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Posted (edited)

It's real :-D


Unfortunately the only news related to the FFX remake is that there is going to be one... it's not FF7 or FF8 or even FF9, but it's a remake of the BEST next-gen FF game out there. So I'm super excited for it. I hope they bring back the same voice actors, but re-record all the voices. :pretzel:

Edited by Brandon Strader
Make it a remake of FFX International (with all the stuff we DIDN'T get) and then I'll be cheering.

This right here. Id like to play through it again, but if they are going to slap a full retail price on it( which they will) Id hope that the extras +some will be in it as well

Posted (edited)

Yeah I'm kind of irked by the terminology for what I'm thinking will be a game in the vein of the ICO/SotC, Metal Gear Solid and Silent Hill "HD Collection"-type 'enhanced port' category.

I tend to think that an exemplary game worthy of the term "remake" is Resident Evil for the GameCube or Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes, where it's an old game rebuilt from the ground up. Metroid Zero Mission is another example of a definite "remake". I'm comfortable calling Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver remakes because they don't use the same engine as their original releases.

The recent Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time 3D is in 'enhanced port' territory. The game, being one of the first of Nintendo's 3D endeavors benefits greatly from the upgrade, but pretty much all they've done is retextured the game. And please don't get me wrong, I'm very very pleased with OoT 3D.

We'll see what this FFX thing turns out to be. My money is on 'enhanced port'. After all, didn't Square say it would take like a million (30-40) years to remake FFVII (granted, that was a PSX game but work with me here).

Edited by ocre

Remake, port, enhanced port... it's just retreading old ground, which is the new status quo for S-E I guess. Probably means there's yet another redo of the first two FF games coming up soon :lol:

But you know, it would be nice if they put that energy into something else... something new. A follow up to a franchise that they left behind, despite how well it was received. Like say, oh... Einhander II.

If they're gonna do this to International, they'd better remake the KH games while they're at it. And the Final Mix versions too.

According to Nomura, it's in the works. :wink:

Also, this is great. I liked FFX (one of the few FF I've played, among VI, VII and IX - and XII: RE on DS too). I hope they'll make a HQ version of the OST, even if the music was already very cool. :)

Remake, port, enhanced port... it's just retreading old ground...

...it would be nice if they put that energy into something else... something new.

I think it's worth noting here that these types of re-releases are likely NOT on equal ground when it comes to how much effort go into them.

I'm not sure it should be a worry that Square is wasting energy slapping pretty textures onto a PS2 game, as opposed to if they were going back to the drawing board and redoing the engine from scratch.

Granted, I do feel your pain about it not being a completely new game. I wouldn't be nearly as excited about the new 3DS Fire Emblem if it were just another remake of an NES FE.


But OCRE, the only reason there were so many remakes of FE1 is that FE3 was a remake of FE1 itself. Then, we got Shadow Dragon (remake of FE1) and then the other DS one was a remake of FE3, thus making it a remake of a remake!

Unless they remake SD or the other one (name escapes me at the moment), they won't remake FE1.

Gaiden on the other hand...


maybe it should be FFVII or FFVIII or something but good choice anyway, FFX being the last great game square put out before canning sakaguchi and driving matsumoto to insanity by making squeenixes marketing department the uncredited executive producer of FFXII. if I had any interest in the vita I'd get this

Posted (edited)
But you know, it would be nice if they put that energy into something else... something new. A follow up to a franchise that they left behind, despite how well it was received. Like say, oh... Einhander II.

Or, you know, any of the other fantastic properties left in the dust. Too bad they're busy publishing stuff like this in the FF line of game spinoffs;


Oh yes.

As for the port/remake/enhanced sloppy joe or whatever of FFX, I'm fairly certain it is in line with what Super Mario 64 DS was for the DS launch: a port with gimicky additional features meant to show off the Vita's hardware. LOOK! You can control the menu screen with the back OR front touchscreen! Battle Aeons with your friends of Ad Hoc! FOUR PLAYER CHOCOBO RACE IN HD! (yes, I am massively sarcastic because I really don't see any significant reason for this outside of least work for most benefit while still attempting to ride any wave of nostalgia)

The bottom line is: now we can listen to Tidus whine and forced laugh creepily in HD anywhere we go.

And I mean no offense to people who like the game. It was an alright game on the PS2, I played it til I beat it, but really this is just proving that they are going to make every other remake outside of 6/7/8/9 as long as people keep supporting them.

Edited by Level 99

They're probably going to be following FFIV's lead and remake FFV and FFVI on the portables first if anything.

So strange that they'd choose to release JUST FFX and not FFX, FFX-2, and maybe FFXII in an HD collection. That's a good 120+ hours of entertainment right there.

It's official... Square-Enix is out of ideas. They're remaking their own games that are only a decade old. I can see doing that to the NES and SNES games, maybe even the PS1 games. But something from the PS2 era? I can only say :roll:

That's not even that bad. Ten years is a fairly long time, after all, and Squeenix has done rereleases in a shorter time frame than that before.

That said I am so not interested in this. I'd prefer an HD Chrono Cross rerelease. That'd be swell.


While there are definitely other choices that would benefit more from an "HD Remake," I'm an FFX fan so I can get down with this as well. Hopefully it at least has the International stuff so those of us who have never experienced its additional content have some new flavor to experience.


I'm a huge FFX fan, so this is great news. Though I do want more than just a simple HD port. A reimagined remake would probably be a ton of work, so I would be happy if all they did was remake the character models, spice up the textures and 2D backdrops. I still consider FFX to be a good-looking game that doesn't need much improvement.

Though I would still love a remake built from the ground-up, too.

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