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OCR01416 - Sonic the Hedgehog "Cryptic Marble"


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One would think Marble Zone had been remixed to death, and then comes something like this ! Happy days are back, when constructive brains work in unison somehow. This is one well-thoughtout song indeed. And for a first remix submitted from this guy at that !!

Great timing with the instruments ,and an intense raving feel to it throughout the remainder of the song. It reminds me of Donkey Kong Country tunes. Go and listen to it many times over.

Thanks for oozing quality from the very start ,DistantJ :P

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The only complaint I have is the lenght; I think the ReMix is a little too long and therefore repetitive.

But now the positive aspects: like someone wrote earlier, the flute (for example from 1:13 on) reminds a bit of 3rd Strike, and these memories are always welcome (why the hell haven't I brought my 3rd Strike OST with me?!?). My favorite parts are the fast ones starting at 1:46 respectively 3:45 and the slower one beginning at 3:13.

Really good work.

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Being a sonic fan, i have to post here.

I recognize the marble zone theme right away. Didnt like the ghosty-synth, but that's just me, since the background synths are farily square-like. Loving the bongo's in the background. (they're bongo's right? or something of that nature). Where did you get that flute?? i want!

Love the second theme at 1:46. That was my favorite part of the origional and you remixed it well. The changeup at 3:13 is also very pleasing.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Muahahaha I remember back when DistantJ had that "Lava Twilight" WIP floating around in the, well, the WIP forum. Nice to know that THIS is what came out of it. Hell, I even loved the first version, but this one just capitalizes on so many new things.

It has a whole new feel and creates a whole new atmosphere. OMG 1:46, absolutely love that section from the Marble Zone song, and love how you brought it into this remix in relatively the same style as in the first versions. That ionno, eh, "twanging" (please don't shoot me! >_<) at 2:01 just has me in a whole nother world. 3:13, man, just beautiful work here. I can't even describe, I'm just pointing out my favorite parts haha.

Wonderful job DistantJ, you've created a masterpiece.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...
  • 2 months later...

DistantJ did a marvelous job here, I mean DANG, this is awesome! I got interested at first by the samples used in the beginning, like the drums and beats and such, and the fact that you used such instruments like orientic flutes and sitars impressed me. Reminded me much of a nature show I used to watch.

But it was first at 1:46 that it got me, the synth that began at that moment grabbed me and shook me, I love the sound it has but especially its fast tempo and rhytm. With the flutes in the back, it became one great arrangement, mixed with new elements from both the past and today.

Oh yes, i'm taking this. Great stuff. :D

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I can't help it, I just have to post again.

Every time I listen to this, it just get's BETTER!

Other people may complain, about the long intro, but I LIKE long intros!It keeps you guessing at what your listening to until the main line hits. AND I just LOVE the majestic melody at the begining, then at 30 seconds, the floor drops out from under you, sending you flying down into that deep, beautiful tunnel of sound that is...CRYPTIC MARBLE!!!

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Oh my god...

I love this mix. I was looking into making a mix of my own for something form Sonic, downloaded this to listen to, and was blown away. Everything from the mood to the sheer smoothness in the flow grab me and keep me listening to it. I especially love the wooden flute sounds (Probably not a wooden flute, but that's the closest instrument I can compare it to at the moment).

Sheer beauty.

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  • 1 year later...

Every time i listen to this song, I get chills. Any Sonic music I listen too, always unlocks a flood of nostalgic memories, both related and unrelated to Sonic. I especially love the 2:20 range (i think it is). Back in the day when I played the game, I think this is what I heard coming out of my TV speakers.

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