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Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 'Gerudo Interlude'

Wow, a song by djpretzel that doesn’t suck. Only kidding Master, I mean Mister Pretzel. I always loved the Gerudo theme, and this is a well done rendition. Although slower and more laid back than I personally would like, it’s a really authentic sounding tune. Favourite part: The quiet ending. I love quiet simple stuff. 4/5

  • 3 months later...

Not too many comments about this one. This is my favorite rendition of Gerudo Valley on this site. DJP rocks my face yet again.

  • 3 months later...

my absolute favorite gerudo valley remix on the site, when i listen for great game remixes, i look for changes to the song, while keeping the same feel and not straying too far from the original, Gerudo Interlude did just that, the result: a song great enough to listen to as a regular song, and a great enough reminder of the good old zelda experience

  • 4 weeks later...

This song is rated as #1 in my growing collection of OC ReMixes. After playing the game and then listening to your ReMix, it is unbelievable how well done you have ReMixed this...I can leave this song going for hours on end - it is simply a great ReMix. Keep up the awesome work!

  • 1 month later...

Wow man, this rips it!! Definately tha best Gerudo mix I ever heard. Kick-ass intro, lethal beat, awesome guitar work, imaginative variation, AH GOD, words can't describe it - I LOVE THIS!! Excellent work! :D

  • 2 weeks later...

AUTENTIC?!?!?!?!? YOU FOOLS, STOP SUCKING UP TO HIM, YOU ONLY ADD TO HIS POWER... I mean... uh.... sorry. Moo. I'm sorry, I just can't enjoy this one at all. I'm all for djp's style usually, but it doesn't fit at all here. The subtle change to the melody worked great in Pachabel's Ganon, but it screws it up completely here. There's like 5 acoustic guitars rambling on together at many points so I can't tell what's going on at all. For about 30 seconds in the middle of the song the melody is dropped more or less altogether in favor of further pointless derivation. I just can't see what everyone else sees in this remix. 3/8

  • 2 weeks later...

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I just downloaded this song, and while it really kicks holes, I think the original song is from the Ninja Gaiden series, not Zelda : Ocarina of Time. Has there been some sort of mix-up, or have I completely lost it? 8O

  • 2 months later...
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I just downloaded this song, and while it really kicks holes, I think the original song is from the Ninja Gaiden series, not Zelda : Ocarina of Time. Has there been some sort of mix-up, or have I completely lost it? 8O

lol you lost it dude....

This song is really tight. I especially love the drums. all you have to do is look at who made it to know that it's a MUST DOWNLOAD. 8O


When I heard the first instruments I had good hopes for this remix, it really has a nice sound. But when I heard the changes made to the original melody of "Gerudo Valley" my hopes died. Somehow I get this feeling that remixers change the melody's just because they think their remix won't be original enough if they don't.

Offcourse it isn't wrong to change some of the melody, but a lot of remixers that produce a good "would be" remix change the wrong part of melody.

To me it doesn't matter what is changed to a song as long as the main melody is the same. But that is just my view about remixing.

Anywayz, a good remix but with a bad taste to it.

  • 2 months later...
  • 3 months later...
  • 2 months later...

djpretzel, your music makes me drool. And that's in a good way. :D How much of this is played live? Anyways, I love this song. As for those headphones, I'm currently listening to this song on a nice pair of Sony MDR-V500s. I recommend them, or the V700s ;)

  • 3 weeks later...

gerudo peeples just keeps repeating itself over and over and over and over... i think u get the point... gerudo interlude all the way man...

  • 5 months later...
  • 1 month later...


I'm new to the site kinda

and Zelda being my favorite Series of games

I went straight to this page when I came to the site

So I had a lot of listening to do Bah Cant belive I missed this song only listened to it after my hardrive got whiped and needed to redo my playlist

Congrats DJP this song ownz

  • 2 weeks later...

I'm digging the lead(s)! Whatever you choose for the instramentation, djp, it rocks! Also, I like the fact that you altered the original, but the source material is still easily identifiable. Nice acousic work, too...9/10. :)

  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Strong melody and layered complexity. This is, to me, the best remix here, and one of the best songs I have heard recently. A must-hear.

The repetitive nature of the composition of remixes is transcended by the variations and most importantly the *perfect* timing. The only change I could see making would be to the drums at 2:45-3:00.

  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

This is nice man. It's quite possibly my favorite remix i've heard here. It's in a real dark key. Big up on dat one. And the way you made your own melody gave this song that new flava son. This was some good ish and I enjoyed it. I really didn't know what to expect after hearing peeples.

I liked the intro even though it got kinda cluttered at one point. And I think you should have handled your drum intro somewhat differently. But whatever doesn't matter that much. You gave the gerudo song a much needed facelift. This is the first song I heard by you but if the others are anything like this I'll be hitting em up. I also liked the way you brought the orginal melody in around 1:06 that was beautiful man. Some good ish for real. This song has a rea hip-hop western sytle to it. Nice man. Real nice. Also I want to know how much of this is live aswell. Very nicely done.

Geez, I'm having hard time deciding between this and Gerudo Peeples. It sounds nice but not as nice as Peeples' redition. I give it a 7.5/10.

It's not that hard man. Peeples remix of the song has a good treble but the bassline is rather annoying. I like the song when the bassline isn't there butI really can't get into peeples with that bassline doing that. For one reason of another that first note is sharp. The guitars are fine. But that bass ruined it for me. But that's just my opinion, and probably my own fault for listening to music where everything is in the right key. That peeple version just isn't that good. So I'm going to tweak your score and reverse it. 10/7.5 that's how much I like this song.

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