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I definitely have to say that I like the idea of reality as a "looming spectre," as was posted on VGDJ's homepage...stupid life, taking us away from the things we want to do (like mixing!) Grr...

At least we have our friends at VGDJ to give us a weekly dose of surreality. A toast to VGDJ!


As the drunken spy, I offer my best wishes to de new couple.

Funny thing is when Pixie said,"I can just imagine the looks on their faces", I was thinking the same thing. As such, I offer this picture as the general visual representation of the looks on said pplz faces, given the fact that the majority of the OCR population is in fact, male.

Thank God that didn't happen with me.


ROFL. much love to ya guys. Good luck you 2!

Thank God that didn't happen with me.


ROFL. much love to ya guys. Good luck you 2!

Wow... you look like Denethor from LotR: RotK...

Personally, I'm really happy for you guys... but, if you start to rub it in (reminding single guys, such as myself, as to our relationship status), then I'll get a little annoyed... (this first time is permissible because you were announcing it)...

Me and the lady got 20 months on those n00bs. Try a couple years! TRY! :lol:

Show some respect here. Go brag about your relationship in your own podcast or something :lol:

Congrats guys!

It's kind of funny that everyone is carrying on like you'd just announced you got married or something.

Personally, I'm really happy for you guys... but, if you start to rub it in (reminding single guys, such as myself, as to our relationship status), then I'll get a little annoyed... (this first time is permissible because you were announcing it)...

They've been good this entire time, haven't they? :wink:

yay ambiguity + 1

Anyway, take a look at what I drew sometime in October after watching the Remixer Fuel video. Of special interest is second panel from bottom, near lower-right corner.



t3h awesome.


Since it's a restaurant scene I just had the horrible mental image of the 2 of them re-enacting the opening scene from Pulp Fiction.

Mostly the humor out of hearing zircon yell "EVERYBODY BE COOL THIS IS A ROBBERY!"


Awww....soooo sweet. But if I hear mushy talk on the shows, I'll probably throw up. In any case, I hope you guys are happy! Oh, and please don't let it kill the show if you guys break up....'cuz that would suck.

erm...that's not to assume that your breaking up is inevitable...I just need my weekly VGDJ fix...that and coffee...yes, coffee is good...and so is bawls...I guess I have an addictive personality...*goes to brew more coffee*

Awww....soooo sweet. But if I hear mushy talk on the shows, I'll probably throw up. In any case, I hope you guys are happy! Oh, and please don't let it kill the show if you guys break up....'cuz that would suck.

erm...that's not to assume that your breaking up is inevitable...I just need my weekly VGDJ fix...that and coffee...yes, coffee is good...and so is bawls...I guess I have an addictive personality...*goes to brew more coffee*

A) Speaking of bawls...

*kicks bluekafer in the balls*

B) Don't listen to him... More mushy talk welcome.

At worst, we'd train a couple people to carry on in our place- but don't worry, that won't be happening any time soon.

Yeah, better than you know who! :roll:

Viva la VGDJ!


Woah, that's awesome, dish! Didn't know you had such drawing talent. We should commission you for some official VGDJ art or something. ^-^

Thanks :) 'd be honoured to draw something for VGDJ :D

Thanks to q-pa too, heheh.

Many kudos to zircon for beating Frank Klepacki :)

This post is just a list of short sentences -_-;;

On a side note, maybe there should be some script on the website which allows people to affect the outcome of the highly exciting RRR :D Like the number of clicks for each number somehow affect the outcome of the random number generator or something... Heh :x

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