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Posted (edited)

Hornet Man

Tomahawk Man

Bubble Man

Galaxy Man

Frost Man

I'm down with joining anyone who doesn't want to win

or if amph and c7 want to resurrect The Gentlemaster's Club I'm down with that too. :D

Edited by Zerothemaster

Just posting to say that Tuberz and me are on a team, our third is TBA if he gets back to me soon enough.

Also, holy shit do we have some powerhouse teams already. This is gonna be fun. :D

It seems like I'll be joining up with Brandon Strader and Jivemaster for this one.

So, how does this work? Is there some kind of gentlemen's agreement that Brandon always gets Splash Woman?


Sorry to be a bit of a noob, I never played the megaman games. So each 'master', has a theme song? (Stone man, etc), and then you pick a gauntlet theme song, and then you have to mix those 2 themes into one remix?

So, how does this work? Is there some kind of gentlemen's agreement that Brandon always gets Splash Woman?

No, it just so happens that Splash Woman is the only Mega Man song that Brandon Knows. I had to tell him there's no Butt Man, but he still doesn't believe me so get ready for some Butt Man mixes.

Sorry to be a bit of a noob, I never played the megaman games. So each 'master', has a theme song? (Stone man, etc), and then you pick a gauntlet theme song, and then you have to mix those 2 themes into one remix?

1) DarkeSword picks the round theme. 2) He picks a different round theme every round.

Posted (edited)
Sorry to be a bit of a noob, I never played the megaman games. So each 'master', has a theme song? (Stone man, etc), and then you pick a gauntlet theme song, and then you have to mix those 2 themes into one remix?

Otherwise, yes. If you search on YouTube for "Mega Man OST" you'll get playlists. Just make sure you stick to the games Darkesword listed (1-10, Powered Up, and Mega Man & Bass, not Mega Man X or any other spinoffs). The robot master themes all end in "Man", except for Splash Woman, and Dark Man is actually a boss stage so it isn't allowed (though Darkesword might pick it).

You can also check out the last time this compo was run to get an idea of how it worked (and download some amazing music) [thread=37157]here[/thread].

Edited by MindWanderer

Hey this competition almost slipped past me lol.

I'm currently teamless *sad face* but I'll put myself out there if anyone else needs a partner.

1) Spark Man (MM3)

2) Centaur Man (MM6)

3) Pharoah Man (MM4)

4) Stone Man (MM5)

5) Charge Man (MM5)

I'm surprised and pleased with the picks from you guys so far. Almost everything has been from Mega Man 4 onwards, which will be a good change of pace from the usual.

'cept that dangus ectogemia.


<3 <3 <3

Posted (edited)

I think I'll be able to join in this time around - I'll start getting really rusty if I don't join in a compo like this soon, lol.

1) Jewel Man

2) Napalm Man

3) Top Man

4) Flash Man

5) Flame Man

I think SuperiorX and Amphibious want me to join them, so I'll be tagging along with those nubs for this compo. ;-)

EDIT: Changed my top pick to Jewel Man. Never was able to play 9 or 10, but goddamn that song is bitchin'.

Edited by Gario

I think SuperiorX and Amphibious want me to join them, so I'll be tagging along with those nubs for this compo. ;-)

After two compo rivalries it is time to join forces.

Sweeeeet. And yes indeed! Our awesome team is confirmed then! 8-)

Booyaaaa. Team name forthcoming.

'cept that dangus ectogemia.


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