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People like to compare it to Steam and say that it is similar and I suppose it is but the difference here is that they are trying to do the same thing with physical discs that Steam does with digital. In the case of digital games on PC, if there isn't SOME kind of DRM, people could just copy and paste games onto hard drives and give them to their friends, right? Is that not what Steam is trying to protect against? That's not the problem with consoles. I like digital stuff but I don't want to go into the direction of not being able to own anything and having everything beamed directly into my brain. ESPECIALLY if it is a physical product. If it is in my home and I bought it, I want to own it completely.

Also, I think they could still do the thing where your games are connected to your account in a way that lets you play them on any Xbox One without restricting used games. Those two things have nothing to do with each other. If they really want to have an advantage, they'd find a way to bring that back.

But we are all just a bunch of PS4 fans just ripping into Microsoft because it is fun, so really nobody should listen to what we are saying. Haha.

People like to compare it to Steam and say that it is similar and I suppose it is but the difference here is that they are trying to do the same thing with physical discs that Steam does with digital. In the case of digital games on PC, if there isn't SOME kind of DRM, people could just copy and paste games onto hard drives and give them to their friends, right? Is that not what Steam is trying to protect against? That's not the problem with consoles. I like digital stuff but I don't want to go into the direction of not being able to own anything and having everything beamed directly into my brain. ESPECIALLY if it is a physical product. If it is in my home and I bought it, I want to own it completely.

Also, I think they could still do the thing where your games are connected to your account in a way that lets you play them on any Xbox One without restricting used games. Those two things have nothing to do with each other. If they really want to have an advantage, they'd find a way to bring that back.

But we are all just a bunch of PS4 fans just ripping into Microsoft because it is fun, so really nobody should listen to what we are saying. Haha.

Apologists often want to bring the steam argument and it's utterly ridiculous since they're two completely different things. Not only steam stuff isn't physical, but you can play your games offline indefinitely, with no check-in at all other than when you download and install it the first time.

Second, it is true that for years PC gaming has been the home of the most heinous DRM policies ever, but why would anyone want to buy a console that essentially takes the absolutely worst part of PC Gaming without offering the other benefits? You're essentially selling an overpriced PC with even more restricted policies and no added benefits.

Posted (edited)

You know, this the first console i wanted to see fail. Even with them going back on this ridiculous drm, I'm not interested. I bought a PS3 about a month or two ago, and I've been playing an extensive back catalog of games that I always wanted to play on the PS3, but never could. After having played through quite a bit of said catalog, and then enrolling in PS+, I don't feel a compelling reason to go back to Microsoft. I had fun with XBLA games (I invested more in those than I did full retail games), but since they're not compatible on Xbox One, it's a mark against it for me.

I'm sure that there a few games worth playing on the Xbox One, and there will be games on there in the future, but I don't feel a reason to invest in it. I'm not a big multiplayer person, I'm sick to death of shooters (a problem the PS4 seems to have as well), and I'm willing to give Sony a try after having skipped the PS1 and PS2.

I'm an avid Nintendo fan (the forum handle doesn't give that away?), but even they're not cutting the mustard these days. I'm going to be playing the waiting card on all three systems until I see what they have to offer in the next year or so, the $300+ investment is a bit much for my wallet (I'm considering an iPad in the future, don't get me started on the whole Android discussion, I have an Galaxy S2 phone, and I'm a bit disappointed with the Android market) So far, Sony's indie initiative intrigues me, though very few of the indie games really interest other than Oddworld's games and a few others.

Edited by Toadofsky
Brandon is correct. Don't reward this behavior. Companies are in business to make money and not for any other reason. But if you are a game company, your business should be the business of giving gamers what they want not trying to take away their ownership.


Reading that article really bothered me. They didn't sound happy to please us at all which is supposed to be their business In the first place! Instead they sounded like they were complaining that they HAD to give us what we wanted. They said that they wanted to have the ability to have your games with you everywhere you go and I do not know what they are talking about. I was under the impression that your games are only with you when you visit one of the two or three friends of yours that have also owned an XBOX One for more than 30 days. Taking a game disc with me to a friend's house has never been a difficult thing for me and I have to use public transportation! And anywhere other than those friends' homes, your games will not even work. We were never going to have a game library that travels with us everywhere even with all their recently repealed DRM policies.

So, yeah. I really don't like their attitude, right now. This brings my rant to its conclusion.

Agreed, for sure.


To me it would have made much more sense to go just straight digital with the DRM scheme they had. I feel like Microsoft could have done that and gotten away with the former DRM. Niether here nor there IMO, since Steam is currently rumored to have library sharing in the works.


Hahaha, that "Family Sharing" thing would have been a total joke. From this article:

When your family member accesses any of your games, they’re placed into a special demo mode. This demo mode in most cases would be the full game with a 15-45 minute timer and in some cases an hour. This allowed the person to play the game, get familiar with it then make a purchase if they wanted to. When the time limit was up they would automatically be prompted to the Marketplace so that they may order it if liked the game. We were toying around with a limit on the number of times members could access the shared game (as to discourage gamers from simply beating the game by doing multiple playthroughs). but we had not settled on an appropriate way of handling it. One thing we knew is that we wanted the experience to be seamless for both the person sharing and the family member benefiting.
Hahaha, that "Family Sharing" thing would have been a total joke. From this article:

Man that guy disgusts me.

Sure it's big work and it's clearly important to him but to think he couldn't see how bad it is. Phrases like "when you buy a used game you're hurting developers" and "The best loved games are blockbusters" it doesn't come across so much as from the heart as PR. I wouldn't even say the best loved games are blockbusters, at least not universally. Basically it sounds like he's trying to vilify people for buying used games as if they were outright pirating them.

He even approved of Don Mattrick saying "Get a 360" if you can't deal with the 180.

Also the family sharing plan now sounds awful and the reps at E3 musta been evasive because if the details of it had gotten out like this, there'd be massively less interest in it. Hell even now that they've ripped it down it took this nameless rank-an-file employee to pour his heart out to reveal it. While other sources complain and try an make the consumer feel bad that they had to pull their horrid policies by saying "Well guess you don't get any of our AWESOME FAMILY SHARING".

I mean they were going to implement limitations in the end! Essentially they were limiting a timed demo (which will probably be accessible anyway). It's madness that they'd think this is a noteworthy feature.

It's madness that they'd think this is a noteworthy feature.

I felt an overriding urge to Photoshop the words "This isn't madness, this is MICROSOFT!" over a 300 image, in response to this.

Luckily, my appalling lack of PS skills made me reconsider.

I felt an overriding urge to Photoshop the words "This isn't madness, this is MICROSOFT!" over a 300 image, in response to this.

Luckily, my appalling lack of PS skills made me reconsider.

Don't worry I've got a good imagination....



Hahahah brilliant! :)

Man that guy disgusts me.

Sure it's big work and it's clearly important to him but to think he couldn't see how bad it is. Phrases like "when you buy a used game you're hurting developers" and "The best loved games are blockbusters" it doesn't come across so much as from the heart as PR. I wouldn't even say the best loved games are blockbusters, at least not universally. Basically it sounds like he's trying to vilify people for buying used games as if they were outright pirating them.

He even approved of Don Mattrick saying "Get a 360" if you can't deal with the 180.

Also the family sharing plan now sounds awful and the reps at E3 musta been evasive because if the details of it had gotten out like this, there'd be massively less interest in it. Hell even now that they've ripped it down it took this nameless rank-an-file employee to pour his heart out to reveal it. While other sources complain and try an make the consumer feel bad that they had to pull their horrid policies by saying "Well guess you don't get any of our AWESOME FAMILY SHARING".

I mean they were going to implement limitations in the end! Essentially they were limiting a timed demo (which will probably be accessible anyway). It's madness that they'd think this is a noteworthy feature.

It is a complete mystery to me how guys like Don Mattrick and the person who wrote that blog are capable of clenching their asses without decapitating themselves.

I felt an overriding urge to Photoshop the words "This isn't madness, this is MICROSOFT!" over a 300 image, in response to this.

Luckily, my appalling lack of PS skills made me reconsider.



Posted (edited)

They could of honestly just added the disk check (for offline play) with their other plan for maximum flexibility, and everything would probably have just worked out. But I guess they didn't think that through. The Family Sharing thing sounds terrible compared to what they were making it sound like

Honestly, they needed to think this through a lot more, have all the facts ready and easily understandable (instead of getting different answers each employee) and have a LOT better PR. This was all pretty botched, no matter which side of the fence your on

Edited by Crowbar Man
For serious, what's wrong with good ol' Demos?

Nothing really, it's how they tried to market it that's deceptive.

Made it sound like 10 members of your family could just play this game no time limitations in full on your account on any console. That's a pretty cool sounding feature but then it turns out it's literally just a demo.

But if those family members are in your house, how are they going to even know who is at the controller? They won't use Kinnect to go that far, right? I just don't see how they plan to enforce that.

The original Kinect had facial recognition that wasn't half-bad. I would go to my friends house and try to activate it and it refused to respond to my voice or movements, but it immediately reacted to my friend (who owned the Xbox). Of course, she has it set up to recognize faces and voices, but I have no doubt Microsoft could easily have it do that automatically.

But if those family members are in your house, how are they going to even know who is at the controller? They won't use Kinnect to go that far, right? I just don't see how they plan to enforce that.

That's not what they meant by family members. What they meant was that you could designate about 10 people on LIVE as your "family" and share your game library with them. Basically instant demos for your friends. Like, I could set you as a part of my "family" and when I bought Halo 5 or something, you could download the game as well and play for a limited amount of time before being asked to buy it yourself.

As for what's wrong with demos: nothing really, except some studios don't even bother making them. This would have side-stepped that by just providing a digital download of any full game and putting a time-lock on it.

Not as good as what people assumed it was going to be, but not as bad as people are making it out to be either.

That's not what they meant by family members. What they meant was that you could designate about 10 people on LIVE as your "family" and share your game library with them. Basically instant demos for your friends. Like, I could set you as a part of my "family" and when I bought Halo 5 or something, you could download the game as well and play for a limited amount of time before being asked to buy it yourself.

As for what's wrong with demos: nothing really, except some studios don't even bother making them. This would have side-stepped that by just providing a digital download of any full game and putting a time-lock on it.

Not as good as what people assumed it was going to be, but not as bad as people are making it out to be either.

True some studio's don't bother making them but I bet you could probably download most demos (especially if they are making a digital copy of each game). In fact I think PS4 is offering a demo of everything or something like that (blatant guesswork).

So really anyone with a console could just download a demo to play. It's a really weird and inferior way to do demos. I'd say it's exactly as bad and underwhelming as people are making it out to be.

  • 3 weeks later...


now I'm just laughing.

these people are stupid, but so is Microsoft, because there's nothing good about the console. I think that people are just confused on what they even want anymore, because Microsoft has screwed up so bad.

Microsoft, shut up, stop trying, and let's just leave it at the '360 and go home

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