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Not even gonna comment on that alblum image :(

Anyway, we've got some news for everyone regarding our release schedule...

Episode 056 of VGDJ will be released on Saturday, September 9th!

We're going to try this schedule and see how it works, but I think it's gonna be awesome. No longer will you have to stay up late Sunday nights to be the first person on your block to get the latest episode of the show! Now, you can enjoy our late Friday night chats in #vgdj, pick up the new episode when the clock strikes 12:00, sit back, and relax with the knowledge that you've got the whole weekend ahead of you. Pretty boss, huh? ;)

Also, this makes it a little easier for us since we'll be busier during the school year, and doing the show a few days earlier gives us our weekends off... and I think we're gonna need 'em for this term.


In the words of the Bay City Rollers, it's SATURDAY, and as such...

Episode 056 of VGDJ has been released, and is now available at www.vgdj.net!

While the filesize of this episode is a bit more manageable than has been the trend lately, make no mistake; we've got tons of good stuff on this one... including a stinger that I really enjoyed contributing to ;) Gogogo download!!!


Love the stinger, guys. Also, I approve of this release schedule change - it means the show comes out around 2:00pm on saturday for me, which is great as I can grab it then, and listen to it on the weekend - as opposed to during the week when I should be studying.


The newest episode of "The Next Level", with Becky Young and Brian DiDomenico, has been released and is now available at www.gamemusicradio.com!

But wait, why did I post about that here? Because it's the episode that contains our interview! :D It might not be VGDJ, but it came out very well and was a whole lot of fun to do. Instructions for how to listen to it have been posted at www.vgdj.net - enjoy!


the interview was awesome...2 comments real quick...mix was awesome extremely well put together

In defense and support of all yankee haters and boston red sox supporters YANKEES SUCK, hack cough...

Also the sat release shedule is a wicked good idea :D


Bam, bam, bam! Avaris, I'm finding it hard not to like you. :mrgreen:

Very proud of our FF7 collab. We were gonna keep it under wraps until the project release, but this seemed like a really neat way to debut it without giving it away to the whole community. Only the most die-hard VGDJ fans will reap the rewards of listening to our interview, eh eh?

Gonna quote this, since it's a page old now and some may have missed it:

The newest episode of "The Next Level", with Becky Young and Brian DiDomenico, has been released and is now available at www.gamemusicradio.com!

But wait, why did I post about that here? Because it's the episode that contains our interview! :D It might not be VGDJ, but it came out very well and was a whole lot of fun to do. Instructions for how to listen to it have been posted at www.vgdj.net - enjoy!


Ok, wow. I just listened to the new remix. All I have to say is this is one of the most amazing things I have ever heard. Great job guys. Can't wait till the project is completed.

I enjoyed the interview, too. :)


Cookie-meat abominations? Don't laugh! I'm going to be rich with those.

Anyway, thought you guys might want to know that Brian and Becky created a *promo mp3* for "The Next Level" featuring... us! It's both well-produced and very funny; both pixie and I were laughing at loud in several parts. You can download it here:


And if you haven't heard the interview already, it's still available at www.gamemusicradio.com - check out our second latest news post at www.vgdj.net for more info.







[end transmission]

Agreed. Perhaps best VGDJ stinger ever. At least in a long time. It will be a hard one to follow in the next show. Just keep the awesomeness coming. :wink:


I just had a question guys. Who's that sexy guy on the show called Fragment? He's so lewd and funny. He should get his own section of the Answering Machine. It should be labeled "Fo shizzle Frag-dizzle." What do you think?

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