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Xenosaga, if you can get past the painful episode 2 mechanics. Great Story.

Uncharted 1-3, all of the stories are captivating.

Anything in the Tales series, Final Fantasy (10 and earlier) series.

Atelier Iris 2 was actually really enjoyable for me as well. Haven't played any of the other Eternal Mana games though.


I'm going to also recommend the Xenosaga series. I didn't hate 2 as much as other people did, but if you can get trough it, 3 is pretty awesome. Just make sure you like sitting through very long cutscenes.

Not sure if anybody recommended it yet, but the Shadow Hearts series on PS2 has a pretty great story. I've only played the first 2 since they directly relate. There is a third which may or may not relate, still haven't started playing it yet.


Mass Effect 1 and 2

Final Fantasy: 6 7 8 and 9. I'll add 12 onto that list if you know the Ivalice world.

Bayonetta. Yeah i'm going there. Its an action game. Its fun and the story if you pay attention is actually one of the more inventive ones i've seen.

Dragon age 1 isnt bad story wise but eh.


The Binding of Isaac.

While it's a short game with no plot twists, I thought the idea of needing to destroy your mother (even in your own fantasy world) in order to survive was powerful enough.


Alot of games i've played and enjoyed already have been mentioned but how about:


This game is a thriller and rollercoster ride to me

Kinda obvious with hideo kojima at the steering wheel really.

I realize mine is a minority view. That doesn't render it invalid.

I feel that before Spoony made it "cool" to hate FFVIII and FFX, disliking those games and their stories WAS the minority view.

Because they're fantastic games.

Also, several of my friends on other forums absolutely love the hell out of everything Snatcher. I admire its VA and atmosphere (though I've never played it myself), and they swear by its captivating and entertaining story.

I feel that before Spoony made it "cool" to hate FFVIII and FFX, disliking those games and their stories WAS the minority view.

Because they're fantastic games.

Well, actually I don't hate those games, but Spoony has some good points. Even before I watched Spoony's reviews I simply didn't like some aspects of the games, in FF VIII's case the story, and in FF X the obnoxious characters (except for Auron). Great thing about them though were the gameplay and ofc the music (yes, I DID like the junction system :mrgreen:).


While not a fan of the encounter rate, and while the battle system could use some work, I really enjoyed the story (and the way it was presented) of Ancient Magic: Bazoe! Mahou Sekai. I didn't think I'd like it much but ended up staying up all night just because I wanted to see how the story ended.

Didn't help I didn't like the ending much. >>; But aside from that I loved it.

I like Rudra no Hihou as well, and how you can play the game with the various characters who have their own goals and plots but it ties into an overarching plot. Stuff like that is usually really interesting to me. And seeing certain story aspects from a variety of PoVs.

But a game that really had an amazing story? Live A Live. One of the few games that had a twist that actually made my jaw drop.

Oh! And Bahamut Lagoon! I loved that! I think I'm a fan of the going against the empire theme, since that's sort of what Bahamut Lagoon is about. There's also a few twists in there too, and it's interesting to see how time changes people (I don't feel most games pull that off well), and have characters deal with internal conflict instead of "OH NATURALLY I LOVE THE PROTAGONIST, LOL"

Breath of Fire 2 had a great story too I think. A lot of people just don't realize that with such a shoddy translation. (I think FF7 might not catch quite as much flack it does if it had a better translation) There's a fantastic patch floating around online, thankfully, that remedies that. With it the characterization is done so much better, and the story makes sense. And the sad parts definitely hit me. I'm pretty sure the game's made me cry on more than one occasion.

ETA: Derp. Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together. I should be ashamed for not mentioning that.

It made two of you cry?

I HAVE to play this game now. Only one game ever made me cry, and I can't figure out why it did. And I won't share what that was >_>

But yeah, time to go find Mother 3.

Ohhh, the Mother games. So god damn emotional... boring as all hell, but I'd still recommend a playthrough for the experience and the music.

Lufia 2 made my 9-year-old eyes cry.

Ohhh, the Mother games. So god damn emotional... boring as all hell, but I'd still recommend a playthrough for the experience and the music.

Lufia 2 made my 9-year-old eyes cry.

Final Fantasy II (or rather, IV) made me cry my 9-year-old eyes out.

The DS remake made me cry twice.


Wow, this thread is on page 7 after two days.

I thought Oblivion's story was good, unfortunately there aren't enough NPC's to properly convey the story. The idea of the heart of the Empire being invaded by hordes of Daedra is epic. I can imagine thousands of Daedra pouring out of Oblivion gates, raiding cities and the country side. While a desperate Empire fights for survival, armies of Imperial Legion soldiers pouring in from across every province to defend the heartland. Where every moment brings the world closer to the brink of destruction, with you at the forefront of putting the crisis to an end.

I think Bethesda took on more, in terms of story, then the current technology could handle. The story had incredible potential.


I will try to speak only in terms of story and not gameplay:

Xenogears - powerful story indeed, but not too emotional. It's more philosophical and interesting (with giant robots)

Xenosaga - awesome setup in the first game, really hooks you and makes you want to know more. Nice but ultimately disappointing second part but awesome conclusion in the third part. Incredible music really emphasizes the mood conveyed in the story.

Silent Hill (all of them except Homecoming) - I'm not a huge Silent Hill nerd like some people here but even if you don't pay attention to every tiny detail, the stories are dark and emotional without becoming too melodramatic. The story by itself isn't really amazing but the way it fits with the music and atmosphere makes it really engaging.

Final Fantasy X - You can really get attached to the characters and the twist towards the end is really emotional.

Final Fantasy Tactics - Not really that emotional, but politically engaging and great hooks.

Heavy Rain - The game itself is pretty much only a story. Very well told and dark. Not much humor but the character development is really good.

L.A. Noire - Amazing ending; the fact that so many people got pissed at it (not disappointed, but genuinely pissed) is a great sign. The way everything comes together is very well told.

Wow, this thread is on page 7 after two days.

I thought Oblivion's story was good, unfortunately there aren't enough NPC's to properly convey the story. The idea of the heart of the Empire being invaded by hordes of Daedra is epic. I can imagine thousands of Daedra pouring out of Oblivion gates, raiding cities and the country side. While a desperate Empire fights for survival, armies of Imperial Legion soldiers pouring in from across every province to defend the heartland. Where every moment brings the world closer to the brink of destruction, with you at the forefront of putting the crisis to an end.

I think Bethesda took on more, in terms of story, then the current technology could handle. The story had incredible potential.

IMHO Morrowind's story was way better.

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