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Help Jillian Aversa (pixietricks) sing for Assassin's Creed: Revelations! Make it happen!

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UJAM (http://www.ujam.com/) is currently hosting a contest in partnership with Ubisoft Montreal to find a vocalist for the next Assassin's Creed game, AC: Revelations. Over 250 singers have entered, performing and recording their rendition of the main theme. Through September 19th, users can vote by Liking their favorite vocalists, after which the top 20 will be judged by a panel that includes Hans Zimmer!

You can vote in just FIVE seconds:

1. Go to http://www.ujam.com/songs/mKWVzgdQN9dn

2. Click "Like" to vote through Facebook.

3. Enjoy the good karma (and the song!)

That's it! She's currently in the 60s (out of 250+), so doing pretty well, but it will be an uphill battle to get in the top 20. If you've enjoyed any of her ReMixes or original works, you can say 'thanks' by making this happen! :D

9/16 10:55 AM Edit: Up to #59 now, 102 votes! Awesome!

9/16 11:26 AM Edit: WOW. #50 / 122 votes, you guys are amazing.

9/16 12:29 AM Edit: #20 / 283?! For real?!

9/16 2:40 PM Edit: #5 / 523. No words to describe how awesome this community is. Thank you!



Yep, she's in the top 5 now. That quickly. ^.^

EDIT: Looking at the leaderboards... we seem to be giving Jillian a much bigger swell than the others. Seriously, she's gained like 50 in the time the first place person has gained like 5.

This is a good thing.

I remember making a couple comments on Jill's wall post yesterday about trying the Ujam thing too. Today the comments are gone and the entire site of OCR is voting for Jill. Thanks for keeping it fair, not just for me, but for every single person entering this competition.

where's your entry, dude? I'll vote for you! :-)

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