be the same battle as adapting it to Orchestral, Rock, or Jazz. Although Jazz does require a different type of genius to pull off well. I guess all music does.

As someone else who wasn't feeling this track, I would say that the artist didn't take it far enough?

I think in order to do this source to a dance-y techno theme you would need to grab some of the skillset of your zircons, your bLiNds, hell I'm sure Anso would be able to rock it out. It would involve gutting the source and pulling out the aspects that lend themselves the most to the genre, building on them, and then seeing if you can add a few more references. Playing the source almost verbatim in a synth while a boom-tiss plays in the foreground just doesn't turn people as much as a much smarter arrangement could.

All that said, as per my previous post, I do respect it being here and think it should be on OCR. And for a new artist a certain amount of slack is cut. Nobody started out as a genius. Well, maybe Anso. Or Schnab. Or Maze. But they more than likely had strong musical backgrounds before they came here.


Master_Yoshi, thanks for expressing Purple Cow's point in a much more civilized way. For the record...

I think in order to do this source to a dance-y techno theme you would need to grab some of the skillset of your zircons, your bLiNds, hell I'm sure Anso would be able to rock it out. It would involve gutting the source and pulling out the aspects that lend themselves the most to the genre, building on them, and then seeing if you can add a few more references. Playing the source almost verbatim in a synth while a boom-tiss plays in the foreground just doesn't turn people as much as a much smarter arrangement could.

...this passage supports the point that with the right game plan, any source can be done in any genre - it just may be a more challenging endeavor considering the source, the genre, and the arranger (which was Master_Yoshi's point, I think).

All that said, as per my previous post, I do respect it being here and think it should be on OCR. And for a new artist a certain amount of slack is cut. Nobody started out as a genius. Well, maybe Anso. Or Schnab. Or Maze. But they more than likely had strong musical backgrounds before they came here.
Agreed. And as long as we can discuss the strengths and weaknesses of particular ReMixes and be respectful at the same time, I'm all for critical review. :)

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