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Holy crap, MAGFEST. I'm so glad I finally got a chance to go this year!

FAVORITE THINGS (no order) :

  • NBA JAM TE and Bomberman 2
  • missingNo, my vote for best new artist
  • "Oh hey look at that, I have a new StreetPass notification!"
  • JS Joust
  • Droidekka and their TMNT outfits for Sewer Surfing
  • Random jams in the lobby, in the hallways, in the dungeon, in the hotel room, in the bathroom, in my eyeball
  • Video Game DJ Battle danceathon
  • Zircon's vast knowledge of the Reggae genre
  • Ben Briggs selling his albums in the OCR suite like crack at 3 a.m.
  • "No <Colossus Roar> Past This Point" sign
  • Lonely Rolling Stars and their dancing little girl
  • OCAD panel craziness
  • DoD Sonic Song
  • Wes for offering a great, cheap place to sleep and helping to organize everything
  • Watching Danimal Cannon rocking out to his own music
  • Everyone sitting on the floor in a packed Stage 2 for Triforce Quartet
  • Overclocked University and their surprise new album
  • Larry striping for OCR donations
  • Meeting everyone!


This was among my favorite MAGFests, if not my absolute favorite one. Even though I left with a feeling that I didn't quite get to do everything that I wanted to (which is inevitable), I did get to do quite a lot of things that were awesome. I especially enjoyed getting some quality time with a number of people: some good friends, some people I knew but that I got to know a lot better, and some who were completely new to me.

My fav highlights were:

- I had the time of my life performing with OCU.

- The OCU photo shoots were also amazing.

- MAGProm. Totally unexpected band that turned out to be completely awesome.

- DJ dance party. Everyone was awesome! I didn't think I was going to be able to stay up for Flex's set, but as it turned out, I did, and I'm very glad I did.

- Shedspace. I got into some serious grooves in that room.

- So many heart-to-hearts with various people. There is just something about this community that makes me feel like I can open up to people who I may not even know very well, but I feel that they are a genuine friend who cares about me. I also had an outpouring of support and offers to help from so many people. I can only hope to aspire to be as caring a person as the others in the community. :-)


You guys are part of my family and every year MAGfest turns into a bigger and better reunion. The concerts and the games are cool but it's the people you hang out with that make the memories. I'll have tons of photos to share soon! Love you guys!

Posted (edited)

My first MAGFest is now over. Words fail to describe what a good time I had. This was one of the best things I've ever done in my life. I'm already looking forward to next year.

It was great meeting so many of you that I've only known online, wondering what you'd be like in person. Every single person exceeded my expectations by a huge order of magnitude. I've never felt so much love or camaraderie among such a large group before. It was overwhelming, and in such a good way. I expect many of these friendships to go to the next level throughout the coming year.

Too many highlights to do it justice... so just a few:

1. Having the two greatest roommates ever (WillRock and Wes-Emunator). I miss you guys already so much it's scary.

2. Meeting new people with whom I expect to have a much closer relationship going forward, in particular, Flex, halc and Stevo. We will be talking!

3. The suite parties, especially on Thursday night, where it was so packed that if you passed out you'd still be standing up, and seeing Larry enter the room and completely command it with his voice. Also, having Larry great everyone in the room with a huge hug and a loud "hal-SEEEEEE!"

4. Looking at a picture of the entire "Indie Crew," very similar to some of last year's pictures, and actually being IN it. :)

Way too many more amazing things to even type out. But this was a life changing experience. Ok, so I guess I do have a touch of PMD.

edit: one more: meeting Mazedude and having him say he was aware of me and likes my music. Wow! :)

Edited by Chimpazilla
DaMonz and SirChadlyOC are amazing. They're like Zorn and Thorn. I mean, I thought they were the same person up until the last day when I saw them standing next to each other. I honestly don't really know which is which because they're practically identical. I think they even had the same glasses.

hahaha really? jeez if you thought they looked alike then you should have seen me standing next to BGC. Pretty easy to confuse the two of us and you know what, a few people did!

btw DaMonz and Chadly were some of the best roommates ever! really glad i got the chance to bunk with you guys for the fest.

... and therex and Q-pa annnnnnnnnnnnddddd... I think i am still in recovery mode as I can't remember who else was there. But all of you in the ocr suite were great!


This is always my favorite trip of the year, for a good reason. Sure the music and panels are fun, but the real joy from MAG comes from hangin out with rad people. I don't think I had time to meet everybody, but I had the best time with those I did get to hang out with.

Also 4-way Clinton 5evah

DaMonz and SirChadlyOC are amazing. They're like Zorn and Thorn. I mean, I thought they were the same person up until the last day when I saw them standing next to each other. I honestly don't really know which is which because they're practically identical. I think they even had the same glasses.

Haha! I didn't realize we looked so much alike.

Also, all of you people whom I met over there were all as awesome as awesome gets! I really enjoyed myself with you guys! If it hadn't been of my spinal disk herniation I'd have surely stuck around with you more than I did, but I'm still very glad that I managed to have as much fun as I did. :)

Highlights for me:

-Epic roommates. Chadly managed the suite's general tidiness like a bawss, and thanks again Garpocalypse for letting me use the bed on that last night!

-Some of the best multiplayer game experiences in my whole life (8-man Mario Kart, fuckin TEN-man tetris, and cross-court slam dunks)

-Jamming in the room with XPRT and Diodes. Short, but super sweet :)

-WillRock's racist bag

-The OCR keyboard

-Just being there, and probably other stuff that I can't think of right now xD

Love you all, guys! :D

This is always my favorite trip of the year, for a good reason. Sure the music and panels are fun, but the real joy from MAG comes from hangin out with rad people. I don't think I had time to meet everybody, but I had the best time with those I did get to hang out with.

Also 4-way Clinton 5evah

Typing of The Dead, Team Clinton vs. Knicks...

Posted (edited)

- I had the time of my life performing with OCU.

I managed to find a recording of OCU's performance on twitch, you guys were awesome! :nicework: (For anyone else who missed it, here's the link: http://www.twitch.tv/magfest/b/492376776. You have to go to the 1 hour, 13 minute mark to get to OCU)

You looked like you were having a ton of fun, Amy. You all looked like you were having a ton of fun. I would have loved to have been there.

I especially enjoyed the cover of the Wind Waker remix, I loved those vocals, Amy. The whole set was great, OCU!

By the way, Andrew looked like a badass when he took off his outer shirt. Actually, you all did the whole time. :-)

One of these years I'll make it out to this event. Meet all you guys I've been talking to over the past 7 years :)

Same here, though I've only been on OCR for about 2 years. I'm going to make every effort to get to MAGFest next year.

Edited by Cash

Oh yeaaah, the OC Keyboard.. I had forgot about that. What a great idea... what a ruined keyboard. :lol: Sorry man

And yeah, OCU was amazing. And it's not just bias because OA is so damn hot and sexy, you guys actually had a pretty mindblowing performance. And I'll be completely honest, the OCR Panel performance was not as good. It was like night and day. And the vocals were on key and nice, only fault was during the first vocal song, Amy was pretty much impossible to hear, but they fixed that with the following vocal songs.

DaMonz and SirChadlyOC are amazing. They're like Zorn and Thorn. I mean, I thought they were the same person up until the last day when I saw them standing next to each other. I honestly don't really know which is which because they're practically identical. I think they even had the same glasses.

It goes beyond just looking alike because I also have several Canadian tendencies, such as playing hockey, loving salt & vinegar chips, over-apologizing and inserting "eh?" into normal conversations.


I almost got mag depression but I ended up going back to the gaylord after everyone had gone and hung out with ben briggs and DJ Cutman. Back home, feeling fine, avoided mag-flu and feeling pretty good, plus inspired to work on some music. Good timez. For anyone who didn't see my facebook status, was AWESOME seeing everyone. Crazy experience was crazy.


Yeah, I love all you guys. Thanks for making MAGFest awesome. I really cannot wait to see you all again. Some I may see sooner then next MAGFest!

I'm all inspired to open up FL Studio once again!

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