Corporal Eschebone Posted September 9, 2004 Posted September 9, 2004 I don't mind the low sound quality at all. I think it gives the mix a bit of character, like scars on a vintage tank. Real cool stuff, here. The Castlevania mix was great too. Quote
tyler_lucero Posted September 9, 2004 Posted September 9, 2004 One of my favorite mixes. The different instramentation from the scource material changes this mix just enough for me to drop my jaw. The riffs at 2'20 to about 3'00 are a definite highlight, and the outro brings evertything down very nicely. Good work overall. Quote
SixthFlyingMan Posted September 12, 2004 Posted September 12, 2004 Y'know, I never thought MMX music, especially not tat short loop of it could make a good remix.... Until three minutes and 58 seconds ago. This is just cool. And like some of the others said, it REALLY captures the feel of Storm's sky fortress. I tried that open window thing, and I could see the runways, the rotating elevators, the suicide bomber helis... And even the heart tank on top of the terminal. Well done, Chiku. And DEFINITELY worth a download. Quote
Grath Posted November 25, 2004 Posted November 25, 2004 This is AT LEAST top 3 on my remixes list, if not my absolute favorite. Quote
JFM Posted November 26, 2004 Posted November 26, 2004 I'm not meaning to be nasty, but this is the worst remix I have yet to hear! I loved the original theme, and was hoping that 'Airbased' would be good, but it was horribly out of tune. 1/10 Quote
cobaltstarfire Posted February 11, 2005 Posted February 11, 2005 Out of tune? What? It doesn't sound out of tune to me, and my ear is pretty well trained, although it's more trained to pick out instruments that are out of tune with each other. Which these instruments are not, meaning they are in tune by the definition of any band or orchestra. That aside This peice sounds just fine, nifty guitarness and everything! Several fun solos too, and a nifty bass part. The ending is very pretty. My only complaint is it's kindof hard to pick the parts out, everything is really muddy sounding so I had to concentrait really hard on the peice, but I do enjoy the song for what it is, that being some pretty awsome guitar. 7/10 Quote
Zipp Posted February 12, 2005 Posted February 12, 2005 This song is awesome. I don't even like heavy guitar, and I love this song. I don't know what people are talking about saying it is out of tune. No no, out of tune sounds baaad. This sounds good. The mega man series offers up some excellent remixing opurtunities, and it's good to see people taking advantage of this. Still, rarely does someone take it to new places like the creators of AIRBASED have. There's beautiful harmonies in here (which is what I think some people may be calling out of tune, harmonies can be tough to determine), the guitar riffs are excellent, the eagle cry fits, and the ending, the switch to a new chord and riff, is wonderful. If anyone has the ending theme to LAIN, try playing it as soon as this one is over, they meld right into eachother. Quote
BlueMage Posted February 15, 2005 Posted February 15, 2005 Never heard the original...and now I regret that fact, 'cause this is great. There are two special spaces on any music CD I create for myself - the first, for something that'll get me motivated to walk (I walk to public transport - takes a good 15 minutes so need something good to get me going) and the last, for my personal favourite. This track goes first. Everytime. EDIT: Just heard the original - wtf are most of you on about saying it sounds out of tune? Quote
the_mayor Posted March 13, 2005 Posted March 13, 2005 hmmm. i don't know about everybody else but i don't think there is a tuning promblem and if there is it doesn't take away from the enjoyment of the mix in my opinion. this is pure awesomeness i definatly must recomend this one Quote
Magnum_Thunder Posted October 3, 2005 Posted October 3, 2005 Well well well. What have we here? A guitar-haven mix from the Chikusho Sound Team? Many people will think that they're in for quite a ride, and you are correct. This mix takes us back to the ol' days of MMX and revolves around it. A hard piece with non-stop action, except for the last bit. It was a surprise to me when I found that the last thirty seconds or so was very mellow for such a mix. Ok in a way, but somehow didn't fully catch my attention in a MMX perspective. Final Grade: 6.5 out of 10 Quote
Bummer Posted January 7, 2006 Posted January 7, 2006 Wow, simply just wow. It was a nice beginning to start off with some high winds and the cry of an eagle. The walkover to the real deal may've been too abrupt, but at least they go straight to the point. I can see why Team Chikusho gets so much respect, they deserves it! Excellent guitars to open up with, accompanied with an a nice organ synth and awesome drums. The electric solo that then followed didn't have the same quality though, the guitar didn't sound too good. It was...what's the word? It is generally sloppy Yeah, that's it. It did pick up again with the same energy afterwards, so it was only the solo I had issues with. Everything else was excellent played. Does anyone happen to have a lighter? Quote
Goten X Posted January 24, 2006 Posted January 24, 2006 I, too, thought it was kinda rushed and muddy at some points. Its a great mix, but I for some reason don't like the lead synth on it. Just me? >_> Yeah, its must be just me. And, the solo was kick-ass to me. |GX Quote
Eris Posted April 26, 2006 Posted April 26, 2006 Sorry to post on an old remix, but I found some worthless bugger claiming this remix as his own work, right here: Anyone know how to contact the original authors and tell them about it? Thanks. Quote
Liontamer Posted April 26, 2006 Posted April 26, 2006 Sorry to post on an old remix, but I found some worthless bugger claiming this remix as his own work, right here: know how to contact the original authors and tell them about it? Thanks. You can always bump review threads for older ReMixes. Thanks for bringing this to our attention. The kid's only other submission to Fur Affinity is an MP3 of the Sephiroth theme. I'll be reporting the plagarism of this ReMix to the proper people at that site in order to have the kid's account dealt with. Quote
Eris Posted April 26, 2006 Posted April 26, 2006 I'll be reporting the plagarism of this ReMix to the proper people at that site in order to have the kid's account dealt with. Yeah, I probably should have done that myself, but in the rush to figure out how to tell the original artists, I failed to remember. It seems a lot of people on that site don't exactly read the TOS. At all. <3 EDIT: Whoops, I imagine disabling BBCode also affects quotes. Quote
Liontamer Posted April 26, 2006 Posted April 26, 2006 I'll be reporting the plagarism of this ReMix to the proper people at that site in order to have the kid's account dealt with. Yeah, I probably should have done that myself, but in the rush to figure out how to tell the original artists, I failed to remember. It seems a lot of people on that site don't exactly read the TOS. At all. <3 EDIT: Whoops, I imagine disabling BBCode also affects quotes. No worries. We don't need to contact Chikusho Sound Team in order to handle this properly anyway. If you'd like you file your own report on it, that's definitely appreciated. No matter what you do, I'll be following up on the situation myself as well. Thanks again; good looking out! Quote
Pink Posted September 27, 2006 Posted September 27, 2006 Hmm... this is certainly a bit of a different take on the Storm Eagle stage theme... it's slower... more relaxed... and much less intense than the original. The remix itself is very well done and all put together nicely. It's enjoyable to listen to and there's nothing that's delayed, off-key, etc. I've had this remix for quite some time... it was one of the first remixes I downloaded from OC. The only real problem I've had with it for awhile though is that I just do not like the ending... it contrasts just a bit too much to the rest of the song for me. The song would've been better if the ending section was chopped off entirely, for me at least. Either way... this remix is still recommended to me to most people out there, since it's calmer than most songs that are considered rock, so even those that don't like rock may enjoy this mix. Quote
ManicRoth Posted May 23, 2007 Posted May 23, 2007 The source material here is fantastic, but this remix definitely does it justice and goes way beyond. Great guitar work and interpretation throughout, but especially around 2:19 - 2:31 -- I can listen to that part over and over again per listen and do. It's more than just shredding; it's shredding within the lines - very carefully crafted and easy to listen to. This kind of track lends itself to getting carried away with freestyle guitar, but these dudes never try to go overboard, and the backing instrumentals are perfectly complementary -- solid all around. The ending is a little anticlimactic and it's kinda long, so I usually just skip it, but otherwise this mix is pretty much flawless. It sucks that a mix like this might go relatively unnoticed because the game is more obscure than CT or FF and less known for its music. Regardless, this is definitely one of the most badass remixes on the site. Quote
uagrenadier Posted January 7, 2009 Posted January 7, 2009 fave part is 2:41-2:47 2:47 reminds me of 'baker street' really soulful. Quote
42 Posted March 6, 2009 Posted March 6, 2009 Oh, yesssssssss..... While I wouldn't want to choose between this and Powerglove's, this is still crazy good I really like the screaming eagle that punctuates the mix; it's feels just so appropriate. Quote
Crulex Posted March 17, 2010 Posted March 17, 2010 The beginning with the screeching eagle was the perfect way to start off this ReMix. I don't mind the fact that this is a bit slower than normal, as the guitars shredding out through it is done really well. The only problem I have is that the real slow part at the end seems to come up out of nowhere, like their is little to no transition. Quote
OceansAndrew Posted April 29, 2010 Posted April 29, 2010 good arrangement, but the production hasn't held up at all Quote
Marmiduke Posted November 10, 2011 Posted November 10, 2011 Man this is muddy. Don't know what the particular issue is; low bitrate, uneven compression or both, but it's like listening to it through pea soup... I get the feeling there is a lot more detail I'm not hearing because of some unfortunate production Which is a great shame because I really do love the arrangement. This is an extremely typical guitar mix, but a damn good one. I particularly like the solo, and even though it has to battle somewhat with the noisy, dodgy technical issues and the seen-better-days samples, I still think it triumphs. A very impressive feat. I'm even a fan of the mellow epilogue, though it seems I'm in the minority on that one. I think a change in pace is a much better way to end a mix than a fadeout. In all, there's lots of things holding this back from top marks, to be sure. But there's still plenty of talent and great music here, if you are willing to strain our ears to make it all out. Quote
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