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Posted (edited)
People said the same thing about using the DS touch screen.

And they were right.

Look, I grew up on nintendo, and am very much a nintendo fanboy. But this new system just seems stupid and gimmicky to me.

Out of curiosity, regarding the wii -- does nintendo have some rule that all games released on it must include a stupid gimmicky mini-game where you have to shake the controller? 'Cause every wii game I've played insisted on using a shake as some sort of control mechanic, no matter how awkward, ineffective, and shoe-horned it felt.

I hope the same won't be the case with the Wii U.

I'm gonna hold off on buying this one until I hear some reviews -- I'm not impressed so far.

Edited by Geoffrey Taucer

I refuse to call it Wii U. The internet needs to band together and replace any mention of it online or off with "Super Wii"

No, actually that name is so bad I'll just be renting a Wii U for Skyward Sword and that's it. Stickin' with my PC.


I'm still not really seeing the appeal to the Wii U just yet.

I mean hurray, they finally joined the HD gen, but people aren't going to buy a new system just to play NG3 if it's already slated for the 360/PS3 anyway. Then there's the controller. Everything they've mentioned is typical pie in the sky buzzwords and I just don't see the appeal yet.

I guess I just want the portable gaming scene to be in the limelight this generation, particularly the 3DS and the PSVita, which is what I'm personally most excited for.


All 5 eighth gen consoles ("Wii U" [used loosely, I honestly think "2nd Wii" would've been a better title], 3DS, PlayStation Vita, 4th PlayStation console, and 3rd Microsoft console) have a long way to go to prove themselves in my eyes.


It's annoying to me that they showed off the Wii U controller playing a Wii game. Yes, it shows that the system is backward compatible, but I think it was damaging to the initial impression people got of the system. People will look at that video and think that the system is only as powerful as the Wii, when it has been stated to be at least as powerful as the PS3.

They really didn't showcase the system's technical prowess other than through that weird Bird/Cherry Blossom/Fish tech demo. Who knows when we'll see a game built from the ground up on the system.


I've been a Nintendo fanboy for years and years. Literally since I was about 5 (20 years ago), I've been all about Nintendo. But the Wii U looks stupid. The console design is fine from the one pic we've seen, and the game lineup sounds great (but so did the 3DS' lineup, and it probably still will be... a year or so after the system's launch, but the 3DS WILL have good games). But that controller. That's got to be one of the most ridiculous things I've ever seen. It looks like a classic controller ingested an iPad. I really don't see myself wanting to play ... well anything using that abomination.

Will I get one? Yeah, probably. I might even day 1 it if there are good launch titles. But if it's another 3DS disaster, then screw it, I'm waiting till the price goes down and camping with my PS3 in the meantime.


What is WRONG with video game controllers lately? First, Sony teased a boomerang controller for the PlayStation 3 in 2005. That was scrapped in favor of SixaxiS. Then the Wii remote/nunchaku controller gets all its potential wasted, now this! It's in their best interests to make it more graceful or design an all-new controller because controllers haven't impressed me in years.


I'm honestly not getting the Wii U hate that I'm hearing (aside from the name). I think it looks awesome and has some great potential. It's like combining the features available in the DS and Wii in one little HD package. Call it gimmicky or not, both the DS and Wii were huge commercial successes and I personally like the hell out of both of them and their libraries. I don't see any huge downsides here.


I think the point is that the system is powerful enough to run games that are coming out right now for ps3/360

and the developers expressing their enthusiasm would likely indicate that they've already begun development on games specifically for it

Where are the core games for meeeeeeeee? I want COOOOOORE games, not kiiiiiidy games!

* Darksiders 2

* Batman: Arkham City

* "Tekken"

* Assassin's Creed

* Ghost Recon Online

* DiRT

* Aliens: Colonial Marines

* Metro: Last Light

* Ninja Gaiden 3: Razer's Edge


* Darksiders 2 = possibly good

* Batman: Arkham City = LAME

* "Tekken" = LAME

* Assassin's Creed = GOOD BUT OLD

* Ghost Recon Online = LAME


* Aliens: Colonial Marines = dunno.. what is this?

* Metro: Last Light = LAME!?

* Ninja Gaiden 3: Razer's Edge = LAME


They need a better offering than 1/10 good games to get peoples' attention. :tomatoface: The spattering of genres on this list ranges from shooters, to driving games, to games with people who walk and shoot or possibly use a sword. I know that's about as diverse as the gaming industry can muster at this point, but come on, this list is weak.


Don't know anything about Darksiders, but Batman: Arkham City should be pretty good. Same for Assassin's Creed and Ninja Gaiden 3. So I disagree with you on those 3. The rest though? Yeah, you're kind of right.

Posted (edited)

Damned, if you're satisfied with that yawn-fest of a debut lineup then i think you've forgotten the golden days. Darksiders and Batman are the only games worth taking a peek at. Games like dirt and Assassin's Creed are so worn. I barely pushed through the last AC because the gameplay is so repetitive.

Edited by Modus
They need a better offering than 1/10 good games to get peoples' attention. :tomatoface: The spattering of genres on this list ranges from shooters, to driving games, to games with people who walk and shoot or possibly use a sword. I know that's about as diverse as the gaming industry can muster at this point, but come on, this list is weak.

I don't care if the rest of your edits are actually correct or not, but by calling Batman lame you kinda just threw your entire post away.

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