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Alright! Way to "Get ye Flask!" Very nice.

Ye can't get ye flask!

Anyway, nice new forums!

Now where's that Nice Work Guy smily...?

He's gone??

<old school>


</old school>


Hey everyone.

I have some bad news to report to everyone. Some of you may have seen this coming, and others, perhaps not, but here it is: I'm leaving VGDJ. And because pixietricks does not want to find another cohost, this means that our run with this podcast is now over. There is not a complex set of reasons behind this, unlike why we both took a break. Simply put, while I had a lot of fun in the ~6 months I spent as a cohost, the show has never been my highest priority compared to my relationship with Jill, school, or my endeavors as a musician trying to make a career out of his work. In particular, since I plan on being self-employed by the end of college, I feel like I must really focus myself on earning a sizable salary from music. And, unfortunately, I can't maintain enthusiasm for doing the show while these other things are on my plate.

I want to emphasize that this was not Jill's decision but mine. She was ready and willing to continue, and had already gotten stuff together for Magfest - a mixer and mics to record our panel, a logo for a business card to hand out at the festival to give to ReMixers, a new plan for integrating the podcast with the site, and other things like that. And I wish I was able to come to a decision about this before she spent her own time working on developing the show further, but I suppose it was not until today that I realized there was no point in me continuing if I could not really put my full effort into doing it. It wouldn't be fair to you, the listeners, nor would it be fair to Jill, who has really been the driving force behind VGDJ ever since she first got involved.

So... I am sorry to everyone that this came suddenly, and I'm sorry that because of my decision the show has to stop. I wish it could have come at a different time, or that my career didn't require exorbitant amounts of time and energy to truly develop. I will still be on OCR judging mixes and posting. I'll still be writing tutorials. I'll still listen to and comment on WIPs, go to meetups, and idle on IRC. I had a blast hosting the show with Jill, and we put out some really great material... from interviews, to VGL, Otakon, the meetups, Flow Basket, crazy stingers, and everything in between.

Peace, and I hope you guys can still be cool with me.

ps. Jill won't be looking for a new cohost, nor will anybody be replacing us.


That's unfortunate zircon, but I (and I'm sure others) understand entirely :)

EDIT: Except maybe about the whole 'no more vgdj at all' thing as others have said below. I certainly believe that if we put the call out we could find some dedicated and talented people willing to continue and do an effective job.


This...is quite the shocker. I must confess that I had my doubts of you when you first began co-hosting, but those were quickly laid to rest after a few episodes. Personally, for both your and Pixie's sake I hope you find a way to conitune, but know that us fans are here to help you all out however we can. Good luck with all that.


I'm really sad to hear this. I really admire you two, I've really enjoyed the show in your hands.

I hope everything turns out okay for you two, that you find great success. You really mean a lot to me (it's so weird to say that, I don't even know if you know I exist).

I'm really going to miss VGDJ. Thank you for everything that you made it.



... :(

...I knew it!

... :( !

Sorry about that, outpouring of all kinds of emotions.


First off, let me say that this is your two's decision and if it's come to this, it's come to this. He has his life, she has her life, they have their life, and that's cool (I can only imagine how hard it must be to be not only a struggling musician but a struggling electronic musician).

Pixietricks really put her own stamp on the show these past 10 (well... 9) months and really made it her own, literally (dedicating time, energy and monies) and figuratively (you can hear her style all over it). I've been listening since Episode 10, even before her first guest appearance under Rayza, and I can't imagine anyone else as host anymore.


ps. Jill won't be looking for a new cohost, nor will anybody be replacing us.

What makes you say that? Excuse me for being frank and going out on a limb, but for all the wonderful things you both have done, VGDJ is no more yours than it was Rayza's and Aurora's. We basically had to track them down and all but hijack it, but the show went on.

Even though you did get the approval of the former hosts, the need is still out there.

Even if it's just going back to its roots of a one-stop-shop for OCR coverage, it would be welcome. We do have a chronic problem with shortages of talent with time, don't we?

Why will no one replace you two? After all, you guys didn't even create the show. Shouldn't it be passed on to someone as it was passed on to you two?


ps. Jill won't be looking for a new cohost, nor will anybody be replacing us.

What makes you say that? Excuse me for being frank and going out on a limb, but for all the wonderful things you both have done, VGDJ is no more yours than it was Rayza's and Aurora's. We basically had to track them down and all but hijack it, but the show went on.

Even though you did get the approval of the former hosts, the need is still out there.

Even if it's just going back to its roots of a one-stop-shop for OCR coverage, it would be welcome. We do have a chronic problem with shortages of talent with time, don't we?

I too am curious about this.


I don't find this acceptable at all. I understand the ownership you feel over the podcast now, the efforts and hard work you've put into the show, but the point of VGDJ was to evolve, just as the community does, and the hard work would lay to waste if it were to die now. It was not meant to create stars, it was not meant to be owned. It was meant as a community service, and as a promotion of the video game music appreciation movement.

Though it was my own and Rayza's idea to start something of this nature, it was always in our plan for the show to be passed on, and not have ownership. It was definitely hard to let the show go, but that was not the point... it was never about me, or Rayza. It was about the community. Hence us delegating tasks to people within the community, and hence the current hosts that VGDJ now has.

If Pixie doesn't feel that anyone else is good enough to host the show with her other than Zircon, then those who are willing and able to pick up where Zircon and Pixie left off, should, just as Rayza and I passed on the show when we could no longer take it on. I honestly believe that it is not in Zircon's or Pixie's place to decide what the future (or lack thereof) of VGDJ will be. I understand that you (pixie and zircon) are upset about not being able to carry on with it, but that shouldn't stop anyone else from doing so.

Please do not take this as an attack. We (all vgdj enthusiasts) are grateful for your service and how you've brought VGDJ to a whole new level since you've taken over. You've created a show people look forward to downloading, you've helped bring a community together. There is no reason why this ideal should die now. Take your accomplishments and let others be of service to OCR and to the VGDJ listeners.

I hope you seriously consider this recommendation.

Hey everyone.

I have some bad news to report to everyone. Some of you may have seen this coming, and others, perhaps not, but here it is: I'm leaving VGDJ. And because pixietricks does not want to find another cohost, this means that our run with this podcast is now over. There is not a complex set of reasons behind this, unlike why we both took a break. Simply put, while I had a lot of fun in the ~6 months I spent as a cohost, the show has never been my highest priority compared to my relationship with Jill, school, or my endeavors as a musician trying to make a career out of his work. In particular, since I plan on being self-employed by the end of college, I feel like I must really focus myself on earning a sizable salary from music. And, unfortunately, I can't maintain enthusiasm for doing the show while these other things are on my plate.

I want to emphasize that this was not Jill's decision but mine. She was ready and willing to continue, and had already gotten stuff together for Magfest - a mixer and mics to record our panel, a logo for a business card to hand out at the festival to give to ReMixers, a new plan for integrating the podcast with the site, and other things like that. And I wish I was able to come to a decision about this before she spent her own time working on developing the show further, but I suppose it was not until today that I realized there was no point in me continuing if I could not really put my full effort into doing it. It wouldn't be fair to you, the listeners, nor would it be fair to Jill, who has really been the driving force behind VGDJ ever since she first got involved.

So... I am sorry to everyone that this came suddenly, and I'm sorry that because of my decision the show has to stop. I wish it could have come at a different time, or that my career didn't require exorbitant amounts of time and energy to truly develop. I will still be on OCR judging mixes and posting. I'll still be writing tutorials. I'll still listen to and comment on WIPs, go to meetups, and idle on IRC. I had a blast hosting the show with Jill, and we put out some really great material... from interviews, to VGL, Otakon, the meetups, Flow Basket, crazy stingers, and everything in between.

Peace, and I hope you guys can still be cool with me.

ps. Jill won't be looking for a new cohost, nor will anybody be replacing us.


Hey, understandable concerns... though the reason I put that in was mainly because we just didn't want to be bombarded with "who's the next host" or "can I do a radio show to replace VGDJ" or "can I be the next host". That kind of stuff. As you can imagine that is the absolute last kind of stuff we wanted to hear - especially pixie since she was still ready to continue. I wouldn't say we've locked in the future just yet.

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