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  therex said:
I wasn't familiar with the C64 synth, so that's my bad on that one. There was a small energy jump and most of these complaints are nitpicks anyway, but I still wish there had been some sort or rhythm guitar or something to add a little spice.

The c64 was a computer bro. One with a very powerful soud chip (the famous SID chip) that is used to this day on professional and amateur music. An important piece of videogame (and synth) music.


Posted (edited)

Darke, is there anyway to improve the voting process for future competitions? I've always thought it would go better if it were privatized so no one else could see other people's votes.

Just a random thought. Does anyone else feel the same?

Also people should really listen to individual artist's robot master themes when deciding on voting. I mean voting is based on how well both themes are integrated. Can everyone say they took the time to do that?

Edited by shadow24
  shadow24 said:
Also people should really listen to individual artist's robot master themes when deciding on voting. I mean voting is based on how well both themes are integrated. Can everyone say they took the time to do that?

I can't say I *really* did that super seriously, but as I was searching for my top five picks, a good amount of themes got stuck in my head, so I recognized them well enough.


Guys, I'd like to just say that the "how people should be voting" has gone on a little long now. Remember, it's not anybody's job to make sure people are "voting properly." I'd like everyone to just focus more on working on their tracks for the week. Even if you're not mixing this week, you should try to help your primary mixer.

  DarkeSword said:
I'd like everyone to just focus more on working on their tracks for the week. Even if you're not mixing this week, you should try to help your primary mixer.
I have 8 hours a day when I can check on the forums, and to a certain extent listen to music for inspiration, but can't work on my actual DAW. When I get on my home computer I'm all business.

I know most of the Mega Man music by heart, but even without that, it's usually pretty easy to tell when someone is reproducing a melody vs. noodling around. I did have to reference Tengu Man.


Let's say hypothetically that I have a friend in a competition that isn't this one but is exactly like this one in every way. This friend hypothetically has a little over a minute of buildup, but for various reasons, he can't finish the track himself. Would it be against the rules for his hypothetical teammates to complete the entry using the material created so far? Would that be the "meat" of said hypothetical remix?

Hypothetically speaking of course

  Hylian Lemon said:
Let's say hypothetically that I have a friend in a competition that isn't this one but is exactly like this one in every way. This friend hypothetically has a little over a minute of buildup, but for various reasons, he can't finish the track himself. Would it be against the rules for his hypothetical teammates to complete the entry using the material created so far? Would that be the "meat" of said hypothetical remix?

Hypothetically speaking of course

Hypothetically, if it's just a matter of using the material he's already created, I could see the other hypothetical competition that doesn't actually exist allowing it.

Seriously though, what's the actual problem? xD


Well, right now it's a lot of intro and then a little taste of meat. Whatever is created after this would draw from the ideas written in the intro, but we--uh, I mean the hypothetical teammates--would worry that the initial arranger would no longer technically be the "primary" one anymore.

Posted (edited)
  Hylian Lemon said:
Well, right now it's a lot of intro and then a little taste of meat. Whatever is created after this would draw from the ideas written in the intro, but we--uh, I mean the hypothetical teammates--would worry that the initial arranger would no longer technically be the "primary" one anymore.

It would seem as though, if this team were to exist, their primary mixer may have run into availability problems, and being that this is the final week of a block of this hypothetical competition, there's not much of a chance to rectify the situation by having these hypothetical teammates finish up the track. We just wanted to see if there was anything that these teammates (which could exist but probably don't) could do in order to finish the track for submission

Edited by Phonetic Hero
Posted (edited)

OK! Some mini-reviews from me, as promised. I'm just going to focus on some high level things that I really liked about each mix. I figure super-critical feedback is more geared towards the workshop forums anyway:

The Postman Always Rings Twice: this was a really interesting arrangement. How you kept switching in-between these different styles was pretty cool and quite a unique approach. It did cause the song to overall not have a very cohesive feel, but I did enjoy a lot of the instrumentation you used in each of the individual sections. I look forward to hearing more from you!

A Fowl Knight: some cool electronic sounds going on in here throughout. The key of the different sections felt like they were clashing at times though. I did enjoy a lot of the different sounds you used here though, and I think with some refinement and expanding on the soundscape, I think you'd definitely be on to something

Ragebot Massacre: Whoa, this is a really down and dirty atmosphere you've created with your sound choices. I really like the different bass textures and screechy synths you used. It definitely sets the tone for the track. I really like the coverage of the Quick Man theme towards the end of the track too. It's quite a remixed theme, but I've never heard it quite like this. Kudos on a very original interpretation and arrangement!

Grime: The electric piano has a nice sound and you set up a nice chill atmosphere. Arrangement feels like it's meandering a little bit and the overall volume is pretty quiet. It has a very 'happy go lucky' feel to it almost though, I like it. Reminds me of some of the early Sonic special stage zones themes in a way haha. Nice job Mr. L, you keep improving!

From Dark to Light: Oh man, I love the funk being brought here. Super nice instrumentation and groove you've established Nuts. I really like the little horn licks mixed in here with the synths. Vocoded vocals are awesome, you rock that falsetto Jive! :wink: I do feel like the vocoder could've been dialed back just a notch or so though, the lyrics were a little hard to understand without them printed in front of me. Regardless though, still a super awesome track. Really nice job blending the two themes together too, it feels seamless. I'll be jamming out to this one for quite awhile!

Spicy Icy: Cool arrangement ecto, I dig it! Definitely established the funk here too, with a somewhat 90s hip-hop vibe to it too. Very nice! The scratches felt like they were a little heavy in parts, and overall I'm not a fan of sampled brass, but I think it works here. The muted trumpet was particularly nice for being a sampled instrument. When I kept listening to this, I kept thinking how absolutely awesome this would be if fleshed out with live brass, and maybe some live sax and funk vocals added in over top (ala Sir Jordanius style). Oh man. Nice job though!

Forceful Typhoon Tower: That lead synth playing the Dive Man theme has a cool sound, and overall you have some interesting sound choices that set up this kind of eerie atmosphere. That bass synth feels out of time with the leads though, which gave it made it feel disjointed.

Funky Moles & Trashy Ducks: Oh yeah man, more funk :) I love your instrumentation choices throughout the song. Nice expressive leads and some cool background arp parts. Percussion sounds pretty good too. I really dig the arrangement too, clever use of the sources. The wobble/dub bass was a nice touch too, not overdone, and it fit surprisingly well with the rest of the soundscape. Awesome job!

Burning Disaster: Some nice individual sections here with some cool instrumentation, but the transitions inbetween the themes felt a little awkward. I'd recommend trying to incorporate the themes together a bit more so it feels like one cohesive piece. If so, you'd definitely be onto something, because individual each section sounds pretty good. Keep at it!

Dr. Wilarty Stage 1: Nice job bringing the heavy here Ivan. This was a super awesome arrangement with a lot of really nice instrumentation. I love how you kept the driving feel throughout the piece, it really brings such a sense of energy. The whole song really gives off a Mega Man X vibe to me, I dig it! :) Also, for some reason I kept transposing the mix title with your name and I thought it said Dr. Ivan Hakstok (which sounds really awesome by the way), haha. Those saw trance leads and arp synths were really well done in particular. Great job!

The Sky Demon: Nice instrumentation Pete! This indeed sounds classic pH. Excellent percussion and nice orchestral elements too. Definitely sets the stage. I love the ethnic flute lead and that synth lead in particular. They fit together surprisingly well. That little 8-bit breakdown section towards the end was really fun too! Nice arrangement too! Darkwing usage was a little more liberal, but after I picked it out I really enjoyed how it was integrated. Sweet ending too!!

Chilled Duck: Trains!! This is such a high energy track too, I love it. Really cool instrumentation and great production value. The remix has a very "official arrangement" remix album feel to it. I thought the transitions inbetween the various sections were executed very well. Very enjoyable! Nice work!

Groundpowuh: Ohh yeah some more funk. Great job bringing some more funk! That bass is loads of fun. A little cheesy sounding, but sooo fun. Really nice work on the piano too, it's got a nice sound and it seems like you did a good job humanizing it. You have some really nice arrangement ideas here too. Ground Man is one of those themes that I could just listen to all day, haha. You keep improving Rex, nice job man! Keep it up!

Voting was really really hard this round. There were easily 6-7 tracks I could of voted for in my top 3. Really solid round. Keep it up everyone! I can't wait to hear what we got coming this week! :) Thanks everyone for the feedback on my mix too, I'm really glad you guys are enjoying it! :)

Edited by SuperiorX
  Phonetic Hero said:
It would seem as though, if this team were to exist, their primary mixer may have run into availability problems, and being that this is block 3 of this hypothetical competition, there's not much of a chance to rectify the situation by having these hypothetical teammates finish up the track. We just wanted to see if there was anything that these teammates (which could exist but probably don't) could do in order to finish the track for submission

Yeah it's fine.

Posted (edited)
  Brandon Strader said:
This is the most I'm gonna share until my song is released :-o


It's poo wip #2

This is the same poo, but mastered and mixed and junk


So technically I'm showing the same wip, just with more stuff in it :-D

DARKESWORD, My song is done minus vocals, but I have a rough couple days, I will get it to you ASAP -- please don't count me out



Edited by Brandon Strader
  Brandon Strader said:
This is the same poo, but mastered and mixed and junk


So technically I'm showing the same wip, just with more stuff in it :-D

DARKESWORD, My song is done minus vocals, but I have a rough couple days, I will get it to you ASAP -- please don't count me out

I don't understand why you guys show the whole competition (competitors and monitors) your tracks before they're due. especially 2 days before they're due. What's the point, why not just wait till they're posted?

  Brandon Strader said:
It's like 12 seconds bro, chill :-P

If anyone should chill, it should be ectogemia.

cuz he's cold man, see?

since I'm on the subject, I really dug ectogemia's track, amongst a sea of strong entries


Thank you for your kind words in the review, SuperiorX. The truth is, I was really struggling with the remix, I had no inspiration. By the time I got ideas it was too late to redo my song.

As far as my next song...I'll keep it "unorthodox":) I was thinkig to make a spanish lovesong or a serenade. A song would make everybody cry - but not because of the quality. :)

Hold on, don't buy any tissues, I was joking. No serenade. :)

  ParahSalin said:
The truth is' date=' I was really struggling with the remix, I had no inspiration. By the time I got ideas it was too late to redo my song.[/quote']

I probably shouldn't admit to this before everyone even hears my track, but I felt the same way. I think two things threw me off: it was my first time 1) arranging 2 tracks together and 2) being on a team. I'm used to letting myself down in the OHC and PRC but I didn't want to let my teammates down :-o I kind of panicked when "The Moon" was announced and I was like "um um um what can I do I can't do it" but, it sounds a lot better now than when I started it, and I'm getting good feedback from Obtuse and Ivan.

TL;DR (did I use this correctly?) this comp and this community is awesome

Posted (edited)
  SuperiorX said:

Grime: The electric piano has a nice sound and you set up a nice chill atmosphere. Arrangement feels like it's meandering a little bit and the overall volume is pretty quiet. It has a very 'happy go lucky' feel to it almost though, I like it. Reminds me of some of the early Sonic special stage zones themes in a way haha. Nice job Mr. L, you keep improving!

Thanks for the review, Matt / SuperiorX!

I definitely love that e. piano and will have to use it more often. :)

I was having a lot of fun writing for it.

Sorry about the volume - I'm paranoid about something being too loud, even just a bit. I have it low while mixing, but I always neglect that last part of turning the volume back up and evening everything out. I definitely need to learn more about that.

Glad you like it man, and thanks once again!

I'm looking forward to hearing everyone's entries tomorrow!

Edited by Mr. L
  DrumJ8 said:
I probably shouldn't admit to this before everyone even hears my track, but I felt the same way. I think two things threw me off: it was my first time 1) arranging 2 tracks together and 2) being on a team. I'm used to letting myself down in the OHC and PRC but I didn't want to let my teammates down :-o I kind of panicked when "The Moon" was announced and I was like "um um um what can I do I can't do it" but, it sounds a lot better now than when I started it, and I'm getting good feedback from Obtuse and Ivan.

TL;DR (did I use this correctly?) this comp and this community is awesome

Heh, that's pretty much how to feel every time any time I try something like this compo.

  timaeus222 said:
You should feel good about it. I have an E. Piano Kontakt library, but I find that (free) soundfont to be a really close second. :-D

I need a good e. piano, I used a couple that come with reason factory soundbank but they weren't any good for leads so I just used it for background harmonies. Where can I find this good and free soundfont?

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