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Ahh, Pokémon. How many days, afternoons and nights were spent on this series? This tiny little world, right in your hands, filled with amazing creatures with fantastic powers. You were given a friend and mission, and then sent out into the world. No parents to send you to bed, no teachers to make you do homework... just open fields, friends at your side, and the freedom to go and do what you wanted. In your journeys, you fought monsters, defeated the bad guys, rescued the townsfolk, crossed the ocean, and still had enough time to play the slots. You were the champion, a hero to all... and it was your world!

Even though more than a decade has passed since we first set our eyes upon those little creatures, we still love to play with them. The series has created so many fond memories for us. Who can forget the first time they stepped out into the grass outside of Pallet Town and ran into a Pidgey? How many hours did we spend exploring and mapping out the underwater tunnels of Hoenn's seas? Will you, years from now, look back upon rescuing the Lake Trio from Team Galactic and recall how glad you felt they were now safe? I bet you will.

The music of Pokémon comes as varied and imaginative as the world it's set in. It's sad, happy, quick and light, heavy and fearsome, and all of it deserving of more attention. The Missingno Tracks is a tribute to the music of the games. We've given the songs new twists, lyrics to convey the feelings behind them, and played with them like we would with a Pokémon friend. We give this to you, the Trainers, so that you may enjoy them again.

Thank you for playing all this time and most certainly thank you for listening!

-Gerry Wheatley (The Damned)

Project Director


Finally!! I'm so happy but can't listen it until tomorrow...

Anyway, some of the tracks are absent in FLAC format, this is becoming common in the last albums...


just wanted to let everyone know that the version of my remix "Drowning Blue" that's on the album is not the correct version... it is an older version that unfortunately got mixed up during the bundling process

I've uploaded the newer, correct version here:


the EQ and mixing on this version is a LOT better, with some slight instrument/arrangement differences

I've already tagged the mp3 exactly as it is on the album



Why wasn't I aware of this! Good timing too, doesn't black and white come out this week? lol, in ways I'm super excited, like I think my head might like just exploddde.

Although the trailer says there's R/S/E music in the album I don't see it. Or maybe I'm just too excited to see >_<

I really like OverClocked ReMix, but there have been problems with some of their big releases. You would think that with all the time they have to prepare these projects that it wouldn't be an issue, but in some of their latest releases some tracks aren't in .flac, some .flac files don't decompress correctly, and in this case an incorrect version of the remix was used in the final release.

From what I've seen in the project threads the person in charge asks for .wav files from the people working on remixes (at least for the final submission), so why do only some tracks come in .flac and others don't? I understand lossy for the day-to-day remixes, but you would think for the big releases they would have everything in .flac and not just some.

Well, the project is 4 years old. I don't have the projects files for my track that I finished in 2007 anymore. I can't make a wav, so we can't make a flac. It happens.

Fishy pretty much nailed it. The project has been going on for so long that some people submitted finals to the project director in MP3 form and, when the time came that WAVs were requested, the raw project files or WAV renders no longer existed. The project was released with what lossless files existed.

I can't speak to the issue with flac decompression because I've never had that issue whatsoever.


I'll likely be going through and doing a track-by-track review at some point, but I'll also say a few things now.

This album serves to show me the extent to which people have grown, changed, and improved over the last four-to-five years. With a project that ran as long as this, you can hear how "old" some songs sound. It's an album that shows its age but it's not a bad album in the least.

In fact, I think the album serves a parallel to the actual Pokemon game series. It started somewhat humbly, with good core and great creative ideas. Over time, those ideas were polished to a mirror shine, and the music has not changed as much as it has matured. Same thing with this project: if Battle for the Badge represents some of the first material for the project, and Bullet for my Pillowswine repesents some of the latest, the amount of heart and devotion is equal for both.

As a love-letter to Pokemon-series music, this album does its job incredibly well. It may not have all the slickest production, tightest timing, or greatest performance on every track, but the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Without a doubt, there are some fantastic tracks to hear, and any fan of the music of the series will find joy in listening.

Kudos and congratulations to all those involved in the project, and take a well-deserved break to recharge your batteries and rest your Pokemon. Your effort value is beyond comprehension. :razz:


I am so excited that this is finally out. I have been listening to a bunch of the original chiptunes for Pokemon lately and have been really wishing for some decent remixes (there were a few out there before this album, but far too few).

I've been getting back into Pokemon in a big way, and the timing of this release is perfect for me. Downloading them now to listen to at work today.

And kudos on the name of the album. :) I've been a MissingNo. fan for years. ^^

just wanted to let everyone know that the version of my remix "Drowning Blue" that's on the album is not the correct version... it is an older version that unfortunately got mixed up during the bundling process

I've uploaded the newer, correct version here:


the EQ and mixing on this version is a LOT better, with some slight instrument/arrangement differences

I've already tagged the mp3 exactly as it is on the album


Mmmm thanks for let us know. No FLAC for this one either? The old version was a FLAC but hey I prefer listening the updated one...


I've been waiting for this so long (not as long as the people who took part in making this but still >.>)

Downloading as soon as I figure out how to use a torrent cuz I said I wanted to try it when this came out.

EDIT: Meh...I'm at school, not for sure if its my fault or the schools but torrent is WAAAAY too slow. Sorry but I've gotta just take the bandwidth leeching route >.<


This is freaking awesome so far.

Let me just say that ProtoDome is now officially my favorite Jazz mixer on this entire site.

Home Is Where the Luvdisc Is... is my favorite thing. Ever. Without a doubt my favorite Pokemon mix. Ever.

Freaking awesome job on this, overall. I literally can not find a single track I do not like. Except Jigglypuff choir because i freaking hate that stupid pi...nk.. puff...ball.. zzzzzz


My morning has been devoted to listening to this album, and I must say that it is quite excellent. I've been playing Pokemon since Red/Blue/Yellow (and I still play - definitely picking up White version in the near future), and so hearing all these ReMixes calls to mind wonderful memories.

Negatives for me - a bit of an overabundance of chippiness, but that's just my own personal preference. Having said that, the source material really lends itself well to that style of ReMixing, so I'm not complaining too much. Some of the tracks are also very short, and I find myself wanting more.

Personal favorite tracks on the album: Drowning Blue [the old version stood out to me too, and the updated one is even better], Clash of the Titans, Argent Vexemon [i dig that bass line so much], Super Effective and.....Jiggly Choir. :P

Keep up the great work, OCR - this album and Heroes vs. Villians have been outstanding and have permanent spots on my daily playlist.


Thought I'd drop by to show my love for this album,This is one of my top 3 ocremix album now along with project chaos and voices of the lifestream, you guys and girls did an amazing job on each song and it's a joy to listen to each one, thank you for this.

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