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This mix has a good feel to it. The mood is set well, however I think there is much room for improvement. More elaborate instrumentation and execution would have made this an amazing piece. As of now, it's a great start.

Gah, those notes at 1:38! Were you drunk? Sometimes dissonance can be quite dramatic, but this just screeches everything to a halt, and makes you go W.T.F.

I love the mood, ya got talent, dude. Keep at it.


Totally agree with the note problem stated above, but also really like it. I hated this theme for the origional game, but now you've transformed it into something I enjoy without changing the overall feel of the piece. If the SNES had more power to render more realistic music, this is what the theme should have been.


I really like the strings in the background...it backs up the piano really well. And as stated above, the song kind of just ends, which is my only beef with the song. Other than that, it's a great song and is going in the favorites playlist. :D


Definitely a big difference/improvement from the previous version...I like the "family time" movie sound you've got going there.

Also, that's gotta be a world record for the number of times someone's typed "Newman" in a single paragraph.

As for 1:38, in any other context I would find it perfectly acceptable. However, in this case, it's right in the middle of three minutes of saccharine harmonies. Sticking something like that in the arrangement just makes it sound completely random and awkward. There's nothing to lead up to it, and nothing to follow it up. It's as if he's pretending it never happened. Of course, if this actually were a movie score, and there was an appropriate visual cue to accompany the anomaly, then it'd be understandable.

But otherwise, I'll have to agree with the "drunk harpist" theory.


This has so much beautiful innocence to it. I always like when remixes capture the heart of the song they remix. Very pretty and light. I like it.


The harp has a strongly clashing note around 1:38, but that is probably my only complaint.

Great mix; I wouldn't say it captures the original qualities, because it changes the mood. The flow is different, the rhythm is completely different and even goes into weird time signatures and stuff... but overall very pleasant little thing here.

Werid ending choice, straight up octaves...

I can't seem to give it above a 7.5/10 though. Beautiful source, good take, but nothing sensational.


Feels sorta "floaty" to me, and thats a good thing.

It lacks the kind of fullness and solidarity people are used to, and I do believe this is what makes this a good song.

It's easier to find the good things in simplicity.


This mix is very enjoyable to listen to: the author did a very good job in overall composition. The thump beats towards the middle of the song and flute found later are so well executed that it helps offset the tendency to feel the song may be a little too repetitive. Love the Thomas Newman feel in this though (I'm a sucker for piano anyway!). The notes at 1:38 are very daring and deserves a certain amount of respect, regardless of whether or not some may feel it was out of place. However after many repeat listenings I feel the song as a whole benefits from it.

Again excellent work on this Adam and I hope to hear more from you soon.


This is one of my favorites so far this year. I particularly liked the use of woodwinds in the song. They really perfected the "airy" feeling of the piece.

I hope you'll be submitting more songs in this lovable style.


djpretzel actually missed a bit to the percussion - there is a bass drum that comes in very subtly at 0'56, 1'32, 2'23, 2'40. Which I like. That and the snare drum is enough for

As for the aforementioned dissonance at 1:38, I hear no problems, and I'm not exactly ignorant on the subject of harmony...

I like the ending as well. Fadeout is the lazy man's ending.

Very delicate song, two thumbs up.


Ever since djpretzel's Sunken Suite have I not been so soothed by a mix. From the flowing piano, complemented with the light strings, then the soft snare along with the tings of the cymbals. The emphasis of every third note with the bass drum, and the overlaying flute, I am in heaven. This is a masterpiece. All the superlatives in the world, will not do this piece justice. There needs to be more pieces like this.

  • 2 weeks later...

I must say that this piece of work is fantastic. However, I find "Little Painter Girl" more resembles some of Mitsuda's Xenogears works than Uematsu's "Relm."

This arrangement has an uplifting tense feel to it all, which definitely reminds me of "Blues Traveler"(I think this has to do with the drums mainly) and "Wings"(26 second mark for sure) although toned down. But then I definitely feel it has an innocent touch and almost sounds a lot like "The Treasure Which Cannnot Be Stolen"(42 second mark piano).

That innocent touch brings the light-heartedness feel to it that made the original so memorable. A few keys sound like they're from the original(42 second mark woodwinds/synthesizers) but this only happens in a couple of places for only around 10 seconds at a time...otherwise you could have fooled me that this was "Relm".

And that breakdown of the music at the 1:38 mark is brilliant. Love it.

Overall, "Little Painter Girl" is very pleasing to the ears. I could listen to this for a long time to come. Download this now.


This song is pretty good. I like it mostly because it seems to be a "sad" song. Unlike many remixes that are upbeat. Maybe sad isn't the right word. Thoughtful, or reflecting maybe. But at the same time I feel a sense of reservation, a tinge of sadness. Like when the song playing during the credits is so emotional, and you're sad the movie is over. That kind of thing. As I was saying, I very much enjoy that kind of song. It's quite beautiful.

That whole 1:38 thing, it sure does stand out. I think maybe it doens't belong in this song because it doens't seem to match the feel. After listening to the song a few times, however, it loses it's "missplacedness", as you become accustomed to it. At any rate, it was a risk, one that I woul not have taken myself, but in the end seems to work regardless.

I'd say a 9 out of 10, since it's a very nice song, but for the most part, a little simpler than others. Don't get me wrong, simple is rarely synonomous with bad, and in this songs case, is one of it's important distinguishing factors. I do wish it were longer. I could listen to this song for quite a whie and not tire of it. Reflecting, I don't know if this type of remix of this perticular song could be not simple. At any rate, it's a wonderful song. I like it very much, and in my opinion, you have done a great job.

~Lord Syruss


You know, I'd like to revisit the whole 1:38 thing. After listening to this song a few more times, I really come to appreciate the variance. I have to say, it was a good decision on your part, as it changes the song a bit, but still lends to the beauty of it. Way to go on that. I really do like the melody of that section.



Well, this song really is a masterpiece. I truly love it now. I'm going to go ahead and give it a 10 out of 10. Man do I love this song.


  • 2 weeks later...

When I'll say remix masterpiece I'll definetly take this one as example.

Great piano! nice instrumentation, specially with the initial march drums and later flaute.


  • 2 months later...

Starts off with some piano, then after awhile, in jumps strings, flutes and marchdrums. A very nice overall,

the high notes on the piano gives that cute "Relm"

appearance, the music just marching through my head.

In other words: I LOVE IT! :D

  • 8 months later...

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