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Dorks... Honest to God dorks! The last three minutes brilliant, its nice to know there's other people that talk incessant crap in a Greman accent.

Love the show

I haven't laughed that much in a long time. Keep up the good work you two! Can't wait for the next episode!


edit: just realize, that could be eh..misconstrued. that's "host-age" [HOST-age, hard O], unless Jilly's much more diabolical than I've up to this point understood.

somebody help me

/me gags Dougla :twisted:

Wheeee, glad y'all liked the show! Nobody has posted their Yes/No vote on the new intro issue so far, though. What do you guys think? Should we change it? If so, suggestions? Entries?


I vote for a new intro. We've been clamoring for it since the Rayza and Aurora days.

Why would you take Doug as a hostage? We should be paying YOU for taking him off our hands. ;)


edit: just realize, that could be eh..misconstrued. that's "host-age" [HOST-age, hard O], unless Jilly's much more diabolical than I've up to this point understood.

somebody help me

/me gags Dougla :twisted:

Wheeee, glad y'all liked the show! Nobody has posted their Yes/No vote on the new intro issue so far, though. What do you guys think? Should we change it? If so, suggestions? Entries?

The intro is well enough, but if the ideas of a new intro are a big possibility, you had said something about a contest for a new intro. You and Wingless could throw a contest once a month, and use the winning intro each month. This could even be done once every three months or so; or once a year. This would also give an extra "prize" as being the monthly intro artist, and having the intro on the episodes. So the incentive to get a few more entries might be available through this method.


Personally, I don't mind the intro. Sometimes it's fun to see what random, whack-out shit people can come up with.

Vote: YES. The "And then djpretzel said <insert random shit here>" template should stay. Although, I won't cry too hard if it's changed.

The intro is well enough, but if the ideas of a new intro are a big possibility, you had said something about a contest for a new intro. You and Wingless could throw a contest once a month, and use the winning intro each month. This could even be done once every three months or so; or once a year. This would also give an extra "prize" as being the monthly intro artist, and having the intro on the episodes. So the incentive to get a few more entries might be available through this method.

Yeah, something like that would be fun. The only thing is, last time Rayza and Aurora tried to have an intro contest, there was very little interest. Hardly anyone actually stepped up to the challenge of submitting. So we'd have to get a sense of how many people would actually wish to contribute. ^_^


Well I like the intro, but I think the idea of having a contest for the intro is a really great idea, so I would have to give my vote to that.

I know that I would deffinatly be intrested in entering that contest too, so you could count on my contribution, Pixie. In fact, I would be willing to help in any way that I can, lol.

Beyond that, I'm really liking the show. Thanks for introducing it to me, and keep up the great work, Pixie! :D

Keep up the good work, Pixie?


Hey, if you had large breasts, you'd do good work too :P

I don't have large breasts... 8O

I'll say.

I vote for a new intro. We've been clamoring for it since the Rayza and Aurora days.

Why would you take Doug as a hostage? We should be paying YOU for taking him off our hands. ;)

wh-- what?!



^ Hehe, double post. (Oh wait, not anymore.)

In other news, I'm grumpy because I recently ordered a USB mic by Logitech in order to record the shows faster (because currently I record on my mini disc on have to import the files, which takes a while). And anyway, it came today, but it's TEH SUCK! I mean, seriously. Noise canceling my arse! And it's really quiet, too, even when at maximum input. :(

My 20th birfday is this Saturday, and I have a performance Friday night, so Wingless and I might have to record the next show earlier than usual in order to allow time for editing. He is the busy as well. That being said, me hopes djp will post another mix or two soon!

Also, I can;t wait until the next time Compyfox decides to turn up. Compyfox is the new prince... azuzu was it?

Hehe, well... I'm not sure that's gonna happen, as funny as it was the first time. It was a spontaneous thing, and our goal with the show isn't to bash the guy. If he continues to flame this thread, maybe more jokes will spring up, but... So long as he minds his business, we're not gonna pursue it.


If I wasn't in the middle of writing lyrics, and mastering music on old vinyl, and researching release dates on my ENTIRE music checklist, and finding time to get my taxes done, I'd already have some kind of intro to share. Well, we'll see this week...

This being the, as it were, internets, I'm surprised it took over 110 pages to discuss anyone's boobies. I appreciate the extremely cute pic of pix, all the same. And while I'm here, happy early to Jill! *salute* I promise to call the show sometime.

As for that mic, I'm no expert, and this is only my experience, but it's difficult to get any decent input from a mic without some kind of hardware, specifically a mic amp with a limiter. And even then, it's off to the noise reduction apps.


Not to rub any butter in anyone's faces, but if this grudge relates to what happened in the mastering phases of Chrono Symphonic, can you at least let that slide and come to a compromise? And I don't think he was attacking the thread; he thinks that you attacked him during the recording of the last show (which was my first forray into VGDJ and I gotta say it was a slick job between you and Wing :)).

I think a certain Black Eyed Peas song would be appropriate right now. Where is the love??

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