Radiowar Posted February 4, 2014 Posted February 4, 2014 that would explain wonder trade this morning. got a lugia () and several other interesting pokemon. wonder if there are more hacked pokemon floating around now though Quote
Aeronaut Posted February 5, 2014 Posted February 5, 2014 Pokémon Bank is now finally out in North America. Quote
Thalzon Posted February 5, 2014 Posted February 5, 2014 Just in time for me to lose interest in the game... Dangit, the temptation to complete the pokedex is THERE, man. But no. I must resist! They are just bits of data! They have no value! Quote
The Damned Posted February 5, 2014 Posted February 5, 2014 (edited) The GTS/PokéBank name censor is bullshit. I have a Flygon, level 100, that I bred and trained from my Sapphire game. It's been brought forward all the way up to Black. I go to put it in Bank, and the game says one of my pokémon has a name that isn't allowed, and it will be changed. No warning of which one. That needs to be fixed. I think I would rather have left him on Black for now than have his awesome name gone forever. It's still intact (minus its held item, which is another bullshit issue... I highly doubt that the extra two bytes of data is enough to somehow pose a problem), but the whole point of naming them is to make them special. Edited February 5, 2014 by The Damned Quote
alrubedo Posted February 5, 2014 Posted February 5, 2014 The GTS/PokéBank name censor is bullshit.I have a Flygon, level 100, that I bred and trained from my Sapphire game. It's been brought forward all the way up to Black. I go to put it in Bank, and the game says one of my pokémon has a name that isn't allowed, and it willbe changed. No warning of which one, and no way to STOP THE FUCKING NAME CHANGE FROM HAPPENING. The transfer went through after the warning and I didn't get the chance to stop it. That needs to be fixed. It's still intact (minus its held item, which is another bullshit issue... I highly doubt that the extra two bytes of data is enough to somehow pose a problem), but the whole point of naming them is to make them special. Is it still possible to change the name of a Pokemon that's been changed back to what you had it as? And that item issue...Nintendo needs to fix that asap. What if people lose rare items they attached to Pokemon for use in X/Y? Quote
Rexy Posted February 5, 2014 Posted February 5, 2014 I got that message too when transferring my main six from White 1 over. It doesn't tell you which Pokemon are affected by this, but I had a hunch it was my Krookodile, "Fukawa" (named the main 6 after Danganronpa characters!); so I quickly changed it to "Foukawa" by means of the Gen 5 Name Rater before trying again, and the warning disappeared. So if you get that message when getting to that stage, and you're attached to at least one of your Pokémon (like with The Damned's Flygon example), try and change it if you caught it in Generation 5 first. You'd be out of luck if it was in Generation 3 or 4 unless you've still somehow got them stored on their original cartridge you caught it from and you're able to name check using Gen 6's name rater. Still yeah, this is bizarre o_o* Quote
Elex Synn Posted February 5, 2014 Posted February 5, 2014 Just in time for me to lose interest in the game... Dangit, the temptation to complete the pokedex is THERE, man.But no. I must resist! They are just bits of data! They have no value! Same boat as you. As of a couple days ago, I lost interest in X/Y. Once I hit a score of 6073 in Battle Institute Doubles and wiped out the doubles team in battle mansion, I got bored. Moved on to Rage of the Gladiator. Quote
zircon Posted February 6, 2014 Posted February 6, 2014 I definitely enjoyed X&Y, though I lost some interest when I lost a save file (I guess I forgot to save for 5-6 hours and my 3DS ran out of batteries, so I didn't want to replay the same stuff again). I never beat the game. I was however ultimately a little disappointed by the low difficulty. When I started playing Fire Emblem: Awakening I remembered how much of a difference difficulty makes. It's nice to play a game with no 'resistance' once in awhile, but I definitely enjoy the mental challenges of FE:A more. Quote
Rexy Posted February 6, 2014 Posted February 6, 2014 An update on The Damned's nickname censoring irk: I too also have a Generation 3 Flygon that also got hit hard by the censors (original name "Kakeru"; my main six there were named after Ape Escape characters). And nope, neither the Gen 5 / 6 Name Raters are able to change it to something else other than the generic Pokémon species name. Sucks, I know, but I'm greatful that none of my imported starters have suffered as a result of this *_* Quote
The Damned Posted February 6, 2014 Posted February 6, 2014 (edited) Clarification: naming a pokémon is only possible if the Trainer ID number, as well as a hidden "secret" ID number, match that of the pokémon itself. In Black and White (and presumably X and Y now), the player must also have the same name and gender of the trainer that originally caught the pokémon they are trying to rename. There is also evidence to suggest that even if you manage to have all the requirements met, a pokémon transferred from older games will still not be nameable. Sucks, huh? If you somehow were lucky enough to get those requirements (or just hacked your game to get them), then you can rename traded pokémon. So our Flygons (and all other pokes with bullshit censored names) are now permanently unnameable. The only option is to wait until someone makes a cheat for editing your save game, and then acquiring said method and manually changing the name. Which is not likely to happen any time soon, and is something most players don't want to do. Edited February 6, 2014 by The Damned Quote
Lyrai Posted February 6, 2014 Posted February 6, 2014 Items have never been preserved cross-generation as far as I know, due to how they like to change them between generations. Any pokemon with held items get moved to the bag. They're not deleted. So if you had an item you liked on Pokemon B/W/B2/W2, it's in your bag on that cart. Quote
The Damned Posted February 6, 2014 Posted February 6, 2014 We know they're not gone, that's not the point. The point is that removing items between gens shouldn't be a thing in the first place. Without going into the long, lengthy dissection of save data structures and how they are applied to newer values contained within each version and generation, there's no technical reason for not making items transferable as well. It's basically like converting the data for a pokémon from gen 3 all the way up to gen 6 is relatively easy, but even though the data for items is even smaller in size and easily converted as well, it's still not done. I can only think of a possible balance issue for competitive play as a reason. Like, suddenly more people have rare items that could provide an edge in tournaments... but that doesn't really stand up, as those items are available in-game with enough Battle Points. Hell, they give you 10 BP just for using PokéBank the first time, They toss them around like candies. It just doesn't make sense. Quote
SystemsReady Posted February 6, 2014 Posted February 6, 2014 I'm almost tempted to say that I think Game Freak shuffles around the data locations for items between gens. A lot like how you have abilities/hidden abilities pointing to a slot and the game fetching it from there (so a Scolipede transferred with Quick Feet will have it be Speed Boost instead, because it's pointing to that slot, which has new contents in gen 6). It could be a precaution against someone transferring a Pokemon and having them suddenly hold a different item they're not supposed to be holding, like a key item. Maybe they didn't want to implement code to manually fix transferred items... Quote
The Damned Posted February 6, 2014 Posted February 6, 2014 That seems to be exactly it. There's no technical reason, so it must be a deliberate choice. Quote
Soul Splint Posted February 12, 2014 Posted February 12, 2014 Would anybody be up for some trade/tradebacks soon? I have a handful of pokes I need to evolve for my comp team. Quote
Kanthos Posted February 12, 2014 Posted February 12, 2014 Would anybody be up for some trade/tradebacks soon? I have a handful of pokes I need to evolve for my comp team. I'd be happy to. Still playing through Y (I only started a couple weeks ago) but I could use a Spritzee trade evolve too, and others down the road, for sure. 4081-5772-1984 Quote
Soul Splint Posted February 12, 2014 Posted February 12, 2014 I'd be happy to. Still playing through Y (I only started a couple weeks ago) but I could use a Spritzee trade evolve too, and others down the road, for sure. 4081-5772-1984 Cool. Messaged you. Quote
Mirby Posted February 14, 2014 Author Posted February 14, 2014 Details coming soon on how to get it. Quote
Cody Wedel Posted February 22, 2014 Posted February 22, 2014 I actually just finished my living Dex the other day, all 718 currently-obtainable Pokemon in the PC in order, all of them 100% legit. It was kind of depressing transferring my little friends from Diamond, Platinum, HeartGold, Black and Black 2....the files in all cases but B2 were release-day files that I planned on keeping indefinitely. Looking back, I think it was worth it, though. Gives me a reason to play through them all again! Quote
Kanthos Posted February 24, 2014 Posted February 24, 2014 (edited) I was a bit late to the Pokemon party; I just finished the Elite 4 in Y last week. I was wanting to grab some Dittos, but until/unless Mirby gets 3DS-friendly internet access again, I need to find someone else. Anyone else happen to have Dittos (or, for that matter, any other Pokemon not found in X and Y normally) in their friend safari? Anyone's welcome to whatever's in my friend safari too; PM me to make sure we're on at the same time, or I can just leave my 3DS connected all day. Edit: I've got Drifblim, Shuppet, and Pumpkaboo Edited February 24, 2014 by Kanthos Quote
Gario Posted February 24, 2014 Posted February 24, 2014 Ah crap, Pokemon Y actually requires that you have a loaded Friends listing in order to go through that Friends Safari thing... Anyone want to friend up? I'm ground, myself (can't say which digimon I've got, I only know of Sandshrew). My Friends Code is on the 3DS page, so if you're interested then get connected. Quote
BaconProcurement Posted February 24, 2014 Posted February 24, 2014 Ah crap, Pokemon Y actually requires that you have a loaded Friends listing in order to go through that Friends Safari thing...Anyone want to friend up? I'm ground, myself (can't say which digimon I've got, I only know of Sandshrew). My Friends Code is on the 3DS page, so if you're interested then get connected. I added you Gario. You can find my DS code on the 3DS thread. For some odd reason, mine still has the 7 missing at the end. My friend safari is psychic type with Drowzee, Natu, and Wobbuffet. If you are looking for a specific Poke, I'll help you out. I pretty much have a ton I'm willing to part with. Quote
Gario Posted February 27, 2014 Posted February 27, 2014 Oh hell yes, Drowzee. I was looking for that bastard, lol. GTS helped me find a whole bunch of pokemon, so I have a bunch now, if you need any. Quote
Radiowar Posted March 1, 2014 Posted March 1, 2014 i havent tried out the friend safari yet, but i'd like to! i have no idea what i have so if anybody is up for a SAFARI ADVENTURE feel free to add me my friend code is 1263-7041-3359. i'll probably go back through this thread at some point and add people as well Quote
Otakatt Posted March 24, 2014 Posted March 24, 2014 I finally beat Pokemon X and can do the Friend Safari thing, but I have barely any codes. Would love to get moar. Ditto access would be pretty sweet too. I have a Fire Safari with Fletchinder, Larvesta, and Ponyta: 0963-0556-8066 Quote
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