Sir Alex Posted November 19, 2003 Posted November 19, 2003 I truly love this song, and this interpretation. Contrary to what some others have said, I cannot detect any major flaws in Mr. Pretzel's singing, and I love the way the synth and piano blend. The lyrics themselves are a little less upbeat than the music, but the difference there makes the song all the more interesting. Congratulations and thanks. Quote
Ax Posted November 28, 2003 Posted November 28, 2003 DJP, I don't care what your ex said, your singing is SUPERB. This is one of favorite OC Mixes, and the way everything blends is perfect. It all fits together, and sounds beautiful and emotional. It makes me want to go play Xenogears. Quote
Antra Posted December 13, 2003 Posted December 13, 2003 quite an amazing display of musical talent and ability. I'm just curious if someone culd get me the lyrics or there is a place where I could find them? I would like to write this song into guitar Quote
Durinthal Posted February 13, 2004 Posted February 13, 2004 I loved this song from the first second I heard it. The intro makes me feel quite nostalgic (though I'm not quite sure why, as I was born in '86). Vocals are cool, I usually prefer non-lyrical stuff but it works great with this song. One of my favorite remixes ever. Quote
HumpteeFree Posted February 13, 2004 Posted February 13, 2004 At first it cheesily got into my head and annoyed me, but after a then I started liking it. It has the catchiness of pop songs without the crappy cons, now that's playlist material. Quote
Krelian Posted February 29, 2004 Posted February 29, 2004 Very 80's really is the vocals that put the stamp on that though. You sound like you're british...a member of cutting crew or some other 80's pop band. Your arrangement is mitsuda-esque. You have like 4 or 5 different sounds all playing their own song but combining to make something remarkable. I love it. Thank you very much for making this. Quote
Ingonyama Posted March 21, 2004 Posted March 21, 2004 Mr. Pretzel, whatever anyone tells you, don't EVER let them tell you you can't sing! O.o I wish I were this good...You sounded like George Michael in the Lunar song you did, and I dug that, but in this, you've got a slightly American (the band) sound, a la "The Last Unicorn." The techno backbeat really fits the tempo and doesn't wreck the mood...which, in MHO, is all it takes to make a song. I'm just getting into Xenogears remixes, and this is one of my faves so far. Quote
Gangstar Posted March 26, 2004 Posted March 26, 2004 Mr.pretzel I listen to this song 24/7. It my 2 favoite song, not just remix. A 10/10 all the way. You have to make more. Just like the otherguy said. YOU CAN SING. Quote
anclunn Posted March 26, 2004 Posted March 26, 2004 I'm going to come off as a jerk here, so I appologize before hand. First off, the arangment is wonderful. It is very proffesionally done. This of course leaves the main focus of the song, the vocals. It's fairly obvious that you touched up the voice for the refrain and the constant echo effect is nice too. Of course these are all effects and not aspects of the voice itself. It would appear you have a bit of trouble holding a specific pitch without a bit of vibrato comming through. I think the minor echo does very well to cover this up though. Also you appear to have less than perfect diction, but this could be a side effect of your very supressive dynamics, which would allow the accustics to overpower your voice to at times make the end of your words seem unneseserrily lagato. This lagato is of course is not helped by the echo effect and I'm by no means saying you have a terrible voice. I'm just saying that your musical tallents have allowed you to overcomming any shortcommings your voice has by masking them and allowing a rendition of the song that allows for a much more vocal / instrumental ballance rather than having one aspect simply supply support. Overall it is a very well done remix, and with your voice fits perfectly with this song when done the way you executed it. I'm just trying to provide an objective opinion, as I feel that's what anyone would want in a review; honesty. Quote
njsykora Posted March 26, 2004 Posted March 26, 2004 I could swear I'd reviewed this. Anyhoo...Sir dj of pretzel sings. again. He also says he can't sing. again. Yet he sounds better than every other singer. again. And finally you must hear this. again and again. Quote
Big Mac Posted April 1, 2004 Posted April 1, 2004 i guess that djpretzel's girlfriend must be tonedeaf. I love this song, plus, djp's singing in this one sounds like Boy George from Culture Club. That's a compliment. Quote
Arc Impulse Posted April 11, 2004 Posted April 11, 2004 Not much to say that hasn't been said yet, so I will say this. +9999999999999999999999999999999999 HOLY DAMN THIS IS GOOD POINTS. EDIT: My Mom says to say this: +9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 sexy voice points. -_____- Quote
Stratagemini Posted April 12, 2004 Posted April 12, 2004 Have to say, I really like the introduction to this mix. It's sort of trance-like and I must say I enjoy it. I like the faster pace of this mix over the original. The echoing of the lyrics is very subtle at times, but it really helped make this mix for me. Quote
buliwyf Posted April 23, 2004 Posted April 23, 2004 I made to to X in my listing of my first bit torrent download. slowly but gradually listening to each song on the way. Come through a lot of good tunes, and waded through a lot of, how can i put it nicely, less good ones. <presses the auto repeat button on winamp> I may not make it to Zelda Quote
renrutal Posted April 25, 2004 Posted April 25, 2004 This completely sucks, I can't get that song out of my head for three days, and I keep going back to listen it again and again and reading the lyrics at the same time. Damn you Mr. Pretzel for making something that great. Quote
Viluy_Virus Posted May 3, 2004 Posted May 3, 2004 Pretzel, man you have a sexy voice. (If I didn't have a boyfriend...shh.) This song is so awesome. I also liked your Lunar remix, but this one is even better. I was listening to 'Singing Pretzel' in the car one day and my friend said she didn't like it. (I don't associate with her anymore, but not for that reason.) Don't be afraid to sing more. Here's hoping your next mix is another balls-out lyric-belting masterpiece. Quote
BobTheDog Posted May 12, 2004 Posted May 12, 2004 Pretty cool track. The vocals don't sound right during the intro, starting at the first chorus they rock. In the intro they sound out of place... either too soft or off key or off tempo or something... Maybe the emotion put into them is a little different than that of the music... I can't put my finger on it... it just sounds odd at the beginning... But yah great 80's synth sound 8/10 Quote
The Instrument of GAWD Posted May 13, 2004 Posted May 13, 2004 First off, I loved the original song to begin with-so I'm pretty much gonna like an Remix of this song, probably. Second of all, Mr. Pretzel, you should do vocal's more often-they're alittle chessey but I like them. It's like Japanese singing in English, sounds weird but still good enough to like. Over all- I like this mix, I like the vocal's even more-they make me laugh... in the good way, lol. Quote
ESHbyESH Posted June 11, 2004 Posted June 11, 2004 As vocal songs go (and most suck) not too bad. Lots of flat and missed notes, however. Quote
Yhoko Posted June 27, 2004 Posted June 27, 2004 Excellent work! I just found out it's your voice, djpretzel, and came down to read the comments of this song - and it's true, you *can* sing. Great remix, too, love the piano... This song's awaking emotions, truly! Quote Posted August 15, 2004 Posted August 15, 2004 i love this remix!! and i love your voice DJpretzel !! but i think a few parts were a little off note but to worries it was overall excellent. i give it 2 (million) thumbs up. this remix makes me want to sing along haha. Quote
Ishikar Posted August 18, 2004 Posted August 18, 2004 I really like this remix, small of two pieces is my favorite Xenogears song and you did a really good upbeat mix of it. Keep up the good work and how about trying your hand at a few Xenosaga songs because OCremix has none and that makes me sad Anyways great work and keep it up Quote
Corporal Eschebone Posted August 24, 2004 Posted August 24, 2004 I was surprised when I saw that this was a pre-400 mix of pretzel's - He usually stuck with his strange, distorted techno style early on, and this is quite a different take. From what I'm hearing, DJP has a great singing voice that goes very well with the piano. I really like how his voice sounds when slightly echoed, and he did a fine job combining the reverbed synth with the piano and... whatever that slivery xylophony thing is. Recommend. Quote
jonnydingleburg Posted September 11, 2004 Posted September 11, 2004 i think he sings better than most of the pop groups out there Quote
jordex Posted October 6, 2004 Posted October 6, 2004 lol djp's not much of a singer but is still extremely good! He sorta sounds Korean or Japanese in this song. Hahah I can't get over this singing! It's friggin' awesome! Great work DJP! And don't listen to that girl 'cause you got potential man! I mean you're good as it is just imagine how much better you could become! Quote
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