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Yep, I'm definitely looking at Wii mode. In the Wii memory settings, I have save data from almost all of my disc-based Wii games and none of my downloaded games. Nothing was left on the SD card, either. At about 90% completion, it paused for a while and said somethin' rude like "this SD card sucks," but when I selected Try Again, it finished just fine. That might've been something.

Anyway, no harm done to my wallet. I used to delete save data from Mario Kart every once in a while just to re-unlock everything, so this isn't a huge deal for me. Just wanted to check if it was supposed to do that (I figured it wasn't).


I recently bought a WiiU, mainly so I could play Super Metroid again without a glitchy ROM and I find myself buying more and more old games on the Virtual Console. I bought the WindWaker HD bundle and two games: Deus Ex: Human Revolution and Batman: Arkham City Armored Edition. Other than that, no actual WiiU games.

Could anyone recommend some goodun's? I want to like the new Mario games, but I find myself not really digging the vibe and aesthetics and such - are they actually good?


Super Mario 3D World is fucking amazing. Best Mario game in YEARS.

Also that soundtrack <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

I'd also recommend The Wonderful 101, but that's because I love it. And Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze comes out next week.

Oh and heads up people, Nintendo Direct today. 5PM EST/2PM PST.

There's a good chance we're getting some Bayo 2 info today, along with X info and likely a new Smash character reveal trailer. I think I heard this one'll be about 41 minutes long too!

Posted (edited)


Super Mario 3D World <- Best game on the platform, and right now probably the best game of the "Next" generation. Many people say best Mario in a while, but I think I like Galaxy 1 & 2 slightly more. REALLY close to being that good though! Doubles as a party game but actually better as a single player game.

Pikmin 3 <- If you like strategy or want to try something different than the status quo, this game is great IMO

Zelda: WW : HD <- you already have it


Monster Hunter 3 Ulimate <- Especially if you like MH. Even if you have the 3DS game you can transfer the save between the two versions play on the big screen or on the go! Also Online! or with 3DS users locally!

Lego City Undercover <- Basically Lego GTA, pretty good

ZombiU <- Pretty much everybody likes this one, it makes pretty good use of the Wii U GamePad

Only you can find for cheap:

Wonderful 101 <- This game IS cheap now (25$ on Amazon)

Nintendo Land <- Kinda fun party game, but don't buy it at full price its a ripoff. Neat tech demo for the Wii U

New Super Mario Bros U <- Its NSMB.. you either like that series or you don't. I found it rather enjoyable and I dont like the NSMB series.

Coming Soon:

DKC:TF will probably be good, can't recommend it until it releases

Edited by Crowbar Man

Nintendo Land isn't a tech demo; It's a party game, quite pretty, and a surprising challenge. The single player aspects of the game can take quite a bit of skill to beat!

If you don't hang out at your home with IRL friends much, though, it's probably not worth it.

Also get Rayman Legends. It's gorgeous and probably at rock-bottom pricing now.

Posted (edited)

Nintendo Direct stuff:

- Still looking great, Feb 21st.

April - GBA games added to VC, starting with:

Metroid Fusion

Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga

SMBA3: Yoshi's Island (So I guess they aren't going to make the SNES Emu ever support SuperFX games so the GBA version is the best they could do? :/)

NES Remix 2 - April 25th - Contains new NES game challenges from: Ice Hockey, Wario's Woods, Zelda 2, SMB2 (US) SMB2 (J), Super Mario Bros 2, Dr Mario, Kirby's Adventure, Kid Icarus, Punch Out, Metroid, NES Open Tournament Golf. This is pretty much amazing VS the lackluster selection of the first game. ON TOP OF THAT: Super Luigi Bros, play Super Mario Bros 1 in reverse with Luigi.

- May 30th - Koopa Kids are now in Mario Kart!

- TBA 2014 - New character, Little Mac from Punch Out!

New awesome footage of:

- TBA 2014 [Pub: Nintendo, Dev: Monolith]

- TBA 2014 [Pub: Nintendo, Dev: Platinum]

3rd party:

Child of Light - April 20th [Pub/Dev: Ubisoft]

Edited by Crowbar Man

I couldn't get past how cutesy and soft everything was, even the music is absurdly childlike. X is a nice contrast to that, but the footage was basically standing in place and button mashing ad nauseum. As for Child of Light, the Nintendo Direct made it seem lamer than it really is, having already seen trailers and stuff for it. I don't know why/how they did that... but I'll still just get it on PC. :-) A nice multi-plat title for sure.

I couldn't get past how cutesy and soft everything was, even the music is absurdly childlike. X is a nice contrast to that, but the footage was basically standing in place and button mashing ad nauseum. As for Child of Light, the Nintendo Direct made it seem lamer than it really is, having already seen trailers and stuff for it. I don't know why/how they did that... but I'll still just get it on PC. :-) A nice multi-plat title for sure.

that's like saying monster hunter 3 is finding a monster and hitting attack a bunch of times

that may be what it looks like but that's definitely not what it is. i thought it looked a little soft but i have confidence it'll go alright. we'll see.


Japan's getting Super Mario Advance 2.

Which is Super Mario World.

Even though we already have the actual Super Mario World.

If that redundancy is gonna happen, there's still a chance we'll get actual Yoshi's Island.

And to be fair, the GBA VC on Wii U will likely allow for custom controls, so that'll be fixed. And the GBA port does have 6 new stages, so that's cool too.

that's like saying monster hunter 3 is finding a monster and hitting attack a bunch of times

that may be what it looks like but that's definitely not what it is. i thought it looked a little soft but i have confidence it'll go alright. we'll see.

People need to play themselves some Xenoblade so they'll stop making this mistake. The combat in X is built on the systems in Xenoblade. There is no button mashing to speak of.

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Has anyone played the new Donkey Kong Country? If so, how is it?

EDIT: Best Buy is also selling Nintendo eShop cards for 20% off; it makes getting a digital version a little more worthwhile!

Edited by Penfold

Tropical Freeze is friggin' HARD. But also pretty, precise, and an absolute joy to play. The only downside to it is some long load times on boot-up and between levels, but apart from that it improves on the Wii game in every way.

Also Dixie > Cranky > Diddy in terms of helper helpfulness. Dixie makes Diddy near-redundant. Cranky is handy for jumping on enemies you couldn't normally jump on.

Also thank the heavens the vehicles can now take two hits (or three with a shop purchase). The levels are still challenging but not so frustrating.

tropical freeze is great

what's funny is gamespot was like 'this game isn't easy enough. 6.'

so yeah that happened

They also said "this level design isn't interesting enough," which I can only assume means they didn't actually play any levels.

I stayed up late practicing a time attack for the first level. Mirby's still better than me :'(

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