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Seiken Densetsu 3: Songs of Light and Darkness - History

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Use bookmarks? :grin:

You know what's funny is that I realized I do have it as a bookmark, but I have it on the Other > Uncategorized mess of bookmarks. :lol: This is still the thread I think of when I need to get that link!

And be chill Meteo, nobody wants your health to be affected, take your time.. It's been years, it can be years more if it has to.

  • 1 month later...

Making slight adjustments to the tracklist and talking websites. We're about ready to send in stuff for evaluation. I'll try to finalize the tracklist (or even send in what we've got atm for feedback on track order, too) this week. Meteo put the thing together, I'm just trying to move a couple of troublesome tracks around to make them fit better, if I can.

I haven't heard back from our art ppl in a while, so we may have to get some new artists on board for trailer and website art, so that's a slight concern of mine right now. We've got some good pics and plenty of amazing wips, I'd just like to have a few more finished pieces. It's also a question of getting the art to mesh with the stuff we've already got. If anyone's interested, able and available, talk to me.

When it comes to things we _must_ have, it's only really the website that's left to do. The rest is just stuff we'd very much like to have. And it's actually a rather short list:

Stuff we're still looking for:

-art for the trailer (and website)

-promotional ideas

-some artists' comments and bios (I have to check what we've got and what's missing)

There's probably something else too that I can't think of atm, but I'll add that once I think of it (unless Meteo gets to it first).


I have a bunch of promotional ideas and such for SD3, I just haven't had time to update and organize them into something. This is a particularly busy time for me, as I have some book publishing business I can't afford to miss out on, two game soundtracks I'm working on and prepping for, and I just got tasked to write a game story as well. That doesn't even count my full time job or the extra camera work I'm doing to pay my doctor's bills from July.

That sounds like a thin veil for bragging of my current opportunities, but I'm stretched way too thin right now. I love that my work is finally paying off, but it's all coming in at the same time! And at the last half of October which is my most valuable time of the year.

Anyone who needs me for anything can contact me at any time, but that's the only way I'll be available for any active work here until around the start of November.


That's all no problem at all. I'd say the best thing that could be done to expedite things on my side is for me to get the WAVs so that I can begin tagging, even without a formal track order. That aspect takes a lot of time along with a website, but having the full audio content will allow me to work on FLAC/MP3 prep and getting artist & song info organized.

No rush; I always have 87 other things to do myself, but anytime those files and/or artist/song info can be Dropboxed/shared to me, that would rock.


There's a few mastering things we need to do before handing over the wavs. Haven't heard from Usa in a while, so we might need someone else to do that if we want things to move faster. My ears are somewhat biased when it comes to stuff on this project, so I'd rather not do it myself, but that too is an option.

If everyone would just mix their tracks to the same sound... yes, there'd be less variety, but it'd make this part of album making so much easier. For my next album, I'm gonna have to get the remixers to mix to match, or at least have the kind of openings that lend themselves well to being placed next to tracks that might sound very different. /album director problems

But the track order v2 is now done. Wouldn't be done if it wasn't for Meteo's excellent groundwork, most of which I didn't mess with. Much. Gotta make sure I have the most recent wavs from everyone, tho. Were did I put the last batch of new wavs again?

In any case, I might have a hint or two for Chernabogue's project guide. Which everyone should help with.


I've seen Usa a couple times recently. He's still onboard to master, and I don't think he would be if he thought he'd be too busy for it (he's quick too, he once mastered an album for me during an AIM conversation!) Mastering music is his day time job IIRC, so he really knows how to do it. The only hard part is just finding him online, but last I saw him, he told me he'd be on more as some of his other gigs got finished.


A few tracks lack names. Strange that the remixers didn't feel strongly about a particular name for them. We'll be naming them ourselves if we don't hear from the remixers about this.

keiiii is still with us, which is awesome. We're not opposed to having more artists on board. I'm just not worried about the art anymore.

Next worry: the website.

  • 5 weeks later...
There is a small possibility that I remaster/remix some of my tracks.

Just want you to know.

I don't mind. All remixers are free to do any edits you guys feel you need to. Just hurry up. Once the tracks go to ocr for final evaluation, we're not doing any more changes to them.

  • 3 weeks later...

Let's get things moving forward! I'm planning on getting the music uploaded to ocr for project evaluation right after new year's, so anyone wanting to revise your track has until then to get me an updated version of their track. Exact date coming when I know my own schedule, but we're looking at a day around 2-3 weeks from now.

Let's get things moving forward! I'm planning on getting the music uploaded to ocr for project evaluation right after new year's, so anyone wanting to revise your track has until then to get me an updated version of their track. Exact date coming when I know my own schedule, but we're looking at a day around 2-3 weeks from now.

Then we can still beat you to the evals with BA3 :D:P

  • 3 weeks later...
So what's the final count, 63? Assuming songs from the last decade haven't ended up lost in byte space, that is. Also, it'd be a fun bit of trivia if you were to disclose the date of the oldest song on the project. From around 2005? :lol:

Do you mean first completed WIP date, final WAV date, or multi-year revision dates? :P Cause, I first completed mine in 2005 or so.

Do you mean first completed WIP date, final WAV date, or multi-year revision dates? :P Cause, I first completed mine in 2005 or so.

Woah, I kinda threw it as a joke :D and indeed I figure you must've updated the song a billion times since - it's a long time in music business as equipment and skillz develop. At least personally I feel my songs age so fast.

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