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I liked at the top of the show when Jimmy announced his guests, and was confused to what the Wii U actually was. He said something akin to "You can use it with your Wii, it's a new console though, wait.. do you need a Wii or not?"

That's the problem with Nintendo, everyone is still confused about what the damn console even is. Great messaging Nintendo.

Everyone isn't confused. Jimmy Fallon is confused.

Everyone isn't confused. Jimmy Fallon is confused.

You're right, I am exaggerating, but they have had a few missteps outlining exactly what Wii U is and isn't to the general consumer, which probably doesn't concern any of us, since we aren't the general consumers.

Someone mentioned that Wii is to Wii U as the original Xbox is to the 360, you are completely right. However, I think part of the confusion stems from the fact that with Wii U players are often shown using Wii Remotes in adjunct with the new Gamepad tablet.

Maybe I'm blowing it way out of proportion. My apologies.

You're right, I am exaggerating, but they have had a few missteps outlining exactly what Wii U is and isn't to the general consumer, which probably doesn't concern any of us, since we aren't the general consumers.

Someone mentioned that Wii is to Wii U as the original Xbox is to the 360, you are completely right. However, I think part of the confusion stems from the fact that with Wii U players are often shown using Wii Remotes in adjunct with the new Gamepad tablet.

Maybe I'm blowing it way out of proportion. My apologies.

Because using old controllers is so confusing. Wii used GCN controllers too ya know.

If people are getting confused by that then... well i dunno

Because using old controllers is so confusing. Wii used GCN controllers too ya know.

If people are getting confused by that then... well i dunno

Good point. I'm sure at some point someone had demoed SSBBrawl with a Gamecube controller.


Is it wrong that I knew what the Wii U was the first time I saw it?

Perhaps I used something called common sense. How in the world did people find it a reasonable idea to think that the controller was a peripheral for the Wii when they showed a tech demo with graphical capabilities lightyears beyond the Wii's? That doesn't even make sense.

Is it wrong that I knew what the Wii U was the first time I saw it?

Perhaps I used something called common sense. How in the world did people find it a reasonable idea to think that the controller was a peripheral for the Wii when they showed a tech demo with graphical capabilities lightyears beyond the Wii's? That doesn't even make sense.

Think of all of the mothers out there. They just buy the stuff -- can your mom tell you what anti-aliasing is? Mine certainly can't, and my parents own both a 360 and PS3. The physical appearance of the tablet looks like it might be compatible w/ the Wii, especially if all they show is NSMB2.


Sure but those people call PlayStations "Nintendos." For those people, it doesn't matter what the system is. They don't know and they don't really care.

It's like when people (actual gamers!) thought that the 3DS was just a DS with a 3D screen added to it, which is silly. Honestly, how can you possibly do any kind of reading about the 3DS and not understand that it's a major hardware upgrade?

I think Nintendo's real problem is that it's doing a poor job of catering to an increasingly ignorant gaming public. :roll:

Posted (edited)

So guys, let's say they offer us a Black or White Wii system at launch. Which one do you think you're gonna pick up(for those definitely going to get the system; you chowderheads that have no interest in the system, feel free to not answer)?

I say black. Not only is that the sexiest color ever but it'll probably be better for playing videos and games on the GamePad, since images will have a dark background to jut out of.

Edited by ocre
It was a legitimate complaint last year. The way Nintendo presented it by focusing on the new controller, it seemed like they were talking about a new handheld or a new peripheral for the Wii.

That's exactly what cause confusion for me when I first heard about Wii U. I thought it was just a fancy controller for the Wii, not an entirely different system. They only had pictures of the controller going around at one time. So, I kinda understand where confusion could start. But all it takes is a little more reading.

Anyway, ZombiU looks kinda cool!

I wonder, how many YouTube videos of people accidentally hitting other people with the controller is gonna pop up once this thing gets released? :lmassoff:

Think of all of the mothers out there. They just buy the stuff -- can your mom tell you what anti-aliasing is? Mine certainly can't, and my parents own both a 360 and PS3. The physical appearance of the tablet looks like it might be compatible w/ the Wii, especially if all they show is NSMB2.

I was talking about the Link vs. Spider tech demo.

Posted (edited)
I wonder, how many YouTube videos of people accidentally hitting other people with the controller is gonna pop up once this thing gets released? :lmassoff:

I was thinking about this earlier, they can't really come out with a condom slipcover for the GamePad like they did with the Wii Remote can they? I can imagine a wrist strap through. Blegh

Also, NSMB2 is the 3DS game. NSMBU is the Wii U game. Nintendo marketing fails again! I actually have to read stuff to did out about what a product is?! Oh my god! (/overreaction)

Edited by ocre
So guys, let's say they offer us a Black or White Wii system at launch. Which one do you think you're gonna pick up(for those definitely going to get the system; you chowderheads that have no interest in the system, feel free to not answer)?

I say black. Not only is that the sexiest color ever but it'll probably be better for playing videos and games on the GamePad, since images will have a dark background to jut out of.

Usually I go with the first color that any system was unveiled with: White DS Lite, Blue 3DS, red DSI XL etc, simply because I like that iconic color.

But in this case the black wii u looks REALLY good...I have to think on it some more...

I was thinking about this earlier, they can't really come out with a condom slipcover for the GamePad like they did with the Wii Remote can they?

Actually, they can, and already have!


Not 1st party but


You know the launch line-up for Wii U is actually pretty exciting now that I've gotten over the initial disappointment of E3. Lego City actually looks like a fun time (apparently there's a mini series on youtube...might be worth checking out). Pikmin 3 of course will be great, and even Nintendo Land should be fun. Then there's Scribblenauts, Rayman Legends and NSMBU. That's a pretty good line-up for launch.


So these types of articles are getting a little old.


tldr: The Wii U's power is enough to sustain for a year or so, but once the new MS and Sony consoles come out, it'll be left in the dust.

Does anyone out there think it has much clout? Personally, the only problem I have with the current Wii is the resolution, how pixellated it looks on HDTVs. The Wii U solves that problem, and I don't really care how many shaders + polys it can push, especially when it looks as good as this. Can the new consoles really look all that much better? I'm skeptical. It seems that graphics will get to a certain point that even gamers are gonna have a hard time telling the difference, and it'll all come down to the devs artistic abilities, rather than hardware limitations. It seems to me that it's coming close to that point, but maybe I just don't pay enough attention.

So these types of articles are getting a little old.


tldr: The Wii U's power is enough to sustain for a year or so, but once the new MS and Sony consoles come out, it'll be left in the dust.

Does anyone out there think it has much clout? Personally, the only problem I have with the current Wii is the resolution, how pixellated it looks on HDTVs. The Wii U solves that problem, and I don't really care how many shaders + polys it can push, especially when it looks as good as this. Can the new consoles really look all that much better? I'm skeptical. It seems that graphics will get to a certain point that even gamers are gonna have a hard time telling the difference, and it'll all come down to the devs artistic abilities, rather than hardware limitations. It seems to me that it's coming close to that point, but maybe I just don't pay enough attention.

A big problem devs are still failing to fix is that tree leaves are still 2D. It's very obvious and somewhat obnoxious to watch the tree's leaves basically FOLLOW your viewpath so it always looks the same (and when you walk up to it, you'll see it's static and has no actual depth).

Games have a long way to go in terms of graphics. People say it doesn't matter because people don't notice small details; I feel those are the people that just cling to the old 90's ways of "ignore graphics play game" because that's how they were raised.

Posted (edited)
Games have a long way to go in terms of graphics. People say it doesn't matter because people don't notice small details; I feel those are the people that just cling to the old 90's ways of "ignore graphics play game" because that's how they were raised.

They don't notice more 'limited' graphics because they're clinging to old ways? I seem to remember a lot of emphasis on graphical prowess in schoolyard debates back in the 90s. I'm not sure people ever 'ignored' graphics. Graphics have always just been one part of a gaming experience.

And sure, graphics have a ways to go, but history (and the present) shows that they're not the most important thing. My mom never taught me that. Millions of people bought into the Wii, making it the best-selling console of this generation, and I really doubt it's because those people grew up playing on weaker systems.

The bigger problem is going too far with system specs only makes "AAA" games and beefy hardware more expensive to create and buy. You go bleeding edge with your specs, higher price tag is required, your system doesn't sell, developers reluctant to support your system. Good luck with that.

Edited by ocre

NOo, it has to do with how a matter of when more advanced graphics matter.

Games that drive graphics to be better and better while making them meaningless to the game are the problem.

For instance, take any fast-paced FPS (or for that matter, pretty much any current FPS). You can have all the detail you want, but most of the players aren't going to sit there and study the grass and notice the incredible amount of attention to form and color and how it moves in the wind, because that's not what you do in an FPS. If you're using the scope on your sniper rifle to examine the rock in front of you, you're going to get killed by another player. That's not the point of the game you're playing.

As someone that likes his FPSs, most players end up dropping the settings to get better frames-per-seconds. It does help, to a certain point, when you don't have to worry about lots of stuff going on dropping your framerate into something noticeably choppier. The first things to go are the prettier stuff, like shaders and detail levels. Better performance over better looking is key.

On the other hand, games like Skyrim, where you can actually take the time to look at things, that's where that kind of detail can be appreciated. Not having to constantly look around to make sure you're not about to be shoot or blown up, not having to constantly move around to avoid being a target... that's where attention to design and detail matter.

Journey is a game that looks great without being high-end graphics oriented. It's art-style certainly benefits from modern hardware power, but it doesn't define the game. It looks great, but it isn't in the same ballpark as something like Call of Duty or any of the other big games that drive the market for graphics.

There are lots of games, series and genres that don't benefit from having better graphics, just as there are ones that don't suffer for it either. It's a matter of using them in way that actually adds to the game, other than "because it's better this way".

I feel those are the people that just cling to the old 90's ways of "ignore graphics play game" because that's how they were raised.

I would ask you about people that were born and raised after that period, who say the same thing. Or for that matter, well before that same period. I doubt that age, birthdate, or "upbringing" are that big a factor when it comes to someone looking at the matter objectively and coming to similar conclusions. Developers from different parts of the world, from different companies, with different amount of experience in the industry, shared similar opinions about the state of the industry and its drive towards higher and higher end graphics. It may not be a consensus, but it does show that it is not only do people of different backgrounds, ages and experiences show concern about it, but also the people that actively generate the very games we play do as well.

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