SwordBreaker Posted January 4, 2007 Posted January 4, 2007 Just read the message over at VGDJ. Here's my post from there: "This is sad news, indeed. Very shocking, too. To tell you the truth I did not see this coming... I won't hold anything against both of you. However, I was really looking forward to one last "hurrah"...a swan-song if you will..in order to give this excellent project the send-off it deserves. Hopefully the stuff you're recording in MAGfest won't go to waste... You guys had an excellent run. You've influenced a lot of people that videogame music isn't just a fling by promoting OCR as much as possible. Nothing you did went to waste and I hope that reasons you stated in the hiatus post didn't affect this cancellation. Plus, it's possible some people out there who will pick up your torch and light the way for a new podcast project seperate from the VGDJ one. Good luck to both of you. Your voices, enthusiasm, humor, and chemistry shall be missed." After reading through Aurora's post, I see that it's a possibility that this podcast continues with new hosts. That's some good news, at least. I can understand why Zircon put that there, especially since he pasted the very same post on the VGDJ site. I still highly recommend "the swan-song" thing as Pixie and Zircon's last podcast. I really don't like to see them pull out ever so suddenly without giving us one last run.
Jillian Aversa Posted January 4, 2007 Posted January 4, 2007 The difference right now is that nobody else is currently trained in the technical process of recording/editing/hosting etc- and believe me guys, it is NOT an easy task. When thewingless and I officially stepped on board, I had already worked with Rayza on a whole slew of shows. I know it's tempting for some of you guys to say, "Hey! Need a host? Sure, I'm all for it!" but it's not as simple as that. I'd really like to find someone who is equally enthusiastic as me, and who will be able to commit the time and effort. It's been very hard switching from Rayza to Wingless to zircon, and I'm not completely optimistic that I'll find somebody as qualified as them, who understands the responsibility. I don't think it's in OCR's best interest to rush the replacement process, either. If VGDJ continues, I would like to continue with it. As zircon already pointed out, up until this afternoon I was busily planning for all the Magfest recordings and interviews. Still, it puts a lot of pressure on me if you guys start talking about who might be qualified. It could take considerable time to find someone who is, and teach them everything. I don't know if I'm ready to move on like that quite yet, so please respect this and be patient. It would not be possible for two completely new people to take up the show if they used the current format and webspace.
zircon Posted January 4, 2007 Posted January 4, 2007 It could take considerable time to find someone who is, and teach them everything. I don't know if I'm ready to move on like that quite yet, so please respect this and be patient. Agreed. I think for now it would be in everyone's best interests to lock this thread temporarily. You can still voice your opinions of course via PM or catch us on IRC, but let's try to avoid the drama on OCR. And the blog is always open for general comments.
zircon Posted January 20, 2007 Posted January 20, 2007 Hey guys. VGDJ is alive once again, albeit only temporarily... Our final show, Episode 067, has been released and is now available at www.vgdj.net! We figured a real resolution was in order for everyone, and fittingly, this is our largest episode ever. It's filled with lots of content, from the RRR, to special audio treats, to our massive MAGFest coverage / panel audio and more. I hope everyone enjoys this fond farewell. :> ps. This thread is unlocked now, but please, no drama!
CHz Posted January 20, 2007 Posted January 20, 2007 I ranted about this in #vgdj, but it needs more airtime. [63:25] Name That Tune! What do you do when you have a full room of video game music nerds from four different communities? Why, pit them against each other in a battle of nostalgia to see who can recognize the most VG tunes. The competitors were virt (VGMix), Rama (ThaSauce/OCR), JoeCam (OneUp Studios), and Paragon (The Shizz) and while it was close, virt managed to edge 'em out. Too bad no one got that Shining Force track except SnappleMan. Too bad no one got that Shining Force track except SnappleMan. no one got that Shining Force track except SnappleMan Serious props to Snapple, and slaps for the rest of everyone who was at MAGFest. Shining Force should be part of the video game music curriculum for everyone, as well as the straight video game curriculum because it's a sexy, sexy series. Also, God bless VGDJ.
Gimgak Posted January 20, 2007 Posted January 20, 2007 Man guys, this last episode was beautiful. Playing "Deliverance of the Heart" at the end was awesome. Good luck with your lives and I still hope to see ya'll around OCR. THE SPIRIT OF VGDJ WILL LIVE ON!!!
Dhsu Posted January 20, 2007 Posted January 20, 2007 Why only the spirit? The show was around before zirc and pixie, and there isn't any particular reason it can't be around again someday.
The Lone Gunman Posted January 20, 2007 Posted January 20, 2007 Why only the spirit? The show was around before zirc and pixie, and there isn't any particular reason it can't be around again someday. So…seeing as how you two have lives now (which is a WONDERFULL THING! Be happy and all that), but some of us (like me) have nothing much to do…except plot the continuation of our favorite podcast. Now, I don’t expect this to be a walk in the park, and I don’t think anyone is under that impression. Setting up, recording, editing, compression and posting are all essential and tricky parts of the creation of a stellar podcast. However, I know that there are many smart, talented, enthusiastic people that…well, may want to help keep this podcast alive. Now, I have ideas, and others may have ideas, and we need ideas, but we also need people willing to work hard as best they can, if we want to try to keep the same kind of quality that past episodes have enjoyed. Will we reach that point? Not at first, and not for a good bit. But I have faith that the community who has spent so long listening, laughing, and loving this podcast can find the people, the time, and the passion to continue this labor of love. So…am the only one willing to learn and work to continue this?
zircon Posted January 20, 2007 Posted January 20, 2007 Why only the spirit? The show was around before zirc and pixie, and there isn't any particular reason it can't be around again someday. True, but the difference there was that there were smooth transitions from host to host. Rayza was able to train Jill for many a show before he stepped down, and by that time, she could basically do it herself and train other people (eg. me). Right now, we're BOTH stepping down, so anyone new wouldn't have a clue w/o us training them (which I don't think we have time to do). All of this has been explained already, though, and ultimately (as we said on the show itself) the future is still uncertain. There's always the possibility of Larry picking up an official OCR show again, even in podcast form, though it might not be VGDJ in our format. That's one example.
WesPip Posted January 20, 2007 Posted January 20, 2007 Though it doesn't strike me as particularly likely, someone else COULD train the new hosts, such as Rayza, Aurora, or even a certain lack-of-wang-type-person, WHO SHALL REMAIN NAMELESS. AND ALSO WANGLESS.. Like I said, hardly likely, but certainly not an impossibility.
Black Mage Posted January 20, 2007 Posted January 20, 2007 Just for the purposes of discussion...I was thinking, maybe a panel format would be a future option for VGDJ 3.0, kinda like with TWiT, or The HotSpot. But I know nothing about making a podcast, so that may be a more complicated option that's not worth it... Just a thought. As for the final ep of VGDJ 2.5, I think I'll save it for tomorrow, so I can dedicate myself to actually paying the attention it deserves.
Fishy Posted January 20, 2007 Posted January 20, 2007 I just listened to the last episode and I just wanted to say how awesome it was. Magfest was hilarious, with the medleys, Larry, and the "superbadass" genre. Debeerguy's response had me laughing so much (He sounds like Toejam from TJ&E3). It was really fun to listen to, and I'll miss it. Also, your mix is incredible. Anxious Heart has always been my favourite song from my favourite game, maybe even my favourite peice of music full stop, and you guys nailed it. Really amazing stuff. I really do hope to hear more from you guys, even just little bits every now ang again.
revenge_of_quatermass Posted January 20, 2007 Posted January 20, 2007 I for one would love to have a Larrry Oji show again, I miss his vg frequency a great deal. Beyond that, VGDJ should live on, there's no reason somebody else couldn't start something up from the bottom up.
Jillian Aversa Posted January 20, 2007 Posted January 20, 2007 Guys, I really think it would be beneficial if you could try accept the fact that VGDJ as "VGDJ" has come to an end. There's always the possibility of zircon and I releasing something special from time to time, but we would appreciate if you turned your discussion into "What could we do to create a new podcast?" not "What could we do to change VGDJ?" It is wonderful and flattering to see all your enthusiasm, but you must understand that we can't force a new era of VGDJ; there is no natural way to do it, and it would require a ton of effort on the part of zircon and myself. The show only continued before because I served as a link to the next generation. We were missing only half the hosting team when Rayza left, and I knew how to do everything, so it seemed (more or less) natural that the podcast go on. I think the idea of a "panel" podcast, as Black Mage put it, is a really neat possibility for something new. Kinda like ThaSauce, right? Rama would be a great person to head up something like that, with his experience and knowledge of the community. I hope that DrumUltimA and Cyan_Ide would be interested as well, because I'm sure they'd have a lot to offer. XD In any case, we would both appreciate it if everyone could try to keep the discussion in here relevant to our last episode. If you'd like to discuss possibilities for a new show, by all means, start a new thread! It's just a little disheartening to see our last efforts get overshadowed by this sort of talk, when we have already explained our intentions. ^_~
Daniel Rydell Posted January 20, 2007 Posted January 20, 2007 It makes me sad that this is the last official episode. But, I'm glad that you guys knew when it was time to let it go. I would've rather it gone out like a bang (as I'm sure it did, just finished downloading) then to have you guys sacrificing your time and energy to do something that would be difficult to do with your current schedules. Me salute you. (And dang it. The user bar is staying. You can't make me get rid of it!) Edit: I was gonna ask, are you guys ever gonna release the VGDJ theme? I think that'd be fun to have on my computer!
debeerguy007 Posted January 21, 2007 Posted January 21, 2007 I was gonna ask, are you guys ever gonna release the VGDJ theme? I think that'd be fun to have on my computer! Yeah. that'd be cool. huh huh huh Well folks, I have a small contribution to make on this day in history for VGDJ. As some of you know, I was working on a VGDJ Desktop Wallpaper Pack II. But under recent circumstances I felt it was appropriate to release the best ones I had cooked up now, in respect of such a fine contribution to the remixing community and for those who gave support of it. Vgdj Mush http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/47049475/ VGdj-Ultimate Marquee http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/47054247/ VGDJ-Wallpaper Concept A1 http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/47056426/ and cuz we love the hosts so much VGDJ-Zircman http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/47039139/ The rest of the wallpapers were just game based wallpapers to compliment the pack and will be released some time in the near future on deviantart.com, but for now, I'll leave ya with these few gems. cheers.
Ciel Posted January 21, 2007 Posted January 21, 2007 I for one would love to have a Larrry Oji show again, I miss his vg frequency a great deal. Beyond that, VGDJ should live on, there's no reason somebody else couldn't start something up from the bottom up. Yeah, Larry's show was great. I'm hoping we see him host a show again some time in the future. As for the podcast, I'm sure there are other knowledgeable people in the community sufficiently skilled in public speaking and editing to host. If you consider the marketing aspect, I imagine it'd be generally unwise to let the brand name "VGDJ" and the associated internet domain go to waste.
Old Man Time Posted January 21, 2007 Posted January 21, 2007 Yeah. that'd be cool.huh huh huh Well folks, I have a small contribution to make on this day in history for VGDJ. As some of you know, I was working on a VGDJ Desktop Wallpaper Pack II. But under recent circumstances I felt it was appropriate to release the best ones I had cooked up now, in respect of such a fine contribution to the remixing community and for those who gave support of it. Vgdj Mush http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/47049475/ VGdj-Ultimate Marquee http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/47054247/ VGDJ-Wallpaper Concept A1 http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/47056426/ and cuz we love the hosts so much VGDJ-Zircman http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/47039139/ The rest of the wallpapers were just game based wallpapers to compliment the pack and will be released some time in the near future on deviantart.com, but for now, I'll leave ya with these few gems. cheers. THANK YOU! You rock.
zircon Posted January 22, 2007 Posted January 22, 2007 Alright guys, again, it was a fun run... but we've reached the end. You can still post in our vgdj.net blog of course. Catch us on IRC!
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