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FYI Drum, I don't know anyone who calls in "Al-Bear-Ta".

I've only heard it "Al-Bert-A".

And, unfortunately, it's a safe bet Canada's too freaking big for a meetup to happen.

couldv said the same for Australia....

Maybe we should just assume he's always gonna be wrong.

SO glad I don't have to name locations! :P



:lol: I'm doing the REVERSE DJP! Instead of my head rocking forward, it's retracting back into my neck.

*rofl* ...and some of your hair is mysteriously disappearing. *gasp*

It's falling behind her head; that's the idea.

But as for the reverse DJP, I admit that was unintentional...

As for questions for the backstage dudes, here's a few suggestions that come to mind...

*How had composing video game music changed since the SNES/Genesis days (as I know Tommy Tallarico has done since)? Did/does technology impact how you approach your job?

*For Tommy: What motivated him to be such an avid supporter of Paul & Paul's project; what turned him on to it? What does he hope their film will accomplish for the community?

And of course the standard what are your influences, both inside the video game world and out?

Maybe follow-up with who they have respect for today.

Also, is it just me or do the American and Japanese video game industries seem to be diverging? The VGL show seems to represent the American side, but not the Japanese so much. It would be wonderful to get some outside opinions on this...

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, guys... My dad is Nobuo Uematsu.


Night night!

Bahahaha!! Wow, that is uncanny hahaha.

The nose is spot on.

He just needs a tan, a part in his hair, and learn how to play the piano. :wink:

Finally, I sadly won't be able to partake in any midnight (by which I mean 1am) voting parties tonight. I'm already up an hour later than I should be. :sleepdepriv:

FYI Drum, I don't know anyone who calls in "Al-Bear-Ta".

I've only heard it "Al-Bert-A".

And, unfortunately, it's a safe bet Canada's too freaking big for a meetup to happen.

couldv said the same for Australia....

Maybe we should just assume he's always gonna be wrong.



Hey there, just looking in as a listener of this fantastic podcast!

I have voted on podcast alley, I swear!


No but, really , I have, honestly.


For heads up, the intro, Medal of Honor & Myst where highlights of the show when I went

Also, when you're looking at the merch they have, I recommend the $0.25 Push to Reject t-shirt, they sold out like cakes filled with drugs at the San Jose showing


YO! We're back from VGL (posting at my dorm from 3AM, pixie is behind me and djp is nearly asleep on the floor.. good times). Earlier in the day we chilled with Darkesword and his buddies, as well as bustatunez, then for the show itself we met up with Merk and Atmaweapon and eventually Moguta and D-Lux (an unexpected surprise!) Anyway, the best part was that we not only got to hang out with all these big-name composers, but we got interviews with all of them. Amusingly enough, before we went to a hotel to relax and do a bunch of interviews, there was a "meet and greet" session with all of the people from the concert at a sort of panel, signing autographs.. as it turns out, djpretzel had a spot there! :D

Anyway, this is going to be a hell of a show. LOTS of editing to do and I'm the one that's going to be doing it, so it's going to take a little longer than normal. I expect to be done on Monday sometime, and it will probably be coordinated with a front page update by djp where he'll be spotlighting VGL and this special edition podcast episode.

Long story short, awesome concert, hooray for video game music, and check back Monday to hear the show. Goodnight!


VGDJ Episode 043: Video Games Live Edition has been released at www.vgdj.net !

It's finally done! We were sort of against the odds on this one, with me having to edit the show, pixietricks not having internet for most of the time, Pro Tools crashing, my main audio drive dying, etc.. but we really think you guys are gonna dig this one. There's too much cool stuff to describe. Ya'll just download and give it a listen.

Oh, and needless to say, vote for us this month if you haven't already ;)

ps. A new batch of pictures is available from before, during, and after the show @ http://www.vgdj.net/album (page 5 and 6)


YESSSSS! Exclusive interviews with Michael Salvatori of the Halo games, Martin Leung- the video game pianist, Gerard Marino of God of War, Marcus Henderson (the lead guitarist for Guitar Hero 1 and 2!), Jack Wall of the Myst series and more, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand Tommy Tallarico!!! DJP made this a front page feature. Hope that serves as an indication how huge this episode was. Enjoy, guys. ^_^

Amusingly enough, before we went to a hotel to relax and do a bunch of interviews, there was a "meet and greet" session with all of the people from the concert at a sort of panel, signing autographs.. as it turns out, djpretzel had a spot there! :D

Heh, I don't think it's a secret that Tommy Tallarico is a big OCR fan. :) I'm almost curious why he hasn't submitted a mix of his own yet...

Amusingly enough, before we went to a hotel to relax and do a bunch of interviews, there was a "meet and greet" session with all of the people from the concert at a sort of panel, signing autographs.. as it turns out, djpretzel had a spot there! :D

Heh, I don't think it's a secret that Tommy Tallarico is a big OCR fan. :) I'm almost curious why he hasn't submitted a mix of his own yet...

He's busy as hell doing music he actually gets paid for- that's why. ^_~

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