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For future reference, it's simply my observation that nothing draws people out of the woodwork from other game mixing sites as much as a piece being praised extensively, especially if it's not related in some way to one of their own members or someone they're chummy with. It's like clockwork, and I would have anticipated it had someone asked me. The clear trend from certain individuals seems to be to only review when something is being commended, and to curtly contradict such acclaim, usually with as little tact as possible.

That I couldn't *tell* whether Mustin's 97/3 ratio was hyperbole or not should really SAY something; I'm glad he's clarified that it was, but the point of my post was that, regardless of the actuality, there's certainly the appearance of being "in league", voting as a block, and only visiting OCR's review forum collectively to put something down. I don't feel like I'm synthesizing here, or pulling trends and observations out of thin air. I'd be really surprised if deep down no one in question knew what I was talking about.

In either case, when I talk about being open and promoting unity, and walking the walk, I'm talking about not posting ambiguously sarcastic hyperboles as one's only review in X number of weeks. Your follow-up post was candid and direct - why not, next time, skip the one-liners and curt comments that could easily be interpreted literally, and jump straight to the honest feedback? Save us all some time? Zing people in your mind, or on your own forums, but give artists some legitimate feedback here, one way or the other, instead of exaggerated sarcasm directed towards OCR? I think that's a fairly transparent request, which anyone who was truly interested in better intersite relations would have no problem filling.

As for joecam and his "FUCKING THOUGHT" - you can say "This sounds like Joshua Morse only not as good" ALL YOU WANT. Have at it. I'd still think it was musically inaccurate to the Nth degree, but it'd be, as you state, your thought. However, when you call someone's mix a "Joshua Morse impersonation", that's a little bit different. It implies that Harmony was actively modeling his arrangement on Morse's - that there was mimicry or even plagiarism involved. This, of course, YOU don't know. It's terrible word choice if all you wanted to say was that the piece resembled Morse's stuff but was not as good, because it says more than that. Coming from someone who has professed directly to me a wish to get people to come together and cooperate more, you're either choosing your words very poorly, or you did in fact mean to suggest that Brandon was consciously copying Josh. In either case, that's not going to be conducive to a goal of cooperation.

As for joecam and his "FUCKING THOUGHT" - you can say "This sounds like Joshua Morse only not as good" ALL YOU WANT. Have at it. I'd still think it was musically inaccurate to the Nth degree, but it'd be, as you state, your thought. However, when you call someone's mix a "Joshua Morse impersonation", that's a little bit different. It implies that Harmony was actively modeling his arrangement on Morse's - that there was mimicry or even plagiarism involved. This, of course, YOU don't know. It's terrible word choice if all you wanted to say was that the piece resembled Morse's stuff but was not as good, because it says more than that. Coming from someone who has professed directly to me a wish to get people to come together and cooperate more, you're either choosing your words very poorly, or you did in fact mean to suggest that Brandon was consciously copying Josh. In either case, that's not going to be conducive to a goal of cooperation.

Well then I admit I chose the wrong word. We all use the wrong words at the wrong times and I admit my fault. I was stating my first impressions, not claiming what Harmony intended.

Also, to claim that the fact I didn't like this song is supposedly detrimental to my desire to see a more united community irks me.

Last thing I want is more animosity and dissention in this community, and to make it seem like I'm trying to cause it bothers me.

I've been stating I don't like the song and that's that. I admire the production and how good it sounds, but bottom line is I just don't like the song. I didn't say I don't like Harmony and he's a shtyjdgfgt or anything.

Regardless, it feels like anything else I type here will be mis-interpreted or turned around so I look like more of a dick, so I'm just going to wrap this up. I meant no disrepsect to Harmony or anybody else. I was stating my first impressions on the piece and I obviously used the wrong word and ended up looking like an ass to some people. My apoligies, but I still don't like the song.


Boring and conservative in its reiteration of a tired, old theme, Harmony's Joshua Morse impersonation stands as testament to the ineptitude and cock-licking nepotism of the Overclocked Old Boys' Club.

Nah, I'm just kidding.

I fucking dig it. You have a beautiful voice and you've interpreted the piece in a way that brings out the dynamics and, in turn, emotiveness that the original composer implied in his composition, but was unable to realize due to technical constraints. It's a little repitious in and of itself, with one part flowing so subtley into and sounding so much similar to another as to make it difficult for the listener to tell which part of the song he is listening to, which, in turn, undermines any ideas about rising and falling tension; it's more than a little derivitive of a thousand "mature" pop songs I've heard a hundred thousand times, although most of them are not rooted in a song from from a videogame; it's not something I'd listen to on a regular basis but I fully recognize the nuance and craftsmenship that went into this piece of work. Good shit, Harmony. :)

As the lost Judge, I give it a YES.

To adress the "FUCKING THOUGHT" debate, it's leaps and bounds above anything Josh Morse has ever done, particularly in regards to humanity. While Morse is a talented composer, his pieces have always struck me as overly mechanical. Harmony's nuance in rhythmic intonation brings a whole different meal to the aural table than your typical cold-as-ice Josh Morse leftovers.

You're still a shitty Judge, though and I don't like your decisions. I hope you meet the same fate as Schnaba before you. Watch your back.

Oh, and the lyrics are make-me-laugh trite. Shoulda song about your cock.


Now see, there's some great criticism. It acknowledges the goods, jabs at the bads, and has a good time doing both. Morselove, Morsehate, judgehate, an idle threat and a pseudo request to do the Secret of Mana version of "The Music Of My Groin". Everybody's happy.

Shael, you have my vote for OCR judge in '05.


well..sound quality and arrangement is top notch, but i'd really like to hear it without those disgusting vocals. they make me picture a semi-nude enrique eglesias walking on a beach.


I've been a longtime visitor and fan to the OCRemix site and have long enjoyed listened to the multitude of talented artists displayed here. But never before have I been forced by my heart to respond to a mix than this one. (Pillar of Salt came close!) But, listening to this song, and at the particular time of my life that it chose to appear before me, came at a crucial time of my Christian life. I am unfortunately hot off of a 3 year romance with a individual whom I am still madly in love with and was engaged to be married next year to. We broke it off due to life circumstances, but I truly felt we never tried hard enough at it. This song completely encaptures everything that I was feeling at the time when it was first posted on OCRemix. I wanted to fly away and have my cares washed away by distant memories and feel the love of my fiance once more. It is a beautiful, haunting, but altogether bittersweet melody. I love the source material from which it came from and I love more with what you have done with it and the emotions it evoked within me. Bravo Harmony, bravo.


Man... what I wouldn't give to be Harmony while taking that pic...

Regardless of that & the fact that... most of the discussion going on... Well let's just say I couldn't be arsed to care about. Having said that, the reader will note that I did indeed enjoy this song. But for reasons most may not get. Firstly, cause it reminds me of that credits song in Samurai Champloo. Secondly, at 3:50 it sounds like a remix of the "Port of Adia" from Turok 2. Holy crap someone needs to remix that. That section just totally make me happy (see, I can't even type proper engrish) as it may be the closest thing to a remix of it. Anyway, I like it. JTown Seal of OMG-the-best turok-mix-not-a-turok-mix Excellence! Good job maing, good job.


hey....was that pic taken at Otakon in baltimore, MD? Man, so many good remixers living nearby...heck this is like my first time checking out the boards and i see that djpretzel live in VA! lol, i guess remixing's an east coast thing.

on topic, i've been downloading alot of remixes on this site since a long while back, and all the ones with voices usually stray me away instantly. it's just not my thing. but i hear this one and it's like, "ok, i'll let it slide...ok, this is pretty good....alright, flashback of childhood memories and secret of mana....damn this is a pretty sweet mix." It really does justice to the classic, and the lyrics were placed so it never really went overboard. and i just love that part in 2:49 where you start singing your own melody. i do that kinda stuff when i listen to my gaming music, like throw in my own part to enhance it, i dunno i just liked it alot. Very good stuff.


This is gonna be the most racist thing I've said all year but, HOLY FUCK! HARMONY'S BLACK! He sounded white.

I know people can't sound white or black, not by any reasonable standards of scientific backing.

But I just kind of intuit it when I hear a smooth tenor with a continental US accent--the kind newscasters have--and an acoustic guitar. Just shows what a presumptious biggot I am.

Also, Josh Morse saw my previous in-thread comments and accausted me on AIM, trying to defend his overly mechanical music, which was the best thing ever.

I'm amazed at the heated and personal debate surrounding this piece of music. I'm simpley amazed. I speculate that the real tension between the parties in question--and there are quite a few--may have been pre-existing, personal, having nothing to actually do with Harmony's piece, and simpley boiled over into a teniously related slander when presented with the oppurtunity.

So, hey, I'm gonna close my post out by bringing in back to the topic at hand; that is to say, "you sure did make an Overclocked remix, Harmony. Nice work."


Just some wrap-up comments: the reason I think strongly likening any of Harmony's music to any of Morse's is questionable isn't because I don't like Morse's stuff (I do, a lot, which should be clear) or that I think it's mechanical, but rather simply because I think they are fundamentally different. Thanks to joecam for clearing up the "impersonation" bit; perhaps I read people's words too closely at times.


Love the production on this.

Normally I don't like vocals in my music, but in this they just kinda blended in with the rest of the song, rather than being the main focus and overpowering the instrumental portion.

Everything just sounds great. The acoustic guitars, the drums, everything.


This has to be one of the best songs I've yet heard from OCR.

1:17 - Genious.

There's nothing I can flaw with this song as everything flows together seamlessly. All I can say is that it is very, very good. 'So-good-I-will-never-listen-to-another-song-again' type of good. Also, nice work with the time signature, it really makes a difference.

Awesome stuff!

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