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i hate how i'm going to buy this game and all my friends will hate me for it

then i will come over to their houses and FIND IT IN THEIR CONSOLE


it was funny i asked about the release date at a store and the guy was like 'january (whateveritwas) it's the only one i know off the top of my head'

Guys, guys, guys, you clearly have priorities are all wrong. This thread is about how INCREDIBLE this song is, not how many balls the series has been sucking since FFVIII.

UHHHHH Final Fantasy IX is fucking awesome??????

I actually love X as well but nobody else here seems to so blah.

Why does everyone implicitly hate this track? I've heard goofier music on this site.


UHHHHH Final Fantasy IX is fucking awesome??????

I actually love X as well but nobody else here seems to so blah.

final fantasies ix and x are both good examples of what I was talking about before

I like both of these games I really do but the combat system is pretty much exactly the same as it has been since ffvi despite the subtle (and meaningless) nuances


Still doesn't hold a candle to

Oh it tries, believe me, it tries. Tries, and fails. It just gets the colder shoulder.

Admirable attempt though. I mean, to be fair, all game music has been in decline since the release of Unknown for M.E., but that's how it goes.

my biggest hit on most of you all is that half of you gave up on the game before the parts that really made it good

if you are talking about the part where you finally get to freeroam a bit, then all i gotta say is NO BRO, NO

it takes WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY too god damn long to get there. its literally at the game's halfway point. no, fuck that noise. that should never be a reason to play the game.

"play for 20 hours or so, then the game actually gets bearable."

fuck that noise man

there is no reason it or ANY game should take that long for the game to get decent. it should draw you in the first moments you play it, not 20 hours in. that is fucking horrible.

But FF7 had the best battle system. Materia is where it's at. FF8 had the second-best, drawing magic from enemies and adding its power to your stats was incredible.

i loved ff8's battle system except for one thing

it discouraged you from using magic


if you junctioned 100 of a spell that was strong, you would never use it because if you did your stats would drop. that was the biggest downfall of that system

i actually talked a lot about it with a friend of mine. there is such a simple fix to this that would make it seriously one of the best ever. cap junctioning to 50 instead of 100. this would actually give you incentive to cast the magic you have instead of just letting it sit there as stat boosters.

too bad they probably will never revisit that battle system again

if you are talking about the part where you finally get to freeroam a bit, then all i gotta say is NO BRO, NO

it takes WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY too god damn long to get there. its literally at the game's halfway point. no, fuck that noise. that should never be a reason to play the game.

"play for 20 hours or so, then the game actually gets bearable."

fuck that noise man

there is no reason it or ANY game should take that long for the game to get decent. it should draw you in the first moments you play it, not 20 hours in. that is fucking horrible.

that's not the part i'm talking about the freeroaming quite honestly isn't all that great. about 10-13ish hours in things start to fall together storywise and it gives you new combos of classes to play with to the point where setting up paradigms really makes a heavy difference in how fights go

about 10-13ish hours in things start to fall together storywise and it gives you new combos of classes to play with to the point where setting up paradigms really makes a heavy difference in how fights go

ten hours is still an extremely long time to wait for a video game to actually start being fun


And if by "fun" you mean having all of your characters on auto-battle and the only thing making a difference to the outcome of battles is not any skill or management on your part but your ability to switch to the right paradigm at the right time.

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