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I think you're forgetting that Ocarina isn't the best game ever. Wind Waker stands up far better than OoT does today, and when TWW came out it wasn't even a fraction as groundbreaking as Ocarina was. OoT has its place in history, but that's about it.

That being said, everything after the Master Sword in OoT was just straight dungeon crawling, so I don't think adding an Ice Temple would've broken it up that much. Though to be honest all I really want is for Nintendo to thaw Zora's Domain post-Water Temple like it was originally planned. It would've been nice, and it wouldn't really have changed anything (Aside from taking away the moral of "you can't save everyone", but then again I'm pretty sure I'm the only person who analyzes video games. so.)

Yeah why can't you teleport some volcanic rock there

... o wait

I think you're forgetting that Ocarina isn't the best game ever. Wind Waker stands up far better than OoT does today, and when TWW came out it wasn't even a fraction as groundbreaking as Ocarina was. OoT has its place in history, but that's about it.

I'll take dungeon crawling over endless sailing anyday. It's the reason why I didn't like Spirit Tracks or Phantom Hourglass for the DS much; too much time spent travelling and so little to do while you did.


Yeah, the sailing, while fun at first, became a mind-numbing exercise in watching not very much happen.

The first time you get to sail, it's all "FUUUUUCK YEEEEEAHH!" as you're jumping over waves and watching things fly by, and the music kicks in just at the right time and you're all "THIS IS THE GREATEST THING EVER!"

But after that feeling wears off (and it does), you're left with a rather time-consuming method of travel, and a world that is a bit too big for it's own good. In many ways, it's perhaps the biggest "land" you get to explore, as you can look for miles in every direction and still see something on the horizon. But it just becomes so tedious to use.

Yeah, the sailing, while fun at first, became a mind-numbing exercise in watching not very much happen.

everyone who says this needs to shut up and actually play wind waker, since it's clearly been so long that they can't remember getting attacked by sharks

or giant flying pufferfish

or seeing hidden treasure glowing

or finding cool mysterious islands

or suddenly getting whisked up by a tornado

or sucked into a whirlpool created by an enormous and terrifying squid monster

everyone who says this needs to shut up and actually play wind waker, since it's clearly been so long that they can't remember getting attacked by sharks

or giant flying pufferfish

or seeing hidden treasure glowing

or finding cool mysterious islands

or suddenly getting whisked up by a tornado

or sucked into a whirlpool created by an enormous and terrifying squid monster




Well I'm glad we can all agree that Wind Waker was a better game than OoT.

And yeah I didn't find sailing all that boring either. I don't like games that are non stop action, I usually end up getting bored and stop playing for a couple months for example Twilight Princess man did that game suck balls.

everyone who says this needs to shut up and actually play wind waker, since it's clearly been so long that they can't remember getting attacked by sharks

or giant flying pufferfish

or seeing hidden treasure glowing

or finding cool mysterious islands

or suddenly getting whisked up by a tornado

or sucked into a whirlpool created by an enormous and terrifying squid monster

I just played it this winter. I can honestly say I never had a problem with enemies attacking me, and I hardly ever found treasures or islands unless I was looking for them. In fact, you might even say it was...

Smooth sailing.



I think you're forgetting that Ocarina isn't the best game ever. Wind Waker stands up far better than OoT does today, and when TWW came out it wasn't even a fraction as groundbreaking as Ocarina was. OoT has its place in history, but that's about it.

I tried replaying Wind Waker last year after replaying Ocarina, ALtP, and Link's Awakening, and I'm going to have to disagree MAJORLY. Ocarina is still a very fun game, even if it does have ugly N64 graphics or whatever. Wind Waker is lame because it punishes you for wanting to explore and find all the side crap because you have to sail your fucking boat everywhere which makes getting around a slow pain in the ass. And Zelda is one of the few series where I actually enjoy doing the side crap (heart containers and what have you). WW is a very pretty game and it serves the Zelda formula well enough where it needs to, but the boat kills it.

I tried replaying Wind Waker last year after replaying Ocarina, ALtP, and Link's Awakening, and I'm going to have to disagree MAJORLY. Ocarina is still a very fun game, even if it does have ugly N64 graphics or whatever. Wind Waker is lame because it punishes you for wanting to explore and find all the side crap because you have to sail your fucking boat everywhere which makes getting around a slow pain in the ass. And Zelda is one of the few series where I actually enjoy doing the side crap (heart containers and what have you). WW is a very pretty game and it serves the Zelda formula well enough where it needs to, but the boat kills it.
I can't replay TWW because of all the cheese, to be honest. I just can't get past the first part. And I've already memorized all the dungeons.

I can replay OoT and MM no problem, though that's largely because of nostalgia and the general lack of cutscenes. But mostly the nostalgia.

I think you're forgetting that Ocarina isn't the best game ever. Wind Waker stands up far better than OoT does today, and when TWW came out it wasn't even a fraction as groundbreaking as Ocarina was. OoT has its place in history, but that's about it.

Yeah, the 4% of Wind Waker where you're actually doing something is great.

The other 96%, which you spend sailing and performing stupid-ass fetch quests, on the other hand, was rather dildonic.

I recently went back to Wind Waker for a replay, got to the part where you're supposed to hunt for Triforce shards, said "fuck this," and haven't touched it since.

OoT, on the other hand, I've probably played through at least once a year every year since it came out.

I just played it this winter. I can honestly say I never had a problem with enemies attacking me, and I hardly ever found treasures or islands unless I was looking for them. In fact, you might even say it was...

Smooth sailing.



I think we're all ignoring this awesomeness


I'm picking up a 3DS and Ocarina of Time 3D today (yay for Europe) and possibly also Ghost Recon. I'm even able to get them at a special bundle price, which pretty gives me OoT for free with the 3DS. I'm off to the store in about an hour! :D


It warms my heart to see so much MM love. My friends always claim the other Zelda games to be better. Personally I play MM atleast twice a year if not more depending on how I feel. I'll pick up Ocarina 3D but I'm mainly hoping Nintendo will consider an MM remake along the same lines. Or if nothing else.. atleast a virtual console sale of it. Sure it won't be as amazing as a 3D remake.. but I'll take what I can get.


I thought Majora's Mask was already on Virtual Console. It was their 300th game in NA I think or something like that(maybe 200th).

I don't know if Wii Virtual Console stuff is compatible with the shop for 3DS though.

At any rate, there are 2 kinds of dark to me in the Zelda universe: The gritty, foreboding dark of Twilight Princess, and the dissonant, somewhat unsettling creepy dark of Majora's Mask. These two are probably my favorite entries in the series, but I think MM's setting just "does it" for me the most. I also feel that the game took OoT's time travel schtick and turning it into a nifty gameplay mechanic, as opposed to just using it as a plot device.


Its not, 3DS VC currently only plans on emulating handhelds.

3DS VC currently has 4 Categories: Game Boy, Game Boy Color, Game Gear, and TurboGrafx GT (which is odd, considering its just a TG16).

It would be disappointing if they didn't get GBA later on though

I'm not 100% sure if 3DS has enough umph to properly emulate the N64 anyways.

Yeah, the 4% of Wind Waker where you're actually doing something is great.

The other 96%, which you spend sailing and performing stupid-ass fetch quests, on the other hand, was rather dildonic.

I recently went back to Wind Waker for a replay, got to the part where you're supposed to hunt for Triforce shards, said "fuck this," and haven't touched it since.

OoT, on the other hand, I've probably played through at least once a year every year since it came out.

I found a good way to hunt Triforce shards is to do them as soon as they become available. That is, explore a lot between dungeons. It breaks up the hunt and becomes much more fun.

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