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sorry about breaking up the band, guys... ecto and I hang out in person fairly often. when he told me about the nature of the gauntlet, and I heard that halc+willrock+nutritious were joining forces, I basically forced him to team up with me

I'll post my robo master choices soon

Nah it's cool. We'll find someone else. It's good to see you join the compo too, it should be fun.


Is this your first time taking part in a Megaman-themed competition, Nekofrog?

Don't worry, it's my first time too; sometimes for fresh blood in regards to these gatherings, it's hard to get started on the right foot. And leaving posts in the thread can be seen as a risk to people completely whizzing them over.

There's two things I can suggest - look for people that you get on extremely well with, and ask them if they would like to take part with you (which seems to be the case for a good majority of these team formations).

Or you can do what Sir Nuts suggested and contact some people who took part in the past and see if they're interested.

If my team wasn't full I could've taken you on board since I see you on IRC a lot, but I really hope that you'll end up somewhere in the end.


Some of the remixers from previous competitions have shown up, these are the ones who I guess can still be contacted:

TheguitahHeroe, Starphoenix, Anti-Syne, Draconiator, Blackpanther, PrototypeRaptor, Dusk, Geoffio, fredrikd, chroxic, Main Finger, Geeky Stoner and AeroZ.

Also, someone please get Gecko Yamori on this. (oh and Txai too)

Some of the remixers from previous competitions have shown up, these are the ones who I guess can still be contacted:

TheguitahHeroe, Starphoenix, Anti-Syne, Draconiator, Blackpanther, PrototypeRaptor, Dusk, Geoffio, fredrikd, chroxic, Main Finger, Geeky Stoner and AeroZ.

Also, someone please get Gecko Yamori on this. (oh and Txai too)

Just to add to this list: Fishy, Sixto Sounds and OA.

Def get Gecko, Txai and Zircon back in on this cause the having the last 2 people in each compo all competing here would be pretty awesome.


This is awesome guys :) Please get Gecko to join in the fray! I'd love listening to more music with his style. I'm also glad to see Prototype Raptor and Jake Snake back. Too many fabulous artists :)

PS: I dare someone to use a Theremin...

PSS: You've inspired me to continue working on my 2D shooter game! I'm using a verlet physics engine. It sucks now but I gotta keep working on it :)

Some of the remixers from previous competitions have shown up, these are the ones who I guess can still be contacted:

TheguitahHeroe, Starphoenix, Anti-Syne, Draconiator, Blackpanther, PrototypeRaptor, Dusk, Geoffio, fredrikd, chroxic, Main Finger, Geeky Stoner and AeroZ.

Also, someone please get Gecko Yamori on this. (oh and Txai too)

Does anyone have contact info (besides OCR) for anyone on the list?

chroxic and Geeky Stoner have been active in the GRMRB Exhibition Match thread, so I don't know if they just haven't checked this one or not, but they should both join.

I think someone mentioned earlier that TGH is not currently doing any remixing, but it still might be worth a try bringing it to his attention. His Twitter account is "TheGuitahHeroe".

Pixelwave is pretty hard to get ahold of, but his Twitter account is "aer0blue". I don't have Twitter, or else I would contact them myself.

Anyone else up to the task?

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