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those factors seem to be user-base (most GTA enthusiasts will already have an PS3 or XBox)

the only smart thing you've said

it's not 'right to an opinion' that makes your "opinion" dumb it's the way you state it as fact and then vehemently defend it afterwards by using the word 'opinion' a bunch of times like i'm violating your first amendment rights.

also note: the idea of a 'kiddy name' for something is stupid as shit, wii u is fine, it's a name, a proper noun, it has no meaning.

also note: there were rarely if ever significant load times on the wii in any game of decent value

also note: nintendo has stated multiple times recently they are moving towards download-based structure. the hard drive will be big enough

also note: child gamers don't watch e3 and in most cases neither do their parents. nintendo presenting to children at e3 is like presenting a documentary on corruption in the middle of a grade school arts and crafts festival; its the wrong audience.

also note: hard drive size has nothing to do with whether or not games will be made in hd.

also note: children are most decidedly *not* the only people playing nintendo consoles and that's super dumb of you to say

also note: the last zelda game to not have critical acclaim was... oh wait that's right there wasn't one

i would tell you to lurk more but you joined in 2002 so... yeah good luck with that


also note: there were rarely if ever significant load times on the wii in any game of decent value

This is some that always impressed me. Nintendo managed to make a massive game world like Metroid Prime Trilogy, Twilight princess, Mario Galaxy etc and they never had load times; even if they did it never lasted more than 5 seconds. the load times on other consoles sometimes...yeesh! And don't even get me started on the Vita's load times! (I thought it ran on cartridges!?)


Really?? You found those pics of Pikmin 3 to be ugly? I guess I just don't have as highly trained an eye as you do...to me they look fine, good even. I didn't notice any significant aliasing issues, the textures are pretty good, and its lush environment and saturated colors really make the world appealing.

Posted (edited)
the only smart thing you've said

it's not 'right to an opinion' that makes your "opinion" dumb it's the way you state it as fact and then vehemently defend it afterwards by using the word 'opinion' a bunch of times like i'm violating your first amendment rights.

also note: the idea of a 'kiddy name' for something is stupid as shit, wii u is fine, it's a name, a proper noun, it has no meaning.

also note: there were rarely if ever significant load times on the wii in any game of decent value

also note: nintendo has stated multiple times recently they are moving towards download-based structure. the hard drive will be big enough

also note: child gamers don't watch e3 and in most cases neither do their parents. nintendo presenting to children at e3 is like presenting a documentary on corruption in the middle of a grade school arts and crafts festival; its the wrong audience.

also note: hard drive size has nothing to do with whether or not games will be made in hd.

also note: children are most decidedly *not* the only people playing nintendo consoles and that's super dumb of you to say

also note: the last zelda game to not have critical acclaim was... oh wait that's right there wasn't one

i would tell you to lurk more but you joined in 2002 so... yeah good luck with that

What I've been doing is asking questions and posing views. Quit whining and just 'call me out' if I make a mistake.

a) Erm, companies/parents spend time coming up with decent names because its important, you are hoping people will say the name and not feel like a tool when they do. Wii was already a stretch and now WiiU? Sound like something weird that is done with a partner in the shower, but there's no point debating the name. Wii took off so prolly WiiU will fly too. Most poeple in conversation will probably just say "the Wii", or "the Nintendo" which is what I say. But its not going to help give a serious image to the console just like Wii never had a serious image.

B) Good for the Wii but do you know how much time it takes to load from discs all the texture maps for real HD content? Believe it or not IT'S HIGHER.

c) and e) So you say. If the DL based structure parallels the Wiis then there will be concerns with hard-drive space. If you've ever played a decent game on the PS3 will good texture work you'll know that having ample hard-drive space is important, its pointless to debate against this. But until we don't know the specs, lets hope Nintendo concede and put a decent sized hard-drive in this time.

d) Kids who are really into videogames get magazines and check out websites to see what's new and see reviews etc. Hell I did, kids aren't stupid, some of them are most likely more in-touch than we are, lol. Magazines and news sites hype E3 like crazy. Don't know where this point came from to be honest.

f) Y'know what I find pretty dumb to say... "Maybe you should go have a break for 15 minutes then come back and play" or whatever I've heard that Nintendo say in the recent games. I would find it pretty lame if I bought a game that would constantly prompt me to stop playing, lol. Sorry, but that does make me question the demographic or at least the intelligence of the target audience for that game.

g) I didn't say anything bad about past Zelda games, albeit I didn't buy Skyward Swords but that's just a personal preference thing based on what I heard and read about it. Don't know where this came from. My concerns were for the future Zelda games. If they're gonna be a casual affair chances are I will have the exact same casual apathy right back at it.

You are right in that it would be ideal to keep more in touch with what's going on more on these forums and in the videogame industry. I used to be a 3D artist for a company that had investor issues, so I have some insight into the industry and how difficult it can be to break into. Having said that Nintendo are veterans at this. They are capable of great things, but ever since Wii Music unveiling I've been apathetic toward them generally and I follow the industry through the PS3 mostly. I still want to be WOWED by Nintendo which is why I reanimate myself for E3, lol. For ol' times sake. Perhaps if I keep an eye on them maybe they will grab my attention and get a WOW, but till then if the PS3 can deliver, that's it. Resident Evil 6 looks fantastic I almost had tears. Rayman looks great but yeah I just need true WOW from Nintendo to commit to their next console. Maybe Retro will have that but to be really confident I would like to see it in the BigN themselves. So yeah its most likely not a midnight launch rush for me. Mark my words though, I'll be back here the minute Nintendo make me 'eat my words'. Here's hoping...

Edited by dfcentre
Posted (edited)
What I've been doing is asking questions and posing views. Quit whining and just 'call me out' if I make a mistake.

a) Erm, companies/parents spend time coming up with decent names because its important, you are hoping people will say the name and not feel like a tool when they do. Wii was already a stretch and now WiiU? Sound like something weird that is done with a partner in the shower, but there's no point debating the name. Wii took off so prolly WiiU will fly too. Most poeple in conversation will probably just say "the Wii", or "the Nintendo" which is what I say. But its not going to help give a serious image to the console just like Wii never had a serious image.

B) Good for the Wii but do you know how much time it takes to load from discs all the texture maps for real HD content? Believe it or not IT'S HIGHER.

c) and e) So you say. If the DL based structure parallels the Wiis then there will be concerns with hard-drive space. If you've ever played a decent game on the PS3 will good texture work you'll know that having ample hard-drive space is important, its pointless to debate against this. But until we don't know the specs, lets hope Nintendo concede and put a decent sized hard-drive in this time.

d) Kids who are really into videogames get magazines and check out websites to see what's new and see reviews etc. Hell I did, kids aren't stupid, some of them are most likely more in-touch than we are, lol. Magazines and news sites hype E3 like crazy. Don't know where this point came from to be honest.

f) Y'know what I find pretty dumb to say... "Maybe you should go have a break for 15 minutes then come back and play" or whatever I've heard that Nintendo say in the recent games. I would find it pretty lame if I bought a game that would constantly prompt me to stop playing, lol. Sorry, but that does make me question the demographic or at least the intelligence of the target audience for that game.

g) I didn't say anything bad about past Zelda games, albeit I didn't buy Skyward Swords but that's just a personal preference thing based on what I heard and read about it. Don't know where this came from. My concerns were for the future Zelda games. If they're gonna be a casual affair chances are I will have the exact same casual apathy right back at it.

i'm going to bullet point my stuff like you so i can sound smart too

a) nobody cares about your opinion of the name it's a name and nobody will care about the name 'wii u' within negative 3 months ago

B) well then it's a good thing the wii u is going to be more powerful than the wii... nice point you know what they say about assumption

c) and e) they're doing full game downloads with the 3ds and unless you bought like 12 games from wiiware there was plenty of space sooo actually you're wrong. it's completely reasonable that you have to pay more for significantly higher space. instead of building in that huge hard drive and making people pay for it upfront, having them pay for it when you *actually* need it is completely reasonable and makes complete sense.

f) that's cool i'm glad you think so. press a and stop bitching, nice moot point to base an opinion on

We want Zelda to be a big, epic, fantastical, inspired adventure. Could the gamers who have valued the blockbuster Zelda games of the past be in for a massive disappointment? Maybe Nintendo really can't deliver blockbusters of a standard we expect today. Maybe Nintendo knows now that only young kids are playing their console

g) yes we're TOTALLY in for a disappointment because Shigeru Miyamoto doesn't speak proper English. and past zelda games are a clear indication of diminishing standards..?

i'm not attacking you because i i'm mad you have doubts about the wii u or even that i dislike your opinion it's that you're so stupid as to say things like "oh there's a screen telling me to take a break nintendo is dead" and a half-sentence snippet from a man who doesn't speak english telling you that "the legend of zelda is going to be nothing more than an iphone app"


Edited by The Derrit

There aren't enough games I'm personally interested in under Sony's and Microsoft's jurisdiction to justify me buying any of the Playstation or XBOX series of consoles. Oniisan doesn't see me as interested in Sony and Microsoft, and I trust his judgment. However, for me that means with the 8th generation of games, it's WII U or nothing, but I'm leaning towards nothing. I trust there'll be a lot more to come than Pikmin 3 and New Super Mario Bros U in the years to come, but for whatever reason Nintendo just didn't talk about very far beyond launch day. But why should I buy any console at launch? When was the last time a console was worth buying at launch since the Super Nintendo? And with rising prices, will there ever be a console worth buying at launch again?


It seems Nintendo tried to do the exact opposite of what they did with the 3DS, as in, present a ton of launch software that will be available at or soon after launch, rather than what software will come down the line. If you recall, some of the biggest games they announced for the 3DS were games like Mario Kart, Paper Mario and Kid Icarus, all games that came out long after release (or not yet even). And we all remember the drought of games after the 3DS launch.

They have said they're trying to learn from their mistakes, so rather than tantalize us with the promise of a new Zelda, Metroid or F-Zero that will come in a few years like they did with the 3DS, they're trying to assure us of a strong launch line-up consisting of games like AC3, Batman, Aliens, NSMBU, Pikmin 3, ZombiU, NintendoLand, Rayman Legends, Lego City, Mass Effect 3, Darksiders 2, Scribblenauts and Tekken.

Actually, when you group them all together like that, that's a pretty good launch line-up. Sure half of them are ports, but they'll be enhanced ports, and system launches often have ports of older games. Besides, it's better to get a good assortment of "hardcore" games ready for launch, even if they're older, rather than wait several months for any decent "hardcore" game because devs are still trying to figure out the new controller.


Derrit, the Wii might have a been a success financially but any hardcore gamer will admit the games in general on the console over the past years have been... "less than" what Nintendo can do. That's fine but at least then give us something now for a product launch lol. Without sounding like a prick my friends know that I have a pretty good eye for a good game and the series of indicators I'm being shown by Nintendo are slightly concerning, I'm NOT SAYING DOOM AND GLOOM. I'm just saying they are losing touch with hardcore gamers. Judging buy the indicators we've seen now, can you blame me for reaching this conclusion. Nintendo are slipping into shallow-ware territory. Great for the kids and printing money. Boring for others. Project100 is looking innovative but that's it from them. Beyond some sexy depth-of-field effects Nintendo haven't delivered in the way of wow factor.

a) Yeah fine. Its just a name. Whatever. Leveraging the success of the Wii might pay off.

b,c,e) I'm not making assumptions here its the standard thing you just gotta have a decent hard-drive if you want to store lot of useful stuff, like textures in the HD age. No point debating. Why make everyone pay extra for an add-on they will need when a big game comes out. Just put a decent hard-drive in and voila. Confidence from the developers that the WiiU can deliver the same fidelity and detail as other consoles would be a good thing to have from the get go. Actually confidence that it can do BETTER than the others would be preferable if Nintendo really want to reel in some big titles.

d) You're welcome.

f) I did, thanks. Its an indicator.

g) Just another indicator to me, I'm glad you enjoy Nintendo's direction. I'm not saying they'll go bust, just can't wait for this casual, iterative, Mii-infused, focus to blow over.

Overflow, yeah Big-N doesn't really have much to show themselves at this stage. All I can say is they've had years to prepare for this, perhaps they are waiting for a time closer to the launch to really WOW us. If they release in late November which is the general holiday thing, then we can expect more info around September, I hope between now and then they can produce a stronger pitch to me as an actual gamer.

Derrit, the Wii might have a been a success financially but any hardcore gamer will admit the games in general on the console over the past years have been... "less than" what Nintendo can do.

I don't admit this, and I consider myself a pretty 'hardcore' gamer, as much as I hate that term (After all, I own over 25 systems and upwards of 400 games). I personally found their offering of First party games on Wii to be top notch. DKCR, Mario Galaxy 1 and 2, Metroid Prime 3, Zelda Skyward Sword, Punch-out, etc.


Is dfcentre the Jack Keiser of this thread? It's starting to look like it.

I did buy a new popcorn popper, so maybe this would be a good time to break it in.

On-topic: why no news about letting us use our 3DSs on the Wii U? They hyped the connectivity of GBA and GameCube, and later, the DS and Wii. Yes, not many games used it, but it was still something they showcased in years past.

I would think with the 3DS' better memory and processing power over the DS, we could use it for all kinds of stuff. You could even download apps onto it that take care of most of the content for a Wii U-3DS game, so you don't have to constantly download data to the 3DS all the time. Need maps and character data for a game? Just get a app/game that holds all that and keep it on your 3DS.


That's right, Iwata promised us that the 3DS version of Smash Bros with work with the Wii U one, but that's a long way off. But within that promise, there is a glimmer of other connectivity probabilities!

I've seen an idea thrown around online where Nintendo enables you to download an app on the 3DS that contains 'data save' markers from Wii U games you own, and when you take the 3DS with you into the wild, you get StreetPasses for those games too. When you get back home, you sync it up with your Wii U, and you get StreetPass data on the Wii U. I think it'd be awesome if this were to pan out.

I've seen an idea thrown around online where Nintendo enables you to download an app on the 3DS that contains 'data save' markers from Wii U games you own, and when you take the 3DS with you into the wild, you get StreetPasses for those games too. When you get back home, you sync it up with your Wii U, and you get StreetPass data on the Wii U. I think it'd be awesome if this were to pan out.

As cool as the idea would be, I can't stand StreetPass stuff. I only hate it because I take my 3DS with me to work every day. I take the train in to work every day. I work downtown in an almost-metro city. My StreetPass data is laughable. I get maybe one each month. It's taking forever to finish those damn 3DS Puzzle Swap puzzles, especially due to the fact that I walk nearly 3000 steps a day, but get capped out at 10 coins a day. </unrelatedRant>

Derrit, the Wii might have a been a success financially but any hardcore gamer will admit the games in general on the console over the past years have been... "less than" what Nintendo can do.
I can't agree more with Overflow on this one. There were lots of really great games on the Wii that I still enjoy playing, and have a couple on my backlog as well.

I don't think it's been mentioned in the thread yet, but I think you guys are forgetting one important question we should be asking about the system.

Can the Wii U do holograms?


No, of course not.

The Wii U has no sex organs. It is an inanimate object. Even if it was somehow alive and had sexual desires, it lacks the necessary "hardware" to do anything about it.

Now, it could, one supposes, derive some sort of sexual pleasure and gratification from it's designed functions, but that would seem to be more psychological than physiological. That also leads to all kinds of issues about a thinking device that has sexual urges and can not fully fulfill them. This is also a whole other mess of issues about sentience and the rights and ethics about using machines that feel, and not something that really aligns to this matter.

There's also the problem with trying to engage in any kind of sexual activity with a photonic image. If it's the typical holographic technology we have now, it would be a projection onto a special plate of glass or a tube. The Wii U could make physical contact with the glass, but the image itself would be untouchable.

Even if you used a true hologram, one that is projected into empty space and is a fully rendered 3D image, the Wii U would still be unable to make physical contact with the image, and thus unable to achieve any kind of sexual contact.

So no, the Wii U can not "do" a hologram.

Derrit, the Wii might have a been a success financially but any hardcore gamer will admit the games in general on the console over the past years have been... "less than" what Nintendo can do... I'm NOT SAYING DOOM AND GLOOM. I'm just saying they are losing touch with hardcore gamers.

if you had just said this from the beginning i wouldn't have pegged you as stupid or a dick that's all you had to say. adding all the flowery language and stupid shit like "a break every 15 minutes? how childish nintendo must suck now" is what made you sound like an idiot

your above statement is true. i have no problem with it.


I suppose I like to back up what I say with some things I've noticed. Actually because they've appears in multiple games I see them as benchmarks more than details. Not being as careful with my words as I should. Having always been a more detail-driven guy than most, some people hate that but I guess can't please everyone.

Mario dons a new costume and has a few new ways to float and that is flagship title material? I do hope they are holding back on something big for launch because really every Nintendo home-console has launched with more than that (for its time). Pikmin 3 might be great but attention-grabbing factor I do question, perhaps unfairly I don't know. Back when Luigi's Mansion was being revealed for GC people marveled at the new, satisfying gameplay, the physics, the attention to detail and even to some extent the unique story and Luigi's comical animation, it was a worthy launch title, in the same way that the Wii was just so attention-grabbing! This motion control device could (arguably) enhance EVERY ASPECT of gaming (in hindsight a naive thought but imagination is a powerful thing). The SNES and N64 need no explanation of launch awesomeness. Then there's WiiU, not really sure what to make of it even after a good few years of being in development. That's really it for me. I'll be back to 'eat my words' if I'm wrong come Autumn (my Spring). Here's hoping.


Most of the people I talked to (at the time) when the Gamecube came out didn't like Luigi's Mansion at all, regardless of how much I liked the game, I had only that and Rogue Leader for a while on GC. And the N64 survived it's first 3-4 months on Mario 64, Pilotwings, and Killer Instinct Gold. Sure, they're good games, but 4 months nowadays and people would be predicting failure for the system. My main problem is that I've only really seen 2 games that interest me for the Wii U, and I'm worried that they're focusing too much on casual again. It's hard to gauge the system when all they showed were launch-window games.

Posted (edited)

Public service announcement! Great new Wii titles to add to your library in preparation for Wii U (which is fully backward compatible with all Wii software and peripherals)

New titles have been added to the Nintendo Selects category of games and now feature reduced prices:

- Pikmin 2 New Play Control (actually a new release of the classic GameCube Pikmin 2 game with added Wii pointer control) - $19.99

This one is one of my favorite games of all time. I highly recommend! It's just oozing with charm.

- Kirby's Epic Yarn - $19.99

- Super Smash Bros Brawl - $29.99

- Donkey Kong Country Returns - $29.99

More $19.99 Nintendo Selects titles.

Run. Do not walk.

Edited by ocre

ocre, you forgot Sin and Punishment 2, which is by far one of the best games on the entire system.

And one of like, the only games in the entire Wii library where the motion control is not just an afterthought or pain-in-the-ass.

Seriously, the game is some of the most fun you'll have on the Wii.

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