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My internet has been in and out all week and I've been working on my mix / doing several final school things before exams start. I will vote probably right before I submit my mix tomorrow morning! It was a great round, as usual, and I'm almost set on what I'll vote for but I shall decide soon.


Cold Dreams: Cool soundscape here. I think this is the first non-80s mix I've ever heard from SirNuts! I really like the instrumention throughout, and the "windy" sound effects were used well throughout.

Thanks for the comments. You should listen to some of my old posted mixes at ocr, those were what some people would call my "style". I love going all retro on my mega man mixes but it's not something I do very often. I do have a lot of fun doing that tho!


Ocrap, almost forgot this. Stupid week.

The Death of Mr. X

Smells like a familiar riff. The slightly muffled guitar sound keep this mix from filling out the frequency range properly... leading to the whole thing sounding muffled and held back. The crash-heavy parts (like just before 2:30) work better. Still feels like the track is missing a lead. Not sure about the outro, it's a bit long for such a short track.


Yay, mechanical sounds and robot rhythms. Not so sure about the lead, it's too loud and squashes everything else. I like this track, but the lead wrecks it for me. Seems like a slight eq separation and track levels check could have put this track in the top few on this round. Then again, that ending...

Liquid Metal

Fills out the frequency range better than AMT's track. Not a big fan of the vocals, but at least they're not random voice clips thrown in. Can't make out the lyrics half the time, which might be a good thing, I'm not sure I dig the juxtaposition of growly vocals and funny lyrics. No hate. The little synth touches seem a little out of place in this soundscape tho. Fish.

Passing of the Knight

Intro lead guitar's attack bothers me, the notes doesn't actually ring proper until a little too late. As the track gets further, I notice it has some timing issues elsewhere as well, mostly between drums and guitar. Like Brandon's track, the synth touches seem a little out of place, here a synth lead part might have balanced it out more. The most enjoyable to me out of the four so far.

I Dreamt Of A Man With Two Heads

Tightening up the synth attacks and clearing out the clashing between melody and bg pad would have helped a lot. Nice, odd beat. Gets old fast tho. Don't draw out tracks if they don't hold ppl's interest that long. I was about to skip to next track when it FINALLY changed to the calmer section. Nice beat over some pleasant pad chords, bass drum might be a bit too bassy, and the whole thing goes on for too long. That's really the biggest problem here, things go on for too long. I can stand the clashes, but all this repetition gets dull. At the very least, vary the writing somewhat between iterations of the same melody.

I didn't have time to make this song

Heavy bass drum, nice synths, vox, groove, lead(s), and that's about it. I didn't have time to write a long-ish review during this short thing.

Dayquil, Nyquil

Dramatic stuff. Not a big fan of the snare, but it works somewhat. The bells kind'a get to my ears, but not intolerably so. Stupid lead melody stop reminding me of sd3. Not much to say. Cool stuff. Long-ish but varied enough.

Satch Man

The noticeable compression is getting to me. That's the problem with long bass notes with sharp waveforms - compression issues becomes more than low-range issues. Empty sound that might work if the bass wasn't so loud. Really, most of my complaints could stem from that the bass is too loud. How strange. I like loud basses. Team Willrock's melodic stuff, as usual. Some cool percussion choices at the end.

Copperhead Drumstep

Chippy dubstep-influenced stuff. Sounds sparse and weak-ish. Doesn't sound compressed to a square tho. Soundscape could have been richer, where are the super-arpeggiated chip chords? Sparse but enjoyable.

Cold Dreams

Compression gets to me, but I like the sound design. Some odd melodic and harmonic hiccups but the track keeps the groove going. It keeps going for a little too long, tho.


Spooky intro. This could be good. It could also be terrible. The percussion choices hint at the second. The sound design doesn't stick with the spooky mood set in the intro... which is unfortunate. It turns into more obnoxiously synthy stuff with hints of the original mood. I like the lead, I like some of the backing stuff, I think the recurring chirpy thing is way too loud, used way too often, and could be really cool in the right context. Arrangement seems like a medley stitched together without much concern for the order... not unlike some of my own tracks, except that I like my own tracks.

Saving the best for last: Smooth Operator

Jazzy stuff. Bass might be a little heavy on the lows, some overdrive and then a high pass might have made it more clear without needing to be as deep. A bit busy in the drums sometimes, but when it's not, it's a cool blend of jazzy and synthy stuff. Cool rhythms, cool stuff. Nice work, guys. :D

So the votes...

Dayquil, Cpperhead, Passing, Satch, and Dreams are in the top. I'm putting Dayquil first... Copperhead and Passing second and third... Lidawg second.

Gotta... sleep... damnit.

Alright, set alarm for a few hours and finish this mofo before the time is up. Urgh, it's tricky.

Sleep is for the weak. And the conquerors of procrastination.

I am neither - third Friday all-nighter in a row!

(The direction I'm taking this could be inspired...but inspiration came much too late, and there's no way I'm going to do justice to this arrangement. Hopefully, some of you still enjoy it.)

Hey, I mixed for that round... that's what made it so awesome, right? But seriously, this round should be at least as good on my end :D I'm as excited about the new batch as you are!

You had a good track. There were a lot of good tracks that I hated not being able to vote for.


Cold Dreams: Cool soundscape here. I think this is the first non-80s mix I've ever heard from SirNuts! I really like the instrumention throughout, and the "windy" sound effects were used well throughout.

Thanks for the comments. You should listen to some of my old posted mixes at ocr, those were what some people would call my "style". I love going all retro on my mega man mixes but it's not something I do very often. I do have a lot of fun doing that tho!

SuperiorX: if you can track them down, you should check out Sir_NutS's stuff from the IMC (IronMix Challenge). Different style, and his current stuff is way more polished, but I guess that happens when you have 8 years to work on it.

In this case sleep is for the disease filled and work exausted. At least I'll still be able to finish my track. 8-)

And yes, it has a few chiptunes in it. 'Cause that's what I do.

See if you can get prophetik to finally vote in one of these rounds. I know he doesn't like to vote, but it's hurting your team every round. :sad:

Thanks for the comments. You should listen to some of my old posted mixes at ocr, those were what some people would call my "style". I love going all retro on my mega man mixes but it's not something I do very often. I do have a lot of fun doing that tho!

:-? Yeah I don't know what I was thinking. I have all your Sonic mixes from OCR and a few of your other old ones and they are definitely a different style. I guess I'm just so used to all the 80s retro stuff you've been doing for the Mega Man compos that it only seemed like that's all I've heard :-P Regardless, keep up the good work!

You need to VOTE FOR THE SONGS TOOOO!!!!!!! HURRY!!!! :shock:

Ironically, Block Rockmen Beats probably would have won this round if they all voted (and didn't all give "Dayquil, Nyquil" their number one votes).

Oh, well, lesson learned

EDIT: Nutritious, you can't vote for your own team

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