Gollgagh Posted November 19, 2011 Posted November 19, 2011 it's about 18 times sillier if you play the remake Quote
Fishy Posted November 19, 2011 Posted November 19, 2011 Shadow of the Colossus is the best narrative through gameplay evar. FF....4, 9, or X (if you look past the voice acting) have the most powerful stories to me. The endings to 9 and X are polar opposites but very powerfully happy/sad respectively. Quote
Koriantor Posted November 19, 2011 Posted November 19, 2011 it's about 18 times sillier if you play the remake I played the remake (on the GC) and I prefer it to the ps1 version. I enjoyed it quite thoroughly, but whenever I'd stop to think about what was going on, I'd lol. Quote
K.B. Posted November 19, 2011 Posted November 19, 2011 Persona 2: Innocent Sin. You guys bringing up Kojima reminds me that I should get around to playing Policenauts. Edit: While we're still on non-rpgs with great story, I should probably say that in my opinion, best storyline in gaming belongs to Legacy Of Kain series. In fact, it might just be my favorite storyline ever. I've been meaning to look into these. Since this rec from the man who earlier suggested Vagrant Story, I'm going to get off my ass today and do this. Edit2: Blood Omen's gameplay is too meh but Soul Reaver is very cool. I'll check out the later games once I get through SR. Quote
Abadoss Posted November 19, 2011 Posted November 19, 2011 Despite the fanboy hate that everyone seems to have for it, I'm going to say Twilight Princess. I definitely agree with Majora's Mask, Chrono Trigger, FFIV, FFVII, and FFIX. I'll also put out there Link's Awakening. Quote
Cerrax Posted November 28, 2011 Posted November 28, 2011 Well, you can't go wrong with any of the Zelda games, especially anything after OoT. Bethesda and Bioware each offer a plethora of games that masterfully blend literally hundreds of narratives into a single wholesome experience. Square-Enix and Atlus have traditional RPG's down to a science. Action, tactical, turn-based, you name it. The Metroid series has always been a decent narrative as well (except Other M. Stay far away from that garbage) Quote
Zerothemaster Posted November 28, 2011 Posted November 28, 2011 I'd say Half Life. Also, as far as Mega Man games go, Battle Network 3 and Zero 4 could be hardcore at times. Quote
zach72 Posted November 28, 2011 Posted November 28, 2011 I'm gonna go way out there and say: Pokémon Mystery DungeonWhile the Main Series Pokémon games employ a setting which is so utterly ridiculous that it dooms every attempt of giving them a sensible plot, the Mystery Dungeon Series' setting makes a lot of sense and allows for some good plot. I found the story to be very touching. The way the dialogue is written and the characters are presented makes it easy to get emotionally involved. While I've played a few games where I thought "interesting twist" here and there, this is so far the only game which made me feel genuine compassion for the characters in it. I've played "Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team" and "Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky" so far. The only other games in the series (which are not just matched pairs of those two) are some WiiWare titles which haven't been released outside of Japan, so I don't know what they're like. Another good reason to play them is that they have awesome music. Especially the respective BGMs of the final dungeons. Seriously amazing stuff. This. 100% this i cried like a baby when i played these games Quote
Modus Posted November 28, 2011 Posted November 28, 2011 Despite the fanboy hate that everyone seems to have for it, I'm going to say Twilight Princess. I don't have fanboy hate for that game. Just regular hate. Quote
GravitySuitCollector Posted November 28, 2011 Posted November 28, 2011 Also, as far as Mega Man games go, Battle Network 3 and Zero 4 could be hardcore at times. Yes for the Mega Man Zero series, definitely. The ends of 2, 3, and 4 made me want to cry. Some of the best money I've spent on a new videogame was the collection (didn't have 1 and 3). I haven't played the Network series, though. Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia. Sure, the story can probably viewed as weak, but it still touched me. Also, killer gameplay; tightest battle system for a Castlevania, I thought. Also, I think the Disgaeas are actually touching, once you get past the mounds of humor (sweet mounds of humor ). And, of course as you know, the Tales series (except Abyss, the characters made me RAGE, personally ). Way off-topic: are there overdrive dolls from Vesperia available, or maybe patterns for them(knitting, sewing, whatever)? that would be the best shelf space filler ever! Best items in the game. I'd have to ask my mom to teach me how to knit or sew, though. Quote
RDX Posted November 28, 2011 Posted November 28, 2011 Every time I made Wolf Link dash in Twilight Princess and Midna made that noise, all I could think of was all the furry porn that was going to be all over my internets within a week. I think that sullied my experience a little. Twilight Princess was a great game, but it wasn't a great Zelda game. It felt like a generic action adventure where Zelda and Link and Ganondorf were minor characters. If you cut out the parts with Zelda and Ganondorf, you wouldn't have really lost a whole lot from the overall experience. Hell they should've just made Midna the main character and called it a day. I'm all for change in the Zelda formula, but when Zelda doesn't even contribute anything to the plot, there's something clearly wrong there. I'd go on and on about how Twilight Princess lacked the soul that games like Wind Waker had, but I feel like everyone's aware of the general lack of side quests and linearity. Few of the NPCs go through any character development at all aside from Midna. And speaking of linearity, it's kind of ironic that even though Skyward Sword lacks a Hyrule Field, there's still plenty more you can do aside from the main game than continue the plot. Sandbox and non-linearity aren't the same thing if there's nothing to do in the sandbox. rant rant rant also, always relevant: http://imgur.com/IQXyd Quote
Cecilff2 Posted November 28, 2011 Posted November 28, 2011 I'm all for change in the Zelda formula, but when Zelda doesn't even contribute anything to the plot, there's something clearly wrong there. Man, I guess Link's Awakening was a failure too then. Quote
DarkeSword Posted November 28, 2011 Posted November 28, 2011 Yes for the Mega Man Zero series, definitely. The ends of 2, 3, and 4 made me want to cry. Some of the best money I've spent on a new videogame was the collection (didn't have 1 and 3). I haven't played the Network series, though. Cannot stress this enough. The Mega Man Zero series's story is fantastic, especially in how it explores the relationship between Zero and X (especially when you look at all the extended materials like the drama tracks from the soundtracks). Quote
Gario Posted November 28, 2011 Posted November 28, 2011 Yes for the Mega Man Zero series, definitely. The ends of 2, 3, and 4 made me want to cry. Some of the best money I've spent on a new videogame was the collection (didn't have 1 and 3). I haven't played the Network series, though. Gotta third this opinion. As DS already said, MMZ has an incredible story that anyone would do well to play through. Anyone mention Iji yet? Really well done narrative, well thought out story, immersive back story... and it's free. Check it out. Quote
RDX Posted November 28, 2011 Posted November 28, 2011 Man, I guess Link's Awakening was a failure too then.Well, Marin was technically Zelda, if you want to go into specifics. And LA and MM took place outside of Hyrule. I would've preferred it if they just left Zelda and Ganondorf out of the game since they didn't contribute much at all, though I guess I kind of hyperbolized a bit. Quote
PROTO·DOME Posted November 29, 2011 Posted November 29, 2011 Mousetrap blends elements of gameplay and narrative seamlessly. SPOILER The bit where you set off the mousetrap with ball bearings and get caught by the plastic cage was genius, so cleverly linked with the title of the game. I cried, but then again I was six and a sore loser. /SPOILER Quote
ProjectSpam Posted November 29, 2011 Posted November 29, 2011 I'm go ahead with a choice way out from left-field and say "A Blurred Line" ... which was an old game made mostly by one guy for RPG Maker 2000 and was never quite completed (if the creator ever does come through with his promise of actually completing the game, maybe one day I'll die happy), but damn it if that storyline isn't one of my all-time favorite story lines ever, even if the gameplay isn't the absolute best. Cyberpunk, emotional, intense stuff, ending on a cliffhanger. Did anyone else here ever play that game? Quote
Zombie Posted November 29, 2011 Posted November 29, 2011 I know some might disagree with this suggestion, and I haven't read the whole thread so it might have been suggested anyway, but I really enjoyed the story and (most) of the characters in FFXIII. The World Ends With You for DS. Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Adam Jensen and several of the characters don't have much in the way of personality, but the story and themes were cool. Quote
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